The Simple Set

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The Simple Set



Bitchute has flagged this video as illegal in my area Germany and Switzerland. But it isn't. So I'll reupload it again and again.

More and more I think that Bitchute should be watched very closely. Is it true that the company is just one block away from one of London's biggest military academies? You can look up Bitchute ltd. and I would say yes. The Bitchute "C" is way too similar to another CIA-"C" that was found eg in the archived version of adoptiondoc with some girl-lovers.

It should be clear that bombing Syria is illegal. Also illegal were the twenty last wars that America started. Most of the time with some kind of false flag. Come on guys. It's time to stand up against the cabal. There is no honor in airstrikes at all. Weddings, Kindergarden or hospitals? 20% civilians in WWI, 50% civilians in WWII and 90% civilians in Iraq with your high tech? After some Saudis, with connections to Israel and the US but not Iraq and just a little to Afghanistan, did not even touch WTC7? You are making Russia the heros because they help Assad against Biden's childmurdering drones there.
What will the next false flag be? Gas? Bioweapons? Radiation? In Syria or outside? Some Antifa storm? No matter what, CNN and MSNBC will report about it some half hours before the event.
I forgot: I'm Russian missinformation something. And a hatespeaker. Do you need proof? I'm a straight white man and I think peace is the only way. I know that is a hate-crime.
So is Bitchute made by a bunch of girl-loving NATO-operators? Who can help me with some more informaion about this platform?


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

1 video

Category Education

Why is it possible to fool us again and again?
The patterns are always the same.
And there are so many of us who are simply good people and want to live a carefree life.

Up to now there has not been a good system for checking statements for their truthfulness.
Up to now there was no good system to simply get free knowledge and to release his creative works to everyone without complications.

In contrast to the great reset, which was invented by some really bad real life James Bond villains, there is now "The Simple Set".

Help to create "The Simple Set".
Simply get to the bottom of the truth. Or listen to the arguments of all sides on controversial topics.
Checking statements for their truth content in the short and long term by collecting them and evaluating them again and again. This is how corrupt politicians and deceitful companies can be unveiled.
Sharing knowledge and works with the Alpha license for everyone. Not highly complicated like Creative Commons. Alpha people share their knowledge unconditionally.
Current and past events can be assessed by self-chosen experts and other participants.
Share your own skills and knowledge with others. Directly, as a fact-checker or in projects for the common good.
Have studies ranked and ranked by yourself if you are from the subject. Make them available to others collectively.

The simple set will be attacked like all other projects that are good for people. Therefore a cultivated contact is obligatory.
Every successful project is also infiltrated and distracted with seemingly positive goals. Therefore it always remains:
Alpha license: I put my Alpha under my work. Anyone may use it without restriction as long as it remains completely free.
It is not censored. Never. Protection of minors is achieved through labelling and registration.


Warum ist es möglich, uns immer wieder hereinzulegen?
Die Muster sind doch immer die gleichen.
Und wir sind so viele, die einfach gute Menschen sind und ein sorgenfreies Leben führen wollen.

Bisher gab es kein gutes System, um Aussagen auf ihren Wahrheitsgehalt zu überprüfen.
Bisher gab es kein gutes System, um einfach an freies Wissen zu gelangen und seine kreativen Werke unkompliziert an alle freizugeben.

Im Gegensatz zum great reset, den sich ein paar echt üble real life James Bond Bösewichte ausgedacht haben, gibt es jetzt "The Simple Set".

Hilf mit, "The Simple Set" zu gestalten.
Ganz einfach auf den Grund der Wahrheit gehen. Ober bei umstrittenen Themen die Argumente aller Seiten hören.
Aussagen kurz- und langfristig auf ihren Wahrheitsgehalt überprüfen, indem wir sie sammeln und immer wieder bewerten. So lassen sich korrupte Politiker und hinterlistige Unternehmen entschleiern.
Wissen und Werke mit der Alpha-Lizenz für alle freigeben. Nicht hochkompliziert wie Creative Commons. Alpha Personen teilen ihr Wissen bedingungslos.
Aktuelle und frühere Ereignisse von selbst gewählte Experten und anderen Teilnehmern einschätzen lassen.
Deine eigenen Fähigkeiten und Dein Wissen mit anderen teilen. Direkt, als Faktenchecker oder in Projekten für das Gemeinwohl.
Studien einordnen lassen und selbst einordnen, wenn man vom Fach ist. Für andere gesammelt zur Verfügung stellen.

The simple set wird wie alle anderen Projekte, die gut sind für die Menschen angegriffen werden. Deshalb ist ein gepflegter Umgang ein verpflichtend.
Jedes erfolgreiche Projekt wird auch unterwandert und mit scheinbaren positiven Zielen abgelenkt. Deshalb bleibt es immer:
Alpha-Lizenz: Ich setze mein Alpha unter mein Werk. Jeder darf es uneingeschränkt verwenden, solange es weiterhin völlig frei bleibt.
Es wird nicht zensiert. Niemals. Jugendschutz wird durch Kennzeichnung und anmeldung erreicht.