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Soetoro punting the NWO

Micro_soft uses known 'Spirit Cooking' satanist Marina Abramovic to 'promote' Hololens.

Update: Microsoft has now hidden the video due to the unfavourable response.

#NWO #RothschildFoundation

John Stossel raises a couple of valid points that debunks the hoax in seconds.

Lest we forget?
It seems people have indeed forgotten when one looks at states like Michigan and Minnesota.
The Squad is there to further the plan.

As per the title, Google once again plotting to limit all Trump videos in an attempt to get him ousted.
This is treasonous!

He ADMITS that he is in fact a Kenyan and was NOT born in Hawaii!!
This is both FRAUD and TREASON.

Brief video extolling a number of points showing that this was a Five-Eyes mission!

Exposing the leftist mouthpiece for what it is


Created 6 years, 1 month ago.

8 videos

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