Sir Officer Bacon

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Sir Officer Bacon

Sir Officer Bacon


Update: Disqus is closing comment sections, and deleting comments in a rather unpredictable fashion. When they decide to do this to a video, I can do nothing about it.

Part of a speech by Father Charles Coughlin at a political rally in Illinois, 1936.

Update: Disqus is closing comment sections, and deleting comments in a rather unpredictable fashion. When they decide to do this to a video, I can do nothing about it.

Based on the 2005 novel of the same name, it stars Tom Hanks, & Sandra Bullock. Sort of.

Update: Disqus is closing comment sections, and deleting comments in a rather unpredictable fashion. When they decide to do this to a video, I can do nothing about it.

Although a complete mockery of Heinlein's book and a silly movie, "Starship Troopers" manages to be entertaining and also message my 90's nostalgia.

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Update: Disqus is closing comment sections, and deleting comments in a rather unpredictable fashion. When they decide to do this to a video, I can do nothing about it.

A talk by Bob Whitaker that I keep coming back to again and again. It gives some interesting perceptive on how things became so bad. So very bad.

Update: Disqus is closing comment sections, and deleting comments in a rather unpredictable fashion. When they decide to do this to a video, I can do nothing about it.

I learned a pro-tip today. If YouTube search doesn't work, try searching YouTube videos with Bing. I'm very satisfied I found a version of this YouTube video dated Nov 7, 2010 titled "Alex Jones Disrupts Pro Gun Rally and Gets Perverted with Female Listener". I'm archiving it here on Bitchute for posterity. I'm not necessarily anti-Alex, and most of the time he presents as a likeable guy. But this makes him look really bad, and people should know.

Update: Disqus is closing comment sections, and deleting comments in a rather unpredictable fashion. When they decide to do this to a video, I can do nothing about it.

Update: Disqus is closing comment sections, and deleting comments in a rather unpredictable fashion. I can do nothing about it.

There are several different versions of this to be found on the web, and this happens to be my favorite. Unfortunately, I made the rookie mistake of not downloading it before it was scrubbed. Here is a low quality copy for now. The song is classic, emotional, yet not necessarily sad. The question is who is saying goodbye and to whom? It can be goodbye to the invaders if we only so choose.


Created 4 years, 3 months ago.

7 videos

Category None

Full disclosure, I may upload the serious with the silly. It's just some shit I like.