Forbidden Files TV

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Forbidden Files TV

Forbidden Files TV


The light show was 20 min in length.
New Years Eve
Seattle, 2021
It started off by promoting the shot, altering DNA.
Then forms a cocoon and ends in a butterfly, signifying "transformation"

What is the transformation they were trying to signify?
DNA / Transhumanism ?

Gabby Petito - Autopsy results

Now it's time to find Brian Laundrie and bring final closure to the family and friends of Gabby.

In a toxic abusive relationship,
know someone who is?
PLEASE, seek help.
You ARE better - deserve better.

Pcr Tests are unreliable.
When tested the lab only sends back a positive or negative result.
The results do NOT show you that you may test positive but that the viral load may already be DEAD.
This is known as a FALSE POSITIVE.

Documents came from within the Canada Legislative branches that detail an economic collapse.
Marshall Law.
Another lockdown.
Assets and property seizures and alot more

Octe 3, 2021
German Scientists have unveiled their findings into the contents of the "vials"
Very strange nanobots.
Self assembling nanobots, morgellon like fibers and more.
This is apart of a 2 hr and 15 min disclosure,
also uploaded to my channel.

In 1973,
David Wilkerson saw the End Times in a vision that he said was the most freighting experience of his life.

The vison led him to become a Pastor.
It took him to the streets of New York and ultimately to become a greatly respected Pastor at the Time Square Church in New York City.

He struggled for along time to share his vision.

This is his testimony and video clips from the last few years.
David Wilkerson, was completely accurate in everything he saw.
He passed away in 2011, may he rest in peace.
His testimony was recorded in 1986

IDF Whistleblower, .
Desperate cries from a Mother of an IDF Soldier.

The story of how and why Bill Gates went from Microsoft to Medicine.
A look back in history at Bill's transformation from corrupt businessman to reinventing himself as a "caring" medicine man.

Revisting some of the Israel 9/11 connections.
The Mossad agents have come to be known as the "dancing Israelites"
On 9/11 they were seen filming the attacks on 9/11
Their van had a plane flying into the world trade centers as a graphic on the side.
One day they were in the news and then the next no main stream media dared to touch the story,

As the mRNA gets forced on the youth around the world, many Doctors are warning against it.
Here are just a few.

Pharmageddon Part 2 - PCR Tests
Everything you need to know about the way the deadly kung flu is detected.
What is a PCR Test?
Is it accurate, consistent and does it even really work?

Big Pharma and the mandates.
Expert opinions and Doctors opinions on the C19 mRNA

What they believe will happen is quite alarming and seems to be an organized, done on purpose agenda.
Please share this video with your family, friends and loved ones.

Dr. David Martin tracks biological weapons, pathogens and medical research that could pose a risk to the world.

He has 20 years of experience in this field.
he is an expert, a Doctor and has found some very disturbing connections between Cov.19 and the pharma companies.

This is his Testimony to the German Council on the Origins of Covid

George Soros on of the worlds larges philanthropists.
George Soros funds left wing radical causes, such as open borders.
Soros funds mass migrant caravans into the USA.

Soros is an Atheist, a ruthless thug who said himself ,
His main cause is to destroy the west. USA and Canada.

Soros is Capitalist, who hates capitalism.

Rep AOC mask on when cameras
Mask off when she thinks cameras are off
Aug 4 2021

Coming August 2/21
Whistleblowers Stories

Yuri Bezmonov was a high ranking KGB Defector.
His specialty was subverting a country
Ruining a country from the inside out through demoralizing the youth, brainwashing a whole generation and corrupting the school, government and media.

This is MARXISM 101

The last book in the Bible, Known as Revelations is a book of prophecies for the last days of earth.

The author names himself as "John" in the text, but his precise identity remains a point of academic debate. Second-century Christian writers such as Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Melito (the bishop of Sardis), Clement of Alexandria, and the author of the Muratorian fragment identify John the Apostle as the "John" of Revelation.[1] Modern scholarship generally takes a different view,[2] with many considering that nothing can be known about the author except that he was a Christian prophet.[3] Some modern scholars characterize Revelation's author as a putative figure whom they call "John of Patmos". The bulk of traditional sources date the book to the reign of the Roman emperor Domitian (AD 81–96), which evidence tends to confirm.[4][b]

The book spans three literary genres: the epistolary, the apocalyptic, and the prophetic.[6] It begins with John, on the island of Patmos in the Aegean Sea, addressing a letter to the "Seven Churches of Asia". He then describes a series of prophetic visions, including figures such as the Seven-Headed Dragon, the Serpent, and the Beast, which culminate in the Second Coming of Jesus.

The obscure and extravagant imagery has led to a wide variety of Christian interpretations. Historicist interpretations see Revelation as containing a broad view of history, whilst preterist interpretations treat Revelation as mostly referring to the events of the Apostolic Age (1st century), or, at the latest, the fall of the Roman Empire. Futurists, meanwhile, believe that Revelation describes future events, with the seven churches growing into the body/believers throughout the age, and a reemergence or continuous rule of a Roman/Graeco system with modern capabilities described by John in ways familiar to him, and idealist or symbolic interpretations consider that Revelation does not refer to actual people or events, but is an allegory of the spiritual path and the ongoing struggle between good and evil.

US 2020 Election fraud documentary.
Produced be Mike Lindell

Video has been been downloaded from
With the permission from Mike Lindell

This video was recorded in late October, 2020.

Internment camps are now built, stocked and staffed.
Notice the documents do NOT mention the Plague.
It lists a wide variety of people who will be forced.

The amazing hidden files of Ron Wyatt who, in the 1990's was given an archaeological dig permit in Israel.

He was digging on Mount Moriah, when he broke through a chamber.
Ron and his sons discovered the exact place where Jesus Christ was crucified.
He found directly below the Cross hole the
Ark of the Covenant.

Ron took samples of the blood off the Ark.
This is his story, the actual blood being tested live and the results.


Created 3 years, 1 month ago.

21 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

Humanity's past and our current time is full of mysteries, hidden secrets, lies, cover-up's and twisted truths.

Our history books have been manipulated, written by people with an agenda and a false historical narrative.

Main stream media and academia lie, decieve and manipulate truth.

Our main objective is to bring to the absolute truth to peopleand reveal humanity's

We are all put on earth for a reason.
The end of this life will determine our eternal destination.
Only truth, kindness and a true spiritual awakening can set us free.

Please find me on my other Social Media Platforms.