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Irish comedian explains why he doesn't have any white guilt...

Owen Benjamin reads fanmail


Previous version 404d

At a crucial stage on the game show Who Wants To Be A Millionnaire a young man has to make a crucial decision...whom to trust?

The BBC are beside themselves that Kyle Rittenhouse has been acquitted on all charges. Not interested with the facts they're straight on with liberal talking points

I'm surprised the whole channel wasn't shut down after this...
Dont worry she turns out to be brilliant, instantly solves a problem and the Dr sings her praises and even "think she's quite good-looking"
The gorgeous pouting French computer scientist was played by Gaby André a French actress. Curiously her voice was dubbed by an English voice actor affecting a French accent.

Gathering for The Last Imam...
Or just a huge flex after the fall of Kabul to the Tali-tubbies

Handchopper Central
Interesting array of flags...

Rand made a friend today. After the Marty Phillips interview Rand next invited Lady Maga onto his show. Lady Maga promises to read Mein Kampf . Later expresses concern appearance here 'may be edited to look bad'.
Two classic comedic interjections by the Southern Dingo. "Oh we're the fucking problem mate, not the f****t"
Full show link will be posted here later when it's up

Disorganised. Brilliant analytical commentary. I must admit I have seen bigger boats in my time. And was it gun or was it a horn? I think we should be told

Tango were known for their zany television advertising campaigns like this 'you KNOW when you've been Tangoed' and even this banned ad with James 'fatty' Corden being bullied

This, however is just gross. A father discovers his daughters sex toy. A black guru -is there any other kind in advert land?- pops up advising he be told its a massage tool for headaches. Upshot, father switches the vibrator on and rubs it against his head in front of his daughter. Ewwwww!
Entirely appropriate advert for a soft drink I'm sure.
Britvic execs: "Are you sure this will help sell our Tango soft drink"
Ad Agency: "soft drinks...?!"

We can expect a full BBC blackout as they try and work out a way to blame whitey.

The London riots/looting of 2011 and USA 2020 and South Africa today give a glimpse into the future with demographic changes

Complete breakdown in social order in South Africa. Widespread looting

Apocalyptic images are emerging from South Africa

Me watching Tosspot watching E3
It feels like they are talking to gullible children but no apparently the audience comprises mostly adults.
I cannot imagine my parents or grandparents playing these things. Flight sim training is as close as it got and that's because one of them was an actual pilot. $1,000 on this shit.
You'll live in a pod, you'll eat bugs , you'll own nothing and you'll be happy because you'll have your PSX and the latest videogayme. Who needs Soma when you have dopamine?
Dopamine addiction is real and its a real problem. People on the Right sperg out about porn but at least wankers can only waste about half hour a day. These gaymers waste half their waking hours. Is it just me? I thought maybe since it is so ubiquitous, but then, no I found Luke Smith channel and Are Video Gaymes A Pathetic Waste of Time? Why yes, yes they are

My opinion of video gaymes and by implication video gaymers has sunk to an all-time low watching this. Randy F*ckwad of Gaybox Productions prancing around - they're making a movie out of a video gayme. It's been done before but this looks even sadder than ever. I might post some of the other shit clips.
I watch Tosspot for his film reviews which are very good. He's had some longterm illness so I understand he might be stuck at home not able to be very active.
But Randbot?! Dingo?! Since these people proclaim their Christianity I shall quote the bibble, specifically 1 Corinthians 13:11
When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways.
People in their 30s? Who are not cripples? With families? Spending hours playing video gaymes WTF??!
Hours of video gayme playing is the ultimate cope - 'escaping to and living in another world' as Randy F*ckwad or Eli Roth put it. I want to send them Deep Work book (by Cal Newport) or audio and make them watch this

Live in your pod goy eat yer bugs and play gaymes...

More Tosspot. #EAGAY
I watched to try and understand the appeal. I still don't get it.

Jabotinski Institute defends jewish terrorism and jewish mass immigration to Palestine - two parts of the plan to establish an exclusively jewish state. The Irgun was founded by Jabotinski and went on to commit the King David Hotel terrorist attack which killed 91 and injured a further 46. This terrorist atrocity is still celebrated today in Israel.

Bitchute is 'processing' previous upload so 2nd attempt

Bitchute is 'processing the previous upload

Brave New World with vaccine passports, digital tracking etc This is the last part I have. Part 18 was very short reiterating Dr Peter McCullough's credentials
Dr Peter McCullough, MPH, FACP, FCCP, FAHA, FNKF, FNLA, FCRSA, internist and cardiologist also academic Professor of Medicine at Texas ANM College of Medicine.

Why have early discovered COVID19 treatment therapies been suppressed?
Dr Peter McCullough, MPH, FACP, FCCP, FAHA, FNKF, FNLA, FCRSA, internist and cardiologist also academic Professor of Medicine at Texas ANM College of Medicine on his experience treating COVID19 patients.


Created 5 years, 7 months ago.

178 videos

Category Education