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Dr. Robert Malone (inventor of mRNA technology) explains how myocarditis (blood clotting) and brain fog can be attributed to recent vaccines. The spike protein causing inflammation of the brain can even lead to Alzheimer's-like symptoms.

A clip from the Joe Rogan podcast aired on Dec 31, 2021. Full podcast:

Evidence presented at Georgia Senate hearing showing suitcases of ballots pulled from underneath a table after observers are told to leave, resulting in hours of illegal ballot counting. Shortly after Joe Biden got 98% out of a 20,000 vote batch, just enough to win him Georgia.

The speech that got President Trump impeached for a second time, censored out of existence by Youtube, Facebook and Twitter. Luckily we’ve got copies. Watch it in full and you’ll find zero grounds for impeachment.


Created 3 years, 4 months ago.

3 videos

Category News & Politics