Stop 5G Now

“I’m calling for spirituality to be deeply radical, We’re not just having a social justice movement, this is a spiritual movement. Maybe I’m sharing too much, but we’ve become very intimate with the spirits that we call on regularly... each of them seems to have a different presence and personality, you know... literally almost resurrecting a spirit so they can work through us to get the work that we need to get done, I started to feel personally connected and responsible and accountable to them, both from a deeply political place, but also from a deeply spiritual place....When we say the names, right, so we speak their names, we say her name, say their names, we do that all the time that, you kind of invoke that spirit, and then those spirits actually become present with you,”

BLM Marxists chant "fuck you Jesus" revealing the true purpose of the movement.

While politicians, journalists and vaccine companies hold the world at gunpoint over a minor illness, doctors are being censored, fired and murdered for trying to have a debate.




Anti-Communism is now White Supremacy. Using this mind trick, Americans are now afraid to oppose the long planned Marxist Revolution. Under the cover of a "Black" civil rights movement, America is being rapidly dismantled. The movement has nothing to do with advancing Black causes, as they are the same as White causes. To get the movement in gear, a generation must first be trained to hate their neighbor. Then they can be used as the weapon to attack them.



In a hearing in the U.S. Senate on February 6, 2019 prior to the deployment of 5G towers in U.S. cities, Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) asked direct questions about the safety of the new network to Brad Gillen, executive Vice President of the CTIA, which represents the Wireless telecommunications industry. Gillen States that no safety testing has been done.


Created 4 years, 1 month ago.

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