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So this was actually a quick clip taken out of one of my much longer videos titled Hillary Clinton's Truth And The Truth
and I really did not want this specific information about our healthcare system to get lost in a much longer video, so I made it its own.

Faith Herbert is a superhero comic that aggressively promotes the propaganda of being healthy and beautiful at any size. Sony pictures in their infinite virtue signaling wisdom have decided to adapt this to a live action superhero movie and I respond accordingly.

This is a response to three separate videos in which people lose their collective shit due to modern mundane circumstances.

What does it mean to succeed? There are two ways to take it and witch ever way you go will allow you to straw-man the other side.

Sarah Sanders was removed/asked to leave a restaurant because she worked for the current Administration, so basically she was discriminated against based on her job title and her political leanings and while I personally do not like Sarah Sanders I believe that we should not discriminate against people on principle whether or not we can justify it to ourselves. Also, Maxine Waters has been encouraging her followers to stalk and harass her political opponents. Look, I very much support our First Amendment right to protest, but as far as I can tell you cannot protest individuals because that clearly crosses the line into stalking and harassing individuals in their private lives.

This is a collection of clips from what I believe to be the best of George Carlin on religion.

So while back I thought it would be a fun and somewhat entertaining idea to create a video in which I was able to speak directly to characters within the entertainment industry through the phone line. Now because this video did not have anything to do with current events end because I wanted to get this video just right or at least what I perceived to be entertaining, I essentially was in no real hurry. The following is every movie and TV show that I used in order to create this compilation of fake phone calls.

Back to the Future (1985)
Despicable Me 2 (2013)
Dinosaurs - S3E31 - baby talk (10-02-1992)
Fight Club (1999)
Ghostbusters (1984)
The X-Files - Folie A Deux (10-05-1998)

Irate Bear said that he would give a shout out to whoever could tell him how many times these two bimbos said the word "like" in their video. Now I not only love shout outs, but I also have to much time on my hands so I decided to go all out by creating a compilation. Oh the answer is 75 by the way, they literally say the word "like" 75 times in their video. If fact, it gets so bad that at one point they actually jinx each other by saying the word "like" simultaneously. See if you can spot it!

At 2:13 Hillary Clinton excuses her lost in part due to white married women for not voting for her and she excuses this due to negative male influence, which very much implies that white married women were not strong enough to stand up to the men in their lives. Of course Hillary is also placing blame on men for persuading the women in their lives to vote a certain way or at the very least to not vote at all. This means that she is by default blaming white married women for giving into peer pressure and not standing by their own convictions. Clearly she has and continues to blame more than just white women for her loss, but I wanted to highlight this because I like to highlight hypocrisy.

On Feb. 6th of this year Elon Musk and SpaceX launched the Falcon heavy as a test flight. This was an effort to test the rocket and to show that the Falcon heavy is a proven concept in order to contract the Falcon heavy for future missions. Now during their test flight they did have to put a fake payload on board in order to make the test as realistic as possible, so as a brilliant PR stunt Elon Musk decided to launch his own personal Tesla Roadster into space which I not only fine to be extremely entertaining, but I think it speaks to the times that we live in and because it's such a fun, weird and crazy concept I thought I could put my own little spin on it.


Created 5 years, 11 months ago.

25 videos

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