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clips of Bill Gates and his interesting outlooks

Removed from YouTube.
Just sharing some information!
#covid #pandemic #plandemic #olfactorynerve #pcr #pcrtest #banned #bannedvideos

Please watching. Protect your children and allow them to breathe fresh air.
This was taken down from my YouTube channel

#masks #maskmandate #mask #mandates #childrenandmasks #schools #education #maskdanger #covid #plandemic #pandemic #bannedvideo #covidtruth #wakeupthemasses

#vaccine #nurse #earlywarning #pandemic #covidtruth #censorship #mandates
#wakeup #agenda2030
#mustwatch #medialies #hospital #findthetruth

This video was removed from my YouTube channel

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#vaccines #vaccination #historyrepeats #wakeup #influenza #covid #pandemic #covid19 #history
#past #removedfromyoutube

#covid #pandemic #vaccination #mandates #agenda2030 #research #jab #truth #findthetruth #medialies


Created 3 years ago.

6 videos

Category Education

hello friends. I thought it would be fun to start posting videos here that I wouldn't on my YouTube channel/ worry would be too controversial... please dont hesitate to share any interesting videos you stumble upon. most of the videos I find on here are sent from you guys so I finally decided to go ahead and make a profile; hopefully get some videos up soon too.