Sola Bro

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Sola Bro



Disclaimer: I do not own any of the content in this Creation Library Series. All of it is owned by others, and original creators should be totally credited for the amazing work they do. It is being uploaded for educational purposes and for the purpose of reviewing it. Original Creators are free to reach out to me on the comment section.

Creation Library Series:
I recorded this off of a disk from my late father's library that was not in the best condition. I felt like it had some interesting topics in his video library. I fully intend to transfer the entire Library to this format for safe keeping and for the viewing of others. I apologize in advance for the quality. I am not an expert in video editing, I don't have any software for this purpose.

I had to break the video up into parts because it wouldn't let me upload the whole video due to file size restrictions on these websites that I post it on.

Pt 1:
Pt 2:
Pt 3:
Pt 4:

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the content in this Creation Library Series. All of it is owned by others, and original creators should be totally credited for the amazing work they do. It is being uploaded for educational purposes and for the purpose of reviewing it. Original Creators are free to reach out to me on the comment section.

Creation Library Series:
I recorded this off of a disk from my late father's library that was not in the best condition. I felt like it had some interesting topics in his video library. I fully intend to transfer the entire Library to this format for safe keeping and for the viewing of others. I apologize in advance for the quality. I am not an expert in video editing, I don't have any software for this purpose.

I had to break the video up into parts because it wouldn't let me upload the whole video due to file size restrictions on these websites that I post it on.

Pt 1:
Pt 2:
Pt 3:
Pt 4:

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the content in this Creation Library Series. All of it is owned by others, and original creators should be totally credited for the amazing work they do. It is being uploaded for educational purposes and for the purpose of reviewing it. Original Creators are free to reach out to me on the comment section.

Creation Library Series:
I recorded this off of a disk from my late father's library that was not in the best condition. I felt like it had some interesting topics in his video library. I fully intend to transfer the entire Library to this format for safe keeping and for the viewing of others. I apologize in advance for the quality. I am not an expert in video editing, I don't have any software for this purpose.

I had to break the video up into parts because it wouldn't let me upload the whole video due to file size restrictions on these websites that I post it on.

Pt 1:
Pt 2:
Pt 3:
Pt 4:

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the content in this Creation Library Series. All of it is owned by others, and original creators should be totally credited for the amazing work they do. It is being uploaded for educational purposes and for the purpose of reviewing it. Original Creators are free to reach out to me on the comment section.

Creation Library Series:
I recorded this off of a disk from my late father's library that was not in the best condition. I felt like it had some interesting topics in his video library. I fully intend to transfer the entire Library to this format for safe keeping and for the viewing of others. I apologize in advance for the quality. I am not an expert in video editing, I don't have any software for this purpose.

I had to break the video up into parts because it wouldn't let me upload the whole video due to file size restrictions on these websites that I post it on.

Pt 1:
Pt 2:
Pt 3:
Pt 4:

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the content in this Creation Library Series. All of it is owned by others, and original creators should be totally credited for the amazing work they do. It is being uploaded for educational purposes and for the purpose of reviewing it. Original Creators are free to reach out to me on the comment section.

Creation Library Series:
I recorded this off of a disk from my late father's library that was not in the best condition. I felt like it had some interesting topics in his video library. I fully intend to transfer the entire Library to this format for safe keeping and for the viewing of others. I apologize in advance for the quality. I am not an expert in video editing, I don't have any software for this purpose.

I had to break the video up into parts because it wouldn't let me upload the whole video due to file size restrictions on these websites that I post it on.

Pt 1:
Pt 2:
Pt 3:
Pt 4:

I describe the Derivative Nature of Man's Mind and whether or not we should be afraid of AI.
Van Til's Quote:
AiG "Is AI Really a Threat"
Article on (the derivative)Rene Decartes:

The Title says it all. In this video, I pull no punches at all. Stanley has a Open Lesbian in his "church" staff, she leads a "ministry" that affirms the Alphabet people in Atlanta, Georgia. First Orlando "Baptist" "pastor" also says Andy's newest book inspires him almost as much as the Bible Does. FOB is a sexual sin affirming organization that drags its flock into the poison that is Social Justice. I will not stand by and be silent.


2 Corinthians 6:14-18:

Romans 9:

This is an older video that I recorded mid2021, but it covers much that I have referred to recently.

In this Three Part series we try to find out what the Bible says about homosexuality. Part 1 deals with what the Bible says and why it matters and why what God says is the final authority. Men's opinions/words are deceitful, manipulative and fallible.

Part 1: Dealing with the Bible verses, deals, why it matters and why what God says is the final authority. (Men's opinions/words are deceitful, manipulative and fallible.)
Part 2: Dealing with Objections
Part 3: Dealing with More Objections, specifically those mentioned in Part 1

Part 1: Bible Verses Used: Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Romans 1:26-27, Jude 1:7(Genesis 19), 1 Timothy 1:10 (esv)Part 2:
Part 2: Bible verses Used: John 3:1-6, Romans 9:14-28, Romans 15:15-16, 1 Peter 1:2, Romans 5:10, 2 Corinthians 5:18-19 (esv)

Part 3: Bible verses Used: Romans 3:21-26 esv 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Gay Gene: "Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: ‘There Is No Gay Gene’":

I discuss the cancer that is Intersectionality as it relates to homosexuality and discuss the woke "church" leaders who defend/affirm/normalize it. I also discuss why it isn't real Christianity. The Bible pulls no punches on this issue.

Greek for Abomination/Destestable Thing:

Hebrew as it relates to the word Abomination:

Amy Grant Article:

Lauren Daigle Articles:
Be careful of CBN, but this was the article:

Quick Bible verses for your benefit
John 14:15:

1 Corinthians 6:9-11:

Jude 1:5-11:

Genesis 19:


Created 1 year, 6 months ago.

10 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

This channel is about going back to Scripture as our Sole, Infallible Rule of Faith. It is also about going back to the view of "All of Christ for All of Life". It is Christ or Chaos. The channel is currently going through some Theological Renovations, but I will continue to do the best I can to be faithful to God's Word. I ask for prayer to continue to improve in my Christian walk.

This channel no longer includes Aaron's contributions. I have worked at removing all videos including him. I broke fellowship with him. Our differences lead to the split. I recommend that he be marked and avoided. The bad fruits of deception, among others, lead to this. I hate that it had to be that way, but there were a lot of long existing problems that were never resolved that made this necessary.