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SMART cities are definitely being rolled out regardless of the scientific proof in the public domain. Also no signs that they are going to engage in the precautionary principle any time soon. Because they are putting the infrastructure for 5G with no consent on any new housing estates going up right now all over the UK!

Polished up the levels. So the information is clearer. please get this shared so the younger generations can inform and educate themselves.
Instrumental used.

Just Hope's this gets a message across to some people.

This is a S.M.A.R.T (secret Militarized Armaments in Residential technology) antenna. It's being sold to the publics as "lighting control management system" 😡

Explanation of how to take out the fuse of the LED streetlights. The other stuff like cutting wires and smashing boxes is optional


Created 4 years, 3 months ago.

6 videos

Category Entertainment