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Stu Pendisdick


The 15 minute City Agenda plans are ramping fast.

Suzanne Humphries, MD, Speaking on Polio at the Association of Natural Health Conference in 2012.

By every definition, by any metric, we are, plainly and simply, at war.







Tell me how a county with one of the highest vaccination rates in Florida is seeing a rush on their hospitals for Covid-19?

Perhaps it has something to do with their hospitals lying to the public about the state of their ER and driving panic?

Baptist Health Jacksonville deleted their tweet... and there wasn't an archive anywhere... but I found the tweet was still cached and was able to archive that.

The internet is forever.

Still want the poison jab?

Agenda21 / Agenda2030 in full view.

Common Mycoplasmas - Now Weaponized, Pathogenic & Deadly

Shit that makes you go 'hmm'...

Most uninformed people continue to argue that these bankers and elites are part of God’s chosen group.

You all have been so manipulated that you're controlled by guilt....FALSE guilt.


Learn why the general population is brainwashed.

What Big Pharma has gone to the ends of the Earth to hide from you.

This is an historical overview of how the Earth has been run as a prison planet through secret agreements between the Cabal/Deep State and their Reptilian extraterrestrial overlords. The film introduces modern day plans to engineer wars, poverty, disease and genetic modifications that all contribute to covertly fulfilling these agreements. The recent proposal to create techno-governments in the US State of Nevada is shown to be yet another means by which the Deep State minions of these alien visitors can hide their operations and fulfillment of these agreements.

As more individuals awaken to the contrived nature of modern wars, health crises, and economic collapse, the masses are rising up in open resistance to the Deep State. What will accelerate this Great Awakening is full disclosure of suppressed advanced technologies, secret space programs and a Galactic Federation waiting for humanity to reclaim its galactic heritage.

I wish to thank my incredibly talented and inspired wife, Angelika Whitecliff, for the many hours she devoted to creating this short film and raising public awareness of these critical issues.

Michael Salla, Ph.D.

President Trump, was the only person standing between us and a world totalitarian socialist government and that was why our corrupt government attacked him, from day one

A Warning to Americans from a Yugoslavian Woman

It is not only critical to fight and win this battle against fraud to see Trump sworn in for a second term, but to follow through with the investigations and prosecutions and punishments to clean this mess up afterwards. Our politicians, even our best politicians, and our government is famous for abandoning the righting of injustices as soon as they get what they want. We must deal thoroughly with the election snake pits whether it takes a year or all four year of Trump’s second term, or they will come roaring back more powerful than ever.

Listen very carefully.

It’s pathetic and criminal!

This video is from mid-September about three hard drives.

Hang on to your asses, folks.

Video in Chinese, but there are accurate English subtitles.

Antarctica Mission 1

Antarctica Mission

Gotta love it when protesters protest the protests.

Consider this:
It could be argued that SARS-2 ( COVID-19 ) is merely a "vector test" for a future bio-weapon that targets specific ethnicities.
This idea was fleshed out in the book series "America Falls" by Scott Medbury.
See the video below showing the real-life conversation about this possibility, and ask yourself " What would YOU do? What should America do? "

Rashid A. Buttar, DO, FAAPM, FACAM, FAAIM: Dr. Rashid A. Buttar received his undergraduate degree from Washington University in St. Louis with a double major in Biology and Theology at age 21, and then attended medical school at the University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences, College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery in Des Moines, Iowa, graduating with his medical degree at age 25. He trained in General Surgery and Emergency Medicine and served as Brigade Surgeon for 2nd Infantry Division, Republic of South Korea, and later as Chief of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Moncrief Army Community Hospital at Ft. Jackson in Columbia, South Carolina while serving in the US Army.


Created 4 years, 11 months ago.

32 videos

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