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How we are kicking the door down to the big club that we are not supposed to be in.

Lets not lose our fight guys and gals!!!

CNN is trying to silence newsmax,OAN and youtubers. Where do we draw the line? At what point does the left view this as a problem as well???

Many world leaders are resigning....what is the deal with it?? Could make things interesting in the upcoming days. Were the conspiracy theorist right?

Big gains this week in ENZC. Lets review what all happened.

NEWS on ENZC and we are also taking a quick look at BSSP.

Just a couple penny stocks that I have invested in that might actually make it big. Disclaimer "this is just information from a rambling lunatic that might have helpful information in the stock market"

I'm a newer hockey fan. I never took the time to get into hockey until the rest of the sports i watch all got WOKE. Now......Hockey has my attention!!


Created 3 years, 7 months ago.

8 videos

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