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Tina Foster is an attorney and author of 'Plastic Macca: The Secret Death and Replacement of Paul McCartney', 'The Splitting Image: Exposing the Secret World of Doubles, Decoys, and Impostor-Replacements' - her newest book is called 'Den of Vipers: Central Banks & the Fake Economy'.

I had the amazing opportunity to speak with Tina about Paul's replacement. We talk about Paul, why the Beatles were significant worldwide, what the real Paul stood for, why he was replaced, how the fake Paul was the first worldwide popular celebrity to promote drug abuse, the spiritual aspect of music, how the 60s were a critical time for the NWO, how the CIA created the hippy movement to redirect culture and discredit anti-war activists, forensic evidence, inconsistencies between Paul/Faul, reverse speech, prevalence of doubles, CIA psyops, digital photo/video manipulation, divide & conquer, the great reset, agenda 21, crowley, and current events.

Tina Foster's Blog:

Plastic Macca:

Den of Vipers:


This is a short sample video showcasing connections I've made. I wanted to make this video just to get the info out. Eventually I will redo my first two Gorillaz videos where I decode "The Fall" and their first self-titled album. I am also working on decoding "Plastic Beach" as well as their newest album "Song Machine". I am about halfway done with their newest album, so I will most likely post that first and then delve into Plastic Beach.

I want to thank everyone who is interested in this case and who found this video. There are many facets to this, and the case with Paul and Gorillaz is only one example of a much bigger nefarious ploy to destroy and control cultures worldwide. I shall post links below for more information about PID and the dark side of the music industry:

I recommend looking at Tina Foster's work, she has written an extensive book detailing much of the evidence and puts it into context:
Tina's website:

I also have a playlist with numerous video about PID, feel free to check that out:

(Music in this video is a cover of "Faust" by Gorillaz, made by me)

This video has been taken down numerous times, so i am mirroring it

For more information about the "PID" cover-up, check in the description for links:

After reading "Plastic Macca" by Tina Foster- I realized that Gorillaz had been putting out clues of their own relating to the cover-up of James Paul McCartney.

In this video, i attempt to explain my findings, how it all relates to the cover-up..
ultimately it is up to you to make your own conclusions-

I feel that I made enough connections to piece together clues in a coherent presentation that ties together with the congruent facts behind Paul's disappearance and ultimately his replacement. I hope this video helps any of you who are seeking more clues, if anything related to the cover-up.
I hope the truth behind Paul's disappearance becomes revealed to the public sooner than later.. You could imagine my motivation for making such a video- I grew up listening to the Gorillaz, so after learning more and more about Paul and The Beatles.. my mind couldn't stop noticing the connections. I felt obliged to share my findings, so hopefully you find something of value as I have.

Seltaeb Eht - Collection of clues related to "PID":

Tina Foster, author of 'Plastic Macca' .. Blog:


Created 3 years, 2 months ago.

4 videos

Category News & Politics

I dedicate my channel to sharing knowledge, pattern recognition, and the like which relates to the New World Order, the occult, and making sense of it all within the context of shared human experience with my own personal interpretations.
I will post videos that I made myself, as well as videos I find worthy of uploading. I seek nothing other than making what I make and find available for anyone who wanders and finds my materials.

Here is an album I made showcasing reversals found by researchers into the PID case: