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A day driving around the city of Winnipeg Manitoba a silly video with some ducks some juggling and the human rights museum hope you all Enjoy! #LongWeekend #August1 #Winnipeg #HumanRightsMuseum #TheForks #Ducktux #Juggling #Fun #Ducks Tag silly #Fun #BoredAtHome #Life #SpeedUp #Paul #Tyler’s #SkateParks #OutAndAbout #Walkabout #ExGirlfriend #Girlfriend #TheKidsAreAll right #YoungNiel #Backwards #Fast #Friends #SummerTime #2020 #3Minutes

Hop skip and a jump a pull jump walking through the neighbourhood decided to make a video hope everyone is doing well out there today love you have a great week ahead stay positive remember to share in love and admiration with friends and the people who are closest to you in your life. #Jump #Hot #Skip #Exercise #GettingOld #Drop #ReggaeMusic #Sunset #BeautifulDay #Clown #Fun #Canada #SummerTime #2020 #Quark #TheMooseIsOnTheLoose #BuffaloJump #GiveMeSome #FunkyMonkey #Leapfrog #TooShort #TooLong #StuntMan

Try to mix it up a little! #rice #dinner #meal Hope everyone is having a happy weekend with their loved ones there is no where to hide so confronting problems with them if there is any and cherish the day have a great week ahead everybody

Joking around having fun editing terribly #rap #hiphop #fun #foolingaround #cards #spinning

I dedicate this to my friends from the past! James may he be having fun being the court jester that is the year of the juggling balls #Juggling #Clown #Fun #Art #Friends #Teach #Learning #GreatTime #goof #clowning #around #killtony #behappy

My second attempt at stand-up comedy I wrote most of the jokes I think I don’t believe any of them are stolen but it’s a common misconception and I hope you all enjoy some dumb hits brain dead me stay happy stay busy🚨🇺🇸🇨🇦😷😂❤️💣🤬💋🛑💩🐯🐷🤔🤩❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😂😂🇦🇷😘😘😘🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️🥰😉😎🥺🥶🥵🤯🤠🤡👹👻☠️👽🙀👾🤖🦿🧠👁 #Comedy #Amateur #Standup #jokes #HangOut #AtHome #Covert #Mask #Gloves #SocialDistancing #COVID-19 #BoredAtHome #Funny #HaveANiceDay #HungOver #2020 #JustAnotherWackyDay #Attempt #StandupComedy #Comedy #NotVeryGood#TookMeALongTime #PositiveFeedback #CriticalFeedback #HopeYouEnjoy #StayHealthy #RocknRoll #BreakALeg #DontMove #Comply #SocialThisObedience #Revolution #TechnologicalExpansion #ReachOutToSomebody #HelpAnotherPerson #Crisis #Pandemic #MakeADifference

Electronically locked inside I’ve forgotten the passcode to my electric locks now I am stuck here forever in this deep dark space the abyss alone down here eternally rejoiced by the sounds that hit my ears here on earth! Lo and behold coffee time stayed home teatime crossword puzzles do puzzles stay at home and do nothing take care yourself get healthy be happy love one another spread some cheer take a shower do your hair clip your nails brush your teeth wash your eyes out with YouTube blow your nose distribute tissues in a wastebasket how about just doing things like we were taught I love you all time to quarantine and stay indoors if we want this to endSometime between now and 2030 you better start acting like a responsible human beings or forever live in filth and disgust disease and pestilence

#WashyourHands #SocialDistancing #WHO #CDC #WasherHands #Coronavirus #Covid19 #Winnipeg #Vancouver #Toronto #NewYork #EastCoastToWestCoast #NorthAmerica #CleanYourHands #CleanYourCountertops #CleanYourBathroom #CleanYourPhoneCases #Clean #WellYou’reAtHome #Bleach#Don’tMixChemicals #StayHealthy #Exercise1HourADay #SocialDistancing #RemainAtHome #GlobalLockdown #FormulatePlanB’s #MakeNecessaryPreparations #Emergency #InPlace #PleaseBeSafe #GlobalEpidemic2020#take me out to the ball game #AppleJuice #Pancakesh #Cupcakes #MakeAVolcano #ThingsToDoCrafts #RememberWhenYouWereAKid #HaveAGoodDay #NWO #MassiveChange

its getting serious start thinking about a plan b. Spend time with those people you care for and love the most! It could be ^ months!

Sorry for the terrible live streams....I'm working on it.... BE safe everyone!

Multistreaming with

TESTIng out the live stream for the 5th time, hope it goes well....I have had a lot. of problems with getting the video to work, I may have to start from stretch! Thanks every one for being patient....PEACE AND LOVE......don't forget to wash your hands!

Multistreaming with

TESTIng out the live stream for the 5th time, hope it goes well....I have had a lot. of problems with getting the video to work, I may have to start from stretch! Thanks every one for being patient....PEACE AND LOVE......don't forget to wash your hands!

Multistreaming with

The life of me, ( I like Pi and pies.) or is it me at all? Is it a round Pie? Come along for the ride on this inter-galactic starship we call Earth. Watch that first step because its a doozie, daily news, fun stuff , you can blame me for everything. Watch what a court jester does when put in front of the world, for all to see. Shameless self promotion of liberal democracy comes at a price when working for nothing. Love peace and happiness is what I'm all about, with some frantic mania from time to time helps clear the air of bad energy. Lets do this thing; come along, and strap on in, because this ride is going to take awhile. and till we arrive, lets make Mother Earth great again! well may be not "again" that just doesn't sound right, maybe, lets inhabit Earth as always and keep it the way its always been; a place, worthy,, of calling our home.Life is a struggle from the day one is born, encased under earths strata, elements working for and against us and the will to survive knows no bounds. Ask yourself what is consciousness and lets explore this reality we share together, to help better understand one another.

#Rap #Hiphop #SomethingNewFromMe #BroStyle #ToyMachineFoundation #CIA #FBI #CSIS #Medium #Media #FunStuff #Illuminati #Illuminate #GreatTimes #extictionrebelllion #moloch #TooMuchFunToBeHad #Tobogganing #Comedy #RidingTheSlopesOfLinguistSticks #Elmo #owl #ComedyStore #TheComedyStore #KillTony #RedBan #Discord #FunnyAssShit #Surrealism #ItMeansNothing #WillHandWrap #WHO #Coronavirus #CDC #America #Canada #NorthAmerica #WashYourHands #Don’tTouchYourFace #Art #LiberalArts #Didn’tPayMuch #Low-payingJob #HighReward #GoBackToSchool #PoliticalScience #Humanities #Anthropologie #HumanitarianIssues #HumanRights #SocialSciences #Perception #NoDegree #DeadBeforeYouGetToExplainYourself #oso #neo #Nwo #transatlanticcounsel #Day #morning #mourning Hope everyone’s doing well today another meaningless video take what you want from it past times present times future times let’s live in the now and perceive as is the word of the day is tautology or tautological! Stay fit and have fun love all you and I hope March is a better month if February one is not I am understandably undecided on what to do about it. #2020

s #Scary #LateNight #ABC #Coronavirus #Winnipeg #WhoTheyWereFor #CIA #FBI #CSIS #Revolutionary #Insurgency #1964BookAboutAlbania #Possibilities #BiologicalWarfare #IsItReal #Epidemic #Pandemic #CDC #WorldHealthOrganization #Ebola #InTheCongo #Uganda #ExtinctionRebellion #EnjoyYourLife #WhoIsFightingWho #WhyFightWhenYouHaveWords #Diplomacy #Impeachment #FakeNews #RealNews #Truth #Lira’s #ImpeachmentTrial #Senate #Congress #USA #Friends #Canada #Finland #Denmark #Philippines #TrueDetectives #Journalism #Money #PayToPlay #CopiousNotesOfConversations #LeftRightLeftRightLeftRightSoundsLikeAMarchToMe #ConsiderTheFact #DevilsAdvocate #UN #RaShop #Moscow #Barcelona #Rome ##Israel #NorthKorea #Counterinsurgency #BunchOfBullshit #LifeGoesOn

Fun day with friends and family tobogganing

#2 magnifying #fun video it’s good to look at things under a magnifying glass and be careful what you may happen to find, it may be that which reflects back that hurts. “No ants were massacred in the making of this video.” #Magnify #5Times #Ants #Insects #Introspection #Psychology #LookingD #Life‘sMoments #Sites #’sDeepOceans #Changes #Horizons #Funny #PartyO

A 1 #magnifying #fun video it’s good to look at things under a magnifying glass and be careful what you may happen to find, it may be that which reflects back that hurts. “No ants were massacred in the making of this video.” #Magnify #5Times #Ants #Insects #Introspection #Psychology #LookingD #Life‘sMoments #Sites #’sDeepOceans #Changes #Horizons #Funny #PartyO

Wrapping presents

Wrapping Christmas presents the day before Christmas Yves 2019 time lapse video #Amen #Christmas #Struggle. #Success #ToughLove #NightPaper #ChristmasWrapping #Presents #GoodTimes This took me an hour to complete one present it was an easy my life slowed down and sped up is a joke.

Surrealism nothing seems to matter. This is the introduction to the giant pimple on my chin I hope everybody enjoys their holiday season and whacked out with all your friends and families. #Whack #16Boz #BadRoute #WrapNumber3 #ChristmasRap #HappyDays #Acetone #SantaCruz #Vans #Nike #NaraWhale #Seals #Writing #JustForTheFuckOfIt #NoMeaning #WhatDoYouThinkIt’sAbout #It’sJustAJoke #Relax #EverybodyJustNeedsToCalmDown #Quit taking yourself so seriously #NeverWasSupposedToBeGood #PotentialSquandered #FBI #NSA #RickAndMorty #CSIS #DARPA #IRAPa #Inconsistentconsistencies #youneverlook #Lastplacefinishedfirst #Democrat #Liberal #Conservative #Republican #Politics #I’mSickARap #ItMakesNoSense #RhymeOrNovelWithThe1WordAndTheEndingWord #License #DeckOfCards #LightFrequency #TheMissingFundamental #NoiseCancellation #LowTone #HighTide #Skateboarding #Surfing #Snowboarding #Skydiving #ArtsAndCrafts #Harveys #GetUpOnStage #TooShyToDoAnything #RuinYourLifeByHumiliateInYourself #ConsistentInconsistencies

Rick made a beautiful joke about SNL. #rickandmorty #goodmorning #merryxmas #snl #fairuse #kittens #snakes #joke #comedy #danharmon #high #winniethepoohlookslikexi #ohhappyday #smile #0days #singularity #mit #kurswell #lexfridman #quantumphysics #meta #wells #timemachine #worldbrain #godblessthismess #hotdogs #cokeacola #pepsi #misfortune #starbucks #tide #swing #chop #beautiful #world #Democracy #VoteForYourRight #GoFishingOnTheHolidays #EnjoyYourChristmasHoliday #PartyOnExcellent #BogusAdventures #BillingTEDTalks #BohemianRhapsody


KO boxing in Saudi Arabia clash of the dunes December 7, 2019

Skateboarding and satire.

I’ll fill this in asapI picked up these manila clams at the local grocery store hopefully they have a good home filled with lots of love Care and with little smiling clam faces. I figured they would filter the water and help the over all system by cleaning algae out of the sand. I monitored to see if they had kicked bucket the first week and they seem to be doing just fine and add to the rest of the biodiversity in the tank. This was a beginner mistake or something of a success. Needless to say it’s been an interesting experiment to test the carrying capacity my tiny nano cube aquarium. #ManilaClams #SaltwaterAquarium #PrettyWoman #PrettyFish #ClownFish #Damsel #DamselInDistress #Experiment #Beginner #TryNewThings #MicroAndMacrolife #Consequences #Struggle #CSIS #FBI #CIA #IsRaileyOccupation #UNAnnouncement #DeemedIllegal #WhatElseIsInTheNews #AmericaThinksIt’sOK #WhoCares #HGWells #NelsonMandela #DalaiLama #TheCatholicChurch #AllMadeUp #StrongAsTheKonomiInTheWorld #ComparedToWho #HopeEverybody’sDoingWell #makeTheSunWillShineAgain #iswhatourgrandkidswillsay #Alpha #Bader #Zeta #Epsilon #Kapa #FridayMeteoriteShower #Kudos #Philosophy #LifeInABubble #ThePharaoh #Theparadox #CognitiveDissonance #SocialEngineering #IKnowThisVideoWillGetACopyrightStrike #IDon’tCareAnymore #ITryToDoMyBest #DeathCult #JonesTownMassacre #41YearsLater #900PeopleDied #MindControl #Brainwashing #CultOfSociety #HaveFunWithThis #Esoteric #Satanists #Don’tForgetYourSunglasses #WhenTheNuclearBombsDropped

#evildoers #heros #saints #youtube #youtunein #scrapbook #AfricanElephant #MicellarCleansingWater #20YearsOfSmoking #FuckMBS #FuckSaudiArabia #FuckMonarchies #DeathToDictators #xiliookslikewinniethepooh #Dermatology #ForFaceAndEyes #CleansingProduct #CleanYourFace #DollarStore by #HardDaysNight #TheBeatles #Pepsi #Coke #Santacruz #VeniceBeach #NewYorkCity #WinnipegManitoba #GLOBAL #World #EverythingAndEveryone##GermanSam #SiriusRadio #AccessDenied #PS4 #Fortnight #Apex #NFL #NHL #sissy #pizzaparty #whatyougoingtocryaboutit #mean #jokesonyou #cashmoneymillennials #getoverit #sk8ordie #draindamage #braindamage #als #Bringonthe Russianbots #PutinWearsLipstickToKissHisPigMother #InsultForeignDignitaries #AtlanticCouncil #TransAtlantaCouncil #CouncilOnForeignRelations #TedKoppel #SusanRice #BenGhazi #ObamaObombaNation #Lives #Gaslighting #EastGermanSecretPolice #WhatAreWeFightingFor #BringOurTroopsHome #EconomicSovereignty #Oppression #Don’tLetAmericaBecomeADictatorship #AuthoritarianRise #CarefulOfTheCultOfSociety #Samsung #5G #Huawei #iPhone #SecureSupplyChain #BraveNewWorld #TheWorldIsOurOyster #ShareTheOyster #Don’tFightOverEverything #LoveYourFamilies #CareForOneAnother #MakeMealsForOneAnother #NoMouthAndSaid #InTheHomelessProblem #StopPuttingPeopleInCamps #BoldNewWorld #OldNewWorld


Created 5 years, 8 months ago.

27 videos

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Kick ass stuff from a Canadian guy Instagram@Stoshy Polski & Twitter@61stosh
New videos every week! message me like subscribe and comment! I'm happy to have you here
WHAT FUTURES DO YOU SEE? #worldstar #HistoryOfMusic #Homage “The world as we know it, is a dangerous place, people exceedingly retreat to the safety of their homes to spend time with their loved ones, nourish themselves, sleep, to get up and eat again and get out the door for work. Do people ever stop ask them self why? what’s everybody so afraid of? Other than themselves feeling the pain of starvation. “ -sjp #yourube #Saudiroyalsdrool #WaltDisneyCouldn’tDrawMoreThanAStickFigure #LikeMusic #Spirit #16Bars #WrapForThe1Time #MBSSucksDonkeyDick’s #MBSIsAButcher #OldCanada #Hot #NotInVietnam #WhoIsUsingMyIPAddress #VPN #That’sWeird #FilmingYouGetDressed #secretlyFilmingYou #KanyeWest #TheGreatWhiteNorth #ThrasherMagazine #GoingToBeAGoodMother #TellHer #MakingTheseUpOnTheSpot #FBI #NSA #CIA #CSIS #5Eyes #WorldWar3 #FreedomOfSpeech #Freedom #Liberty #Democracy #WigglyWigglyWrap #GetOutAndVote #1Attempt #Venus #Marrs #Satin #Pluto #Jupiter #Mercury #Neptune #Earth #festibelfilm #folon #fallen #wexit #brexit #wrapitup # weroughtofhere #isisislivingnexttoyou #stopholdingontoreaenments #worldranking #newgame #syria #kurds #turks #russians #killingfeilds #iran # #china #xilookslikewinnie #DeathtoMBS #thepooh #Deathtodictators #stupidshit #deathtombs #rottenoldbooks #dogisgreatdogisgood #mannorbeast #manorbeast #explainationunknow #destinationunknow #kindness #revolt #revolutionsolution #wutang #wutangBANG #rza #gza #odb #inspecta #raekwon #uptown #madness #Madworld #downtown #plato #chompsky #lyricist #poeticsonawhim #alllanguagehasextinguishediyself #grassisgreener #flightofawildebeest #bullhead #anomaly #animalsvshumansvsplants #goatvsfish #vsvsvs #stoptheslaughter #ibidyouagooddaysir #MartinSchoolAlly #MartinScorsese #IrishMan #Englishmen #Scotchman #Frenchman What future do you seek? #Kinnealeyandmcgahinnis #€¥£$ #eyes #oil #drugs #money #war #currencyofall cities #Applepie #oban #crownroyal #royalaboded