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"Such a Christian" that he crawls into bed with pedophile vipers from the synagogue of satan along with the likes of epstein and weinstein... Lindell is a CONMAN and a snake in the grass.

It's just chicken...

Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!!! I had to stop what I was doing and make this video immediately, when I heard the description given. It matched what I've experienced in the process 1000%. I hope this helps you and/or your loved ones. If it's not for you, please just move along, there's no need to be a cunt with this one. God Bless.

We are ***DEFINED*** by our fruits

new material included demonstrating hyper sonic frequencies with carrier signals. I know this project is taking longer than expected, working hard to keep up with new information everyday.

Source presentations:

We are under siege from an attempted bolshevik takeover. I'm pointing out bolsheviks, not jews. If you are upset that I am pointing out jews, maybe you should ask yourself why so many jews are bolsheviks and committing these heinous acts against us in Christian Western societies, like they did in Russia.

I guess NOBODY has anything to say about this topic... how strange.

A very clear explanation of the Bolshevik overthrow of Russia. Show this to your friends and family. Show them how this is exactly what's going on once again today, and the same hallmarks are all there, yet so many remain totally ignorant to it. Let's end that!

We are under siege from an attempted bolshevik takeover. I'm pointing out bolsheviks, not jews. If you are upset that I am pointing out jews, maybe you should ask yourself why so many jews are bolsheviks and committing these heinous acts against us in Christian Western societies, like they did in Russia.

Jeff Zucker CNN, Chris Wallace CNN, Richard (DICK) Blumenthal Senator from Connecticut

Jussie is a punk ass bitch and everybody knows it now. Remember everyone else who jumped on the bandwagon with him. This should NEVER be forgotten by us. Can any white man in America today commit a fake hate crime, be convicted of 5 out of 6 felonies and avoid lock up???

You too can do this for every member of government, media, University, basically ANY public figure who says/does some shit that doesn't make sense and goes against American and moral values. You'll be surprised "every singly time"

I don't turn off comment sections like a little bitch. And will continue to rip and re-post videos from the homos that do. After all this bullshit we ALL need to be able to get it off our chests and anyone who shuts down comment sections is a pussy little fuck twit.

In these perilous times, you will see who people REALLY are. EVERYBODY. And I'm going to be here to put you on blast.

Unfortunately, some people made the wrong choice and they're warning others. Pray for them, they REALLY need it. Shared with me from a dear friend, nobody suspects she is lying, and needs your help to save others.


Created 3 years, 3 months ago.

19 videos

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