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*NSFW warning there is one curse word in the first minute only*

Recently, fakebook’s life suckerberg spoke to our representatives to tell us a whole lot of nothing about how him and his company will continue working outside of the law to violate our rights to privacy and free speech, while attempting to “build up trust”. This was a great opportunity to analyze this CEO's intentions. Censorship and dangerous AI (shadowbanning, bots, biased algorithms) threaten our voices online. Social media platforms profit off their users just as much as users love the platform - this does not excuse violation of rights. Corrupt social media platforms will do themselves in!

For further information on suckerberg, see the video “What are archons?” by Chela Cooley on youtube- /watch?v=DX9xeW24yB0

Hearing video sources:
1. “Congresswoman REJECTS Mark Zuckerberg’s Apology!” by Chill Pill on youtube (clips at 3:56, 13:59, 14:14)
2. “Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's FULL testimony to U.S. congress members” by Global News on youtube (clip at 15:29)
3. “Congresswoman Won't Let Mark Zuckerberg WEASAL His Way Out Of Her Question About Tracking People!” by Media Buzz (clip at 15:41)
4. “Congresswoman TEARS APART Mark Zuckerberg!” by Media Buzz (clip at 10:54)
5. “Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Senate Testimony On Company's Data-Privacy Policies | TIME” by TIME for all source clips of hearing not listed above

Outro song: "Parent's Day" by Wizard of Loneliness

What does eating unhealthy, chemical ridden "food" have to do with Jesus’ resurrection from the dead? Or egg laying bunnies?! Or anything for that matter?

If you eat food without an organic label (90% + of easter candy & food in all grocery stores), you’re consuming high amounts of dangerous chemical pesticides. Everyone has consumed these products. What have these chemicals done to our bodies?

For more info, see my article “Transgenics and the War on Health” on


Song credit: ハイテク・スタートアップ tech startup ハイテク・スタートアップ by Wizard of Loneliness

Fiat currency, radiation, toxicants, programming, and self destructive maniacs are a few of the many roadblocks in our way to achieving prosperity. Some of these are "unfair", still, suffering is a choice.
If you don’t want to progress beyond where you are, you never will. Do you like living, or do you engage in self destructive behavior? Do you want to thrive?

We're not here to struggle every day to survive, fight each other and/or be distracted with inane bs meant to destroy us. We must face the totality of all problems we face in order to solve them. Benevolents who want more than where we're at are able to push beyond the many roadblocks we currently face.


Chela's channel:
Lindsey's channel:


Created 6 years, 1 month ago.

3 videos

Category News & Politics