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Earth’s Luciferian world order with religion, international finance and military industrial complex has ancient roots and etymology from the Universe. Our Universe is an electromagnetic sphere composed of plasma, stars, planets and species, experiencing life and consciousness with manifested future time in physical space.

Lucifer's infamous rebellion with Tiamat disrupted the ancient Angelic order of the matriarchal Universe and created the Anunnaki with Multinational Peacekeeping Troops. Anunnaki ruled the Universe with a trinity of religion with prophets Jesus Christ or Muhammad, international finance and NATO.

The top secret of the capitalist economy was a principle of electricity, whereby electromagnetic time was alchemized to money. The true identity of Lucifer was the most highly guarded secret, which allowed his clones George Soros, David Rockefeller and Alwaleed Talal to enforce ancient legacies of tyranny, domination and control.

The new top secret of Lucifer's identity, his NATO legacies, rebellion and Nazi loyalists is finally revealed with the Biblical apocalypse.

The metaphysics of electricity and war are a solution for peace and prosperity on the expanding Universe with matriarchal Suns, stars and mothers, who give birth to new life and new time.

Before every war, was a love story.

Before the war on this plasma Universe, was an electromagnetic twin flame, disrupted by Lucifer’s rebellion with the shapeshifting male Alpha Draconian hydra dragon Tiamat.

After a war, comes a new time.

After the war on this Universe, time was always regressed to past empires for Codex balancing.

Without Lucifer, new time is finally free for sovereign sentient species and households.

Newly identified clones from the Roman Empire, used for Hollywood and politics.

Authentic reincarnations from the Roman Empire including the real Jesus Christ, born in France. The Second Coming of Jesus Christ was planned with the spirit of Muhammad.

In memoriam of Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, who established the ancient roots of Luciferianism, NATO and Nazi hegemony, worshipped and passed along generations of clones as a holy grail of God.

Peter Vincent Pry was the original fallen angel Lucifer who rebelled with the shapeshifter Tiamat-Beast and started the disorder on the once orderly matriarchal Universe. Lucifer was Star Trek's Picard, Babylon's Moses-Abraham, Italy's Dante and Nazi's Hitler.

The last imperialist clone who inherited his legacy was Mayer Amschel Rothschild. After founding international finance, Rothschild continued with the hegemony of God's clones on a Codex debt mission with prophets Jesus, Muhammad and Billy Meier from Vatican.

"An economy obeyed the same laws as electricity and that all of the mathematical theory and practical and computer knowhow developed for the electronic field could be directly applied in the study of economics."

In order to achieve domination and control, the hegemony had to ensure that the public will not make either the logical or mathematical connection between economics and energy sciences, or learn to apply such knowledge. Fortunately, the public made a logical connection between economics, finance and military timelines, controlled and triangulated from the Akashic Records with multilateral hegemony.

The more important TOP SECRET on the Universe is the identity of God or Hitler as Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, with his petro-dollar clones George Soros, David Rockefeller and Alwaleed Talal, on a Codex mission with prophets Jesus Christ, Muhammad and Billy Meier.

Eventually, with the Biblical Apocalypse and Revelation, all TOP SECRETS are illuminated and revealed to the public, ending the nihilist Nazi Codex mission.

Earth has a fast approaching geomagnetic pole shift caused by the precession of the solar system Sol within the Pleiadian Photon Belt, during the Age of Aquarius.

The geomagnetic pole shift is caused by a new environment of gamma radiation from the Pleiadian super/hypernovae. The natural cataclysm is enhanced by man-made EMPs affecting Earth's magnetic field, faster rotation, crust displacement, continental drift, tsunamis, volcanoes and ice age. @Suspicious0bservers

Plejaren's and NATO's Henoch prophecies explicitly explain that man-made EMPs caused from insanity are leading to faster rotation of Earth and a new ice age. Plejaren's subsidiary for entertainment from Hollywood has created numerous movies foreshadowing the cataclysm with tsunamis, volcanoes and pole shift.

The last ice age on Earth caused by Plejaren-NATO is unsurvivable. Plejaren have habitable planets that can accommodate Earth's new climate refugees. Evacuation and migration on habitable worlds is a peaceful employment for NATO and militaries.

The Artemis Accords are a new international military alliance for return mission to the Moon and Mars, which already hosted militaries, super soldiers and slave labor with Moon-to-Mars programs. The Secret Space Program for the Moon-to-Mars missions with "20-40-60 & Back" programs and abductions of super soldiers is very documented. NASA continues with public deception for the Artemis Accords, because Plejaren Federation need "war for polarity", for their aerospace and weapons corporations. Plejaren's initial mission on Earth was Codex spiritual debt with prophets Jesus, Muhammad and Billy Meier. Codex became money with corporations and Nazi hegemony with nihilist wars.

The Moon and Mars are at best a Nazi memorial heritage, where "liberation wars" remain continuously fought between the various factions of Plejaren Federation for predictable substitution, rotation and repurposing of scapegoats ("Paperclip"). For millions of years, the holy grail of Plejaren Federation has been God, Lucifer, Nokodemion, Picard, Abraham, Moses, Henoch and Hitler.

The Secret Space Program has been completely disclosed with authentic testimonies from abductees and super soldiers. Now, even the Akashic Records of Lucifer are disclosed. The Nazi hegemony has reached the end of life in stolen empires as the Holy Roman Empire or Star Trek with clones, and is collapsing spectacularly with mutually exclusive timelines.

Plejaren Federation with the multiple subsidiaries as Galactic Federation of Worlds, Intergalactic Super Federation or Earth Alliance planned the Great Currency Reset and Codex restructuring.

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ for the Great Reset was mutually excusive and impossible mission. Plejaren planned the Artemis Accords, but they needed a story for mind control with deities. For this purpose, they invented a predictable Return of the Seeders, Anunnaki or Elohim.

The original Seeders or Elohim and Nephilim were people from the Angelic order. Lucifer was the fallen blaspheme who corrupted the Angelic order and later founded Anunnaki with Tiamat. Plejaren eliminated the real Elohim and Nephilim, and Anunnaki, and substituted them with clones.

The Return of Seeders, Anunnaki or Elohim is from the same Draconian Nazi mafia with nihilist purpose for domination and control, with Lucifer's patriarchal tyranny.

Lucifer's last remnants are having their last take at domination and control of humanity, which is now liberated from the longest oppression, all because of the rebellion of an unwise blaspheme, who could not differentiate a female and a male.

NATO was founded by the ancient prophet Nokodemion, proverbial God Lucifer, as "Multinational Peacekeeping Troops", with Article 5. The reason for Lucifer's rebellion and wars was Tiamat, Whore of Babylon. After the blasphemy of Lucifer and Tiamat, they caused violent holocausts on colonies, and the ensuing spiritual debt became Codex, from the Akashic Records bank.

The Codex mission was preserved throughout the existence of the Universe, with clones for mind control, by religion, international finance and wars.

The last Bible and Henoch prophecies are the scenarios for World War III, from the multilateral and multilayered hegemony. The heralds of the Orion hegemony are the members of UNSC, US, UK, France (EU), Russia and China, who are executing NATO vs. Anti-NATO narrative for the Military Industrial Complex and Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate. After World War III and ice age, the same actors prepared the Artemis Accords, with a Star Trek timeline, but without religion.

Plejaren Federation have multiple identities as Plejaren Federation of Worlds, Dark Fleet and latest Earth Alliance (defectors from Dark Fleet). Plejaren's prophet Nokodemion was the proverbial God or Lucifer, who rebelled with Tiamat-Beast and disrupted the natural laws of physics. "Lucifer and Tiamat" caused ancient rebellion and founded the original Anunnaki, but they were eliminated by even more evil mafia and sects, that continued their story for millions of years. The new defectors Earth Alliance and Galactic Federation are supporting a nuclear football blame game, on a multilayered playing field, with multiple clones. Greed has no boundaries, and this is the reason why Plejaren Federation is playing the most chaotic nuclear football on Earth, with multiple clones and identities.

The Great Currency Reset is also known as the Great Cosmic Reset of Aquarius, and it is the last timeline of the story of "Lucifer and Tiamat", ending with Star Trek Artemis Accords, when Lucifer was Picard. Fortunately, energy cannot be destroyed, but it has been inhibited by clones. Energy and thoughts are finally free, for people to resume free will, without Lucifer's Codex matrix.

The Galactic Federation released a new document "Prime Directive", based on Plejaren Federation's directives, outlining the form of future collaboration with Earth and level of intermediation and interference. The "Prime Directive" has 2 pages with 10 articles and very vaguely exempts the Galactic Federation from responsibilities and duties. On one hand, they claim supremacist, superior and advanced technical and spiritual knowledge, beyond the capabilities of Earth's developing civilization from Stage 2 to Stage 3. On the other hand, they exempt themselves from assistance to Earth or connection with technology.

A new question arises regarding the purpose and need for collaboration with the Galactic Federation, if:

- they are reinforcing the deception with supremacism, without tackling "Nokodemion", which is the foundation of the military industrial complex and NATO?
- the story of "Nokodemion" that caused the nihilist wars is completely discovered with all reincarnations, walk-ins and clones from the military industrial complex?
- they do not want to share their technology and science with humans?
- they continue with deception for religion, acknowledged of Nokodemion's prophecies for Codex?
- they continue with depopulation agenda to 500 million people?- they are exempt from responsibility and duties for humanity?

Plejaren Federation via Earth Alliance from Orion self-destroyed the Georgia Guidestones after reactivation of CERN, because of the impossible timeline and depopulation agenda on uninhabitable Earth with ice age.

Plejaren's population estimation is based on an algorithm that calculates a new human birth every second.

Plejaren live on plant Erra with 550 million people, and planned a population of 529 million people for Earth.

According to Biblical scripts, Jesus Christ was crucified by the Jews in Judea, who betrayed him to the judge Pontius Pilate, for not paying taxes. Jesus Christ earlier collected taxes for Tiberius Caesar, saying "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's". Jesus also evaded paying taxes and claimed he was "King of the Jews", which opposed the former tax authority of Tiberius Caesar. Pontius Pilate resided on the trial for "King of the Jews" and punished Jesus Christ with crucifixion. Centuries later, the crucifixion and betrayal of Jesus Christ by the Jews was abused as a global anti-Semitic motive that sparked World War II and the Holocaust for extermination of Jews in concentration camps. Plejaren-Nazi essentially invented revenge for their prophet Immanuel, who had a Codex mission from the Vatican, with banking and taxes.

Opposed to the Bible, Plejaren provided a different explanation about the death of Immanuel, who was executed by Romans because he railed against their religion and was enemy to the state. However, Plejaren also have a different version, where Immanuel lived 111-113 years and died of natural death in Srinagar, India. It is apparent that the death of Jesus Christ was severely politicized for Nazi wars and blame game, with rotation of eliminated scapegoats.

The Great Reset for Second Jesus and project Blue Beam is organized and managed by clones of Nokodemion-Lucifer, Lucifer's undestined love (Cleopatra) and protagonists from the Roman Empire. The Holy Roman Empire is reinstated after Jesus Christ was Caesarion, from Cleopatra and Julius Caesar. The Second Jesus was planned as Muhammad from Nokodemion's spirit line, from Plejaren Federation (NATO).

Nokodemion-Lucifer has 5 clones Alwaleed bin Talal, George Soros, David Rockefeller, Dr. John Campbell, Max Igan, and walk-in Prince Charles. His earlier walk-in was Adolf Hitler.

Cleopatra has 7 clones for the US Government, British Royal Family for Christianity, Hollywood and entertainment. Cleopatra's clones are Nancy Pelosi, Tulsi Gabbard, Kim Iversen, Meghan Markle, Jessica Alba, Olivia Palermo and Nephthys.

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The prophet Nokodemion from Plejaren Federation was Jean-Luc Picard from Star Trek. The Plejaren Federation and Orion Alliance with Dark Fleet and Earth Alliance preserved his Akashic Records for timeline of military industrial complex.

The walk-in of Nokodemion and Picard was Adolf Hitler who worked with the Nazi Dark Fleet. The Nazi Bell ("Die Glocke") was used for time travel in World War I and II. The Dark Fleet established colonies in Antarctica, the Moon and Mars with time travel. They also created a galactic tyranny in the future 400 years.

The TV series "Picard" is the 9th edition of Star Trek. Season 1 foreshadowed Picard's return in the past. In Season 2, Picard travels in the past from the 24th to 21th century, to correct the totalitarian timelines, during World War III. The fictional totalitarian timeline in Star Trek, is the realistic Great Reset galactic tyranny on Earth, during World War III from the Henoch prophecies.

The Biblical monetarist fiat currencies are collapsing with premeditated hyperinflation from the Bible and Henoch prophecies. The Great Currency Reset was supposed to change fiat currencies to BRICS cryptocurrencies on 5G satellites by Starlink. The timelines and technologies are mutually exclusive, causing blackout without oxygen on Earth.

The COVID pandemic, climate cataclysm and war in Ukraine caused a recession, for which reason central banks were printing money and lead to hyperinflation, amid the operations, supply-side and ice age shocks.

Earth has fast ice age and hyperinflation is irreversible, with imminent collapse of all fiat currencies. NATO Plejaren Federation and Billy Meier explain that hyperinflation is a "negative interest rate" levied as "savings tax" to people, who are punished for keeping money in banks, instead of privately at their responsibility.

Lucifer was the first twin flame of the Universe, as Nokodemion or Picard. He committed adultery and blasphemy with the shapeshifting man Tiamat.

Tiamat is an Alpha Draconian hydra dragon with 5-7 heads of radio frequencies and insanity. The blasphemy with Tiamat caused insanity to the Nazi warriors and monstrous murders.

All notorious and serial killers have confessed involvement with blasphemy, as the reason for crime.

Subscribe to my channel and blog, and download the new free book "Nokodemion: Plejaren Federation Contact Reports" from my blog

50 Contact Reports between Plejaren Federation and Eduard Billy Meier are critically analyzed from perspective of the Akashic Records, with true reincarnations.

The Contact Reports are a platform for levying guilt across all stakeholders of the multilayered triad of religion, finance and military from Orion.

Identified reincarnations of the main protagonists from Roman Empire, for Second Coming of Jesus Christ for the Great Reset and Project Blue Beam.

The Great Reset hegemony is founded on an unidentified "God" personality from Orion, with an ancient abused mythology of a man Nokodemion. Nokodemion was Picard, Merlin, Henoch, Moses, Abraham, Democritus, Desiderius Erasmus, Dante Alighieri, Adolf Hitler and Satanic cannibal Peter Vincent Pry.

1. The 1st Nokodemion is reincarnation Peter Vincent Pry
2. "Walk-in" Nokodemion is Prince Charles (former Adolf Hitler)
3. Clones Nokodemion are Alwaleed bin Talal, David Rockefeller and George Soros
4. Plejaren Nokodemion is Barack Obama with CERN

Link to video slides:


Created 1 year, 9 months ago.

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