
channel image




Optimization Results for version 510-512 with short explanation of the optimization process and the MetaTrader 4 Code

Demonstrating forex trading robot optimisation results between july and december 2023 and september and december 2023 for EURUSD, GBPUSD and AUDUSD

A quick demonstration of my python trading program interfacing with an MT4 trading platform and an Expert Advisor to Create new trades.

A demonstration of a Python Program to encrypt and decrypt a file using all the known AES modes

Induction Training for new employees for a fictitious Cyber Security Company as part of the Cert IV in Fed Uni Tafe Cyber Security Course 2023 Unit BABWHS309 Requirement.

Federation University Certificate IV Cyber Security VU23213 Assessment

Cyber Security VU23213-ICTNWK404 Skills Exam Submission
Show Commands

Video shows Packet Tracer network completion

Simon Shields 30447877 FedUni Cert IV Cyber Security VU23213-ICTNWK404 Skills Exam Submission

AMS7265x Python Proof of Concept spectrometer displaying spectral reflectance readings off different fruits and vegetables in shade and natural light.

Author: Simon Shields
Student No: 30447877
Date: Saturday 22nd November 2023
Purpose: Cyber Security Unit ICTPRG435 Assessment 2 of 2
Version: 1.0

C:\Users\simons4xpc\Documents\feduni-cybersecurity-course\Assignments\ictprg435>python3 --help

C:\Users\simons4xpc\Documents\feduni-cybersecurity-course\Assignments\ictprg435\ -h -d -l -P <adminpwd> -L <logname> -S <safedomainfile> -E <emails2testfile> -s <sepch> -e <email>

-h print this run string
-d means turn on debugging
-l means turn on logging
-P <adminpwd> default is POORSEC use this if the admin password changes
-L <logname> default is TestEmailDomainAss2.2 logfile is TestEmailDomainAss2.2.log
-S <safedomainfile> default is safedomains.txt
-E <emails2testfile> default is emails2test.txt
-s <sepch> character used to separate CSV fields default is a ','
-e <email> Validate this email

Help Text

Enter an email address in the Email field and select "Email Validation" menu to determine if the email address has a safe domain.
The Status message will appear in the console and in the status area of the window

Note** Domains are case insensitive so lowercase and uppercase are treated as if they are equal.

Enter or Edit the "File of Emails:" field content then click on "Validate a file of emails" to test the domains of a test file of
emails, one per line.
Enter the Admin password in the "Admin Password:" field and press the <Tab> or <Enter> key to activate the "Add Domain to Safe Domains"
menu option. Edit the "Safe Domain" entry field by adding a safe domain to be included in the Safe Domain file for emails to
be validated against.
Click the "Add Domain to Safe Domains" menu option to add the domain to the file.
Click the "Logout Admin" to clear the Password field and disable the menu's to Add a Domain to Safe Domains.
Click on "[" to insert the first email to be validated
Click on ">" to insert the next email to be validated in the file of emails
Click on "<" to insert the previous email to be validated in the file of emails
Click on "]" to insert the last email to be validated

Simon's Fed Uni Certificate IV Cyber Security Assignment 2.2
# Author: Simon Shields
# Student No: 30447877
# Date: Saturday 18th November 2023
# Purpose: Cyber Security Unit ICTPRG435 Assignment 2
# Version: 1.0
A valid password contains at least {passminlen} characters and less than {passmaxlen} characters,
containing a capital letter, a special non alphanumeric character, a digit and
does not start with the following strings ('Password', 'Qwerty', 'Qwsazx') and
does not include space or tab characters

A demonstration of the Python Project to print out the raw spectral reading from the AS7265x PCB Channel u 760 nm

Demonstrating a python program to graph the spectral analysis of the AS7265x Raw Values

Using Lenovo T430 Laptop running Ubuntu 18.04 OS connected via USB to Serial ttyUSB0 to AMS
AS7265 3 Sensor 6 channel each 18 channels total Spectral Analysis of a Green Apple

Commands to establish connection
213 sudo lsusb ## To obtains vendor and product codes
214 sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0x0403 product=0x6001 ## convert USB to Serial COM port
216 sudo dmesg |grep FTDI ## verify connection
219 cd /opt/ActiveTcl-8.6/bin
220 sudo ./wish ~/Documents/Spectoscopy-AS7265X/Dashboard\ Software/ams_Spectral_Sensor_Dashboard.tcl &

Demonstrating spectral reflectance of a Green Apple using the AMS AS7265x 3 sensor integrated circuit. 6 channels per sensor 18 channels all up for Find Good Foods.


Hamamatsu C14989 Spectrometer API Investigation for Find Good Foods

FindGoodFood : "What we need is an organically growing, self-sustaining, self-organizing grassroots movement if we wish to save this nation from 'bad' food" Dr. Charles Massy, OAM, leading farming and food systems thinker.

Our story : Times News Article / : What we need are organically growing, self-sustaining, self-organizing grassroots movements, groups, communities, tribes, etc., if we wish to re-build Post-COVID communities, economies in Australia.

50yrs senior IT experience in implementing large scale solutions, systems and tools in large national and international companies. Team building and goals alignment are crucial. --- Chris MacQuet

How to Create Common Lore Seals with Open Office

Changing Font Color for Text in an Affidavit

US National Anthem on 60's TV used mkultra brainwashing subliminal messaging techniques to brainwash and mentally control the people.

Taken from

Discussion of RSI Trading Expert

Discussion around new parameters and current results. New parameters are SeekBestPrice, Wait4BestCandle, SeekTightSL and MinSLPips

Adjustments to the RewardRiskFilter using MathRound Funtion to 2 decimal places.
Improved profit factor to above 3 improved profit trades to 65% improved profit per trade .

SS-TradeAssist041-AutoTradeAvgCandle introduction and demonstration


Created 3 years, 2 months ago.

66 videos

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