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You can take this verse in any context you want, it cannot mean anything other than the fact that God, through Christ Jesus, will save every man, woman, and child ever created. We rely on God for this, not ourselves. This is the very reason that all are saved.

Religion tries to make people worthy enough of God's riches and yet, unworthiness is the necessary foundation for God to pour out His transcendent riches of grace and kindness on us.

God's operation is foreign to human thinking in that His glory does not come by minimizing humanity. Instead, God's glory depends on how much grace He gives to His creation. Any end for any of God's creatures that falls short of complete and total joy and perfection, diminishes God Himself. God's glory is dependent on us because we are His workmanship, His clay, His responsibility.

God created us with a deep longing for Him. It's the influences of mortality and spiritual forces that hides this from us. The work of Christ Jesus will one day free every creature from these influences so they can naturally do what they were created to do. Nothing is forced.

The christian makes their own reaction of more value than what Christ actually did on the cross. In fact, christians believe that the cross accomplished nothing unless their all-important reaction says so. A slap in the face to the true accomplishment of Christ.

Paul stood up at Mars Hill destroying the notion that a human can attend to God as if He requires anything. Why does God not require anything from a human, including the rituals of religion?...Because God does everything and gives everything to everybody. God is God. Thus, Paul destroys religion in the greatest speech of all time.

God has formed a plan from the beginning and every detail of that plan 'Must Be.' No human prayer nor action can go against or change what 'must be.' Instead, every prayer and every human action is a part of what 'must be.' Salvation is of God and every detail of every life is planned leading to the glorious end in which every human being ever created is a perfect child of God.

We are saved by the death, entombment, and resurrection of Christ Jesus. This One's grace justifies us to live sanely, justly, and devoutly. However, all of this is a result of grace that cannot be earned or lost no matter how we live. The God given result of grace is walking in the good works that God has prepared beforehand for us to walk in.

Titus 1:3 proves that the word 'aionion' is used incorrectly in most bibles to mean 'eternal.' We cannot understand God's plan if we apply 'a period of time that comes to an end' to mean eternity. A detailed explanation given here.

The Christian God says He loves you but will torture you or kill you forever if you don't love Him back. Is this the real God? Is this a God of total love and total power? NO and NO

Scott Hicko Tic Toc for vidoe shorts: shicko222 (I think or Scott Hicko395)

Johnny Greene
Tic Toc: sonothunder7

Wes Fahlenkamp

Seth Fahlenkamp:

Everything that occurs under the sun and above it is a result of God's purpose. Nothing happens...ever...that God did not plan to happen.

Paul says that God vivifies all and is the King of kings and the Lord of lords meaning that only He is immortal and only He is in that inaccessible light. All the riches in the world cannot get you immortality or access to the inaccessible light that Christ alone is in. Access is given through and only through...the death, entombment, and resurrection of Christ Jesus. Rely on that and not the riches of the world says our apostle.

Paul tells Timothy to 'be persisiting in them, for in doing this you will save yourself as well as those hearing you.' What does Paul mean by saving yourself?

You cannot have a special salvation for believers as described in Timothy if you don't have a regular salvation for unbelievers. God wills all mankind to be saved and IS INDEED the Savior of all mankind.

Ace Theo channel:

Ace Theo website:

Paul was the foremost sinner and he was chosen as a pattern for all who would be believing on Christ Jesus. The pattern is that Christ saves all sinners with overwhelming grace and God changes unbelief to belief in the body of Christ, Christ's compliment in the salvation of the entire creation.

The five virgins were left out of the wedding feast because they were stupid, drowsing, and not watchful. Paul says that God calls the stupid and that it does not matter whether we are watching or drowsing, we are in. How does this make sense?

The demons are out preparing for the final push...and they are not hiding it anymore.

We are saved by Christ because we are in Him participating in His death, entombment, and resurrection. The false religion of christianity teaches that we are saved apart from Christ by doing something to escape eternal hell.

Paul explains in great detail that the 'all' created through Christ Jesus includes every single creature ever created. This same 'all' will be reconciled and with God forever because of the blood of the cross. There is absolutely no doubt that everyone will eventually be saved based the scripture presented in Colossians.

It's not whether a person has heard of Christ or not, it's whether or not that person has been chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world. Adam's death still applies to all who have never heard of Adam, therefore, Christ's life still applies to all who have never heard of Christ. Christ is greater than Adam.

It's not just about where God puts you or the physical characteristics that He gives you. He has planned your life and every experience (both good and bad) that you have in order to shape your will and determination. If you work hard to become what you become than it is God that put that work ethic in you. There is no such thing as the self-made man.

Every creature will acclaim Jesus Christ for the glory of God because every creature is delivered, redeemed, and perfected to be with God forever through the death, entombment, and resurrection of Christ. This salvation is a complete package in which God operates in every creature to will and to work out the salvation that has already been guaranteed by His Son.

It is impossible and against all of our human limitations to produce fruit from the spirit if that same fruit is necessary to obtain, prove, or maintain salvation. Make sense? No. Then, watch this video. This is a subtle but most important truth.

In Ephesians chapter 2, Paul outlines the fact that we are saved by grace through faith and it is not of you, not through works, in fact, boasting is completly eliminated proving the accomplishment of salvation has nothing to do with human action or achievement apart from God.


Created 2 years, 4 months ago.

56 videos

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