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You have been lied to. The Covid-19 Scam was never about a "virus" it was about the injections. Bio weapons under the guise of "vaccines" to alter your DNA, to harm, control and eventually kill you. The criminals who are running the show admit their crimes and bragging about how successful their depopulation plan went. Now one 4 years later the damaged has been done. Will you fall for the next deception or do you resist? History will learn.

We live in a scripted reality where the truth is hidden in plain sight. By means of stories that foresee humankind's future, the population is conditioned in accepting the outcome of global events. Can this all just be a coincidence or are all major "pandemics", environmental disasters and food shortages manufactured and planned out? In 2022, Earth is overpopulated and totally polluted; the natural resources have been exhausted and the nourishment of the population is provided by Soylent Industries, a company that makes a food consisting of plankton from the oceans.

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"For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God". 1 Corinthians 1:18

“It was a common expression during the war that more soldiers were killed by vaccine shots than by shots from enemy guns” ~ Eleanor McBean (1918 pandemic survivor)~
Does history repeats itself? The Covid-19 "plandemic" shows close resemblance with the "Spanish Flu" pandemic of 1918. Follow the money and look further into the people and organizations involved and you will find out that it's all a rich man's trick.

People are dropping like flies and the Corporate Mockingbeard media can not cover it up anymore. The great culling of humanity has begun with the Covid-19 injections. If we keep complying with our own genocide; taking deadly injections and wearing mask, there won't be any future for our children. Wake up and resist all the mandates, share the truth. The injections are the "deadly" virus and there is no one that will save you from this onslaught other than yourselves.

Here you find a link to the document: Share this far and wide.
All the nine pages of adverse events regarding the Pfizer injections in video format. This document proofs premeditated murder on the global population. Do not take the gene editing "kill" shot that will destroy your immune system and cause irreversible changes to your DNA. In concert with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Pfizer tries to cover up the crimes by trying to hide the information for 55 years. A court Judge ruled that under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) the public has the right to know how dangerous the injections really are.

Humanity should never forget what this Covid-19 Plandemic really is about. Do not be distracted with the news but see the bigger picture. Humanity is under a global assault on various fronts, food shortages, financial collapse of the markets and the Dollar, forced injections, authoritarian centralized governance, the roll out of the AI control Grid and a centralized digital currency. These are all part of Klaus Schwab's Great Reset "You own nothing but will be happy". Time is running out prepare yourself both physically, mentally and spiritually.

Premeditated murder by Government and Big Pharma through injections is a facts. This document contains 9 pages of adverse reactions which Pfizer knew about. In concert with the Food and Drug Administration, Pfizer tried to cover up the crimes by trying to hide the information for 55 years. A court judge ruled thatunder the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) the public has the right to know what's in the so called "vaccines" and how dangerous the injections really are.
Here you find a link to the document:

In this animated film, David Icke explains in a straight forward manner how the Covid -19 Pandemic was planned and orchestrated all the way long. Question that haven't been asked like: Is there a real virus? What about the inflated dead rates of people that died of Covid-19 will be explained in great detail. Also David dives into the bigger picture that leads humanity into a dystopian future where technology and Technocrats have replaced and altered the fabrics of modern societies.

Bill Gates is best to describe as the front man for the New World Order Agenda. His technocrat eugenics based worldview is not only depopulating but also controlling the human population. Whether it is through vaccines, Genetic modified food or education not much good will come from this. In thid short animation Bill explains hiss plans for you and your family.

"Truth is stranger than fiction" and most things we thought were only possible in movies, have become part of our daily life reality. The c-plandemic has accelerated the Agenda of the NWO or the "great reset"; a systematic take down of countries and nation states. With the purpose of reshaping the world in a Technocrat/Transhuman dystopia. Will humans become obsolete and replaced by AI and robots? Will there be any freedom left in a Police State that enforces the rule of the mob? The world is at a crossroads and the fate of humanity will be decided in the coming years.

Rosa Koire an UN whistle blower explains in a clear manner the UN Agenda that is rolling out in front of our eyes. A global takeover of the planet and it's resources that will lead to the worst form of enslavement humanity has ever seen. There is little time left to resist and stop this plan and take back our lives and the future for our children.

The Covid Plandemic has always been about population control and reduction, to establish a New World Order based on medical martial law. The Covid Jabbs have injured, poisoned and killed millions around the Globe and still Fauci is pushing the agenda that boosters are needed cause the jabbs do not protect you. Why even a jabb when the virus has never proven to exist?

How your DNA will be used, modified and patented to, track, trace and control you.

The Covid jabbs are weapons of mass destruction, and can change your DNA. The death numbers increase with the day although some will survive their bodies will never be the same.

The people that are still asleep to the 911 False Flag Event are also the same people that are still asleep to the Covid-19 PLANdemic/SCAMdemic. These people have had nearly 1 1/2 years to Wake Up to the current False Flag Event, and they have had nearly 20 years to Wake Up to the 911 False Flag Event. Evolution is FAKE, but Survival of the Fittest is TRUTH. Hopefully you are FULLY AWAKE to both False Flag Events by now, but if you are not, and YOU STILL HAVEN'T TAKEN THE DEPOPULATION JAB, then you still have time. Please do your own research, and do not follow the COVIDIOT SHEEPLE with their SUICIDE CULT into their MASS GRAVES.

USA FDA (Food and Drug Administration) warns for serious health risks. Calls for a stop of diagnostic use of the Rapid test!


Created 3 years, 4 months ago.

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