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The WEF's Plan to Control Your Life: How Technocracy Threatens Democracy

The increasing use of technology in our daily lives can erode the freedoms of regular people. The World Economic Forum's slogan "You will own nothing and be happy" suggests a future where individuals have less control over their assets and decision-making power. As cities become more connected and data-driven, the power to make decisions is shifting from individuals and communities to a small group of experts or technocrats, known as technocracy, which can undermine democracy and erode citizens' rights and representation. Examples of technologies that can be used to control and manipulate individuals include surveillance, facial recognition, and predictive policing.

#davos #worldeconomicforum #klausschwab #shorts #technocracy #facialrecognition #surveillance #yuvalnoahharari


Created 1 year, 1 month ago.

1 video

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