Surviving Hard Times

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Surviving Hard Times



🀝 Join us on an inspiring journey with Kelsey and Sean Nightingale as they embark on their homesteading adventure in the serene corners of Scottsburg, Oregon🌱πŸ₯š


πŸ•°οΈ Discover the timeline of success in small farming and the patience required for homesteading.

πŸ’ͺ Explore the labor of love involved in nurturing a homestead and the unparalleled rewards it brings.

πŸ’° Learn about the financial aspect of homesteading and creative ways to generate income.

🌟 Get a sneak peek into the exciting new plans brewing at the Nightingale Farmstead.

πŸ”Š Cultivate your knowledge by clicking the link in our bio or description above. 🎧

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🌟 Dive into the world of homesteading with Dawn Gallop, the founder of It's All About #9 Farms, on today's episode.


Learn about the #PantryChallenge, canning processes, and valuable tips for minimizing waste while igniting creativity in the kitchen. 🌱

Don't miss out on this insightful discussion! πŸ…

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🌱 Join Steven Cornett, the visionary behind Nature's Always Right, on a transformational journey.


🌍 Explore the power of cultivating your own food for nutritional freedom and vibrant health.

🌟 Dive into innovative techniques, savor the unparalleled flavor of homegrown veggies, and address the alarming trend of soil depletion.

Let's revolutionize our health and world together! πŸ’ͺ

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πŸ”¬ 🀝 Join Stacy Adams, a distinguished professor of horticulture at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, as he explores the innovative world of controlled environment agriculture in Hydroponic Horizons.

πŸ“š Balancing teaching and extension outreach, Adams specializes in greenhouse operations and management within hydroponics. 🌿


πŸ’‘ Discover:

πŸ… Insights into cost-effective fruits and vegetables for hydroponic cultivation
🚫 The limitations impacting hydroponic operations
🌿 Advancements in greenhouse design and the role of automation
πŸ₯— Differences in nutrition, aesthetics, and flavor between field-grown and hydroponic greens.

❌ Don't miss out on this enlightening discussion. 🚫

🎧 Press play now to embark on a journey of agricultural innovation by clicking the link in our bio or description above. 🌟

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Join us on a journey into the realm of regenerative farming practices with Michelle M. Wander, Director of the Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture Program at the University of Illinois. 🌱

πŸ”¬ Learn how these practices promote nutrient-rich soil, mitigate degradation, and improve water management for sustainable agriculture.

🚜 Explore the science behind organic farming and ecological soil management.
🎀 Check out the podcast episode and delve into the fascinating world of regenerative agriculture.

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🌍 Embrace Change with Confidence! Prepare for the unexpected in the coming year with one easy step at a time.

🀝 Join Katie of Good Patriot as she shares insights into the prepper mindset and practical tips for safeguarding yourself.✨


πŸš€ Learn:

πŸ›‘οΈ Easy first steps to protect yourself (e.g., stocking up on water and shelf-stable basics)
🧐 How to figure out what items you would need if you suddenly found the store shelves empty
πŸ€” Why so many people are choosing not to prepare for worst-case and realistic scenarios
⏳ How long it takes to prep to different levels
🌎 What to expect in the coming months and years around the world, including the U.S.

πŸ”— Tune in for the full conversation by clicking the link in our bio or the description above. ✨

🍏 Listen on Apple Podcasts:

🀝 Join us on a horticultural adventure as Steven shares his journey from childhood memories of dried figs to becoming an expert in fig mastery. πŸŒ°πŸƒ


πŸ” Explore the nuances that make figs unique and distinct from other fruits with a renowned horticulturist.

❄️ Learn innovative techniques to protect fig trees in cold climates and ensure a thriving harvest.

βœ‚οΈ Discover the art of strategic pruning for healthy and productive fig trees - Steven Biggs is your guide!

πŸ‘‰ For more insights, visit:

🍏 Listen on Apple Podcasts:

πŸ‘¨ Join Charles Dowding on a journey of over four decades, cultivating the art of vegetable growing. πŸ…


πŸ₯¦ Dive into the "no dig" method, a labor-saving path to high-yield gardening. 🚜
πŸ’‘ Discover how less soil disturbance means more and better food in your kitchen! 🍽️
πŸ’š Explore soil health, weed wisdom, crop covering, and compost tips. 🌾

To find out more about Charles Dowding and his approach to no dig gardening, visit

🌐 Ready to nurture your soil? Tune in, grab Dowding's book "No Dig," and visit his YouTube channel: πŸ“š

🍏 Listen on Apple Podcasts:

πŸ“‰ As the economic landscape becomes more uncertain, the Financial Prepper, Chris Taylor, shares invaluable insights on preparing for potential challenges. πŸ’ΌπŸ’‘


πŸš€ Here's a glimpse of what you can learn:

🍲 Ways to secure long shelf-life food
πŸ₯© Navigating protein scarcity
πŸ’Έ Smart food investments before prices rise
πŸ₯” Easy tips for growing your own potatoes
πŸ” Building a secure food and water source

πŸ‘₯ Don't panicβ€”prepare! Join the Financial Prepper on YouTube for essential tips: πŸ’™.

🍏 Listen on Apple Podcasts:

πŸ’‘ "Turn problems into solutions," says the Zimbabwean "water farmer." Join Brad's quest to tackle water challenges in Tucson, Arizona.


🌿 Discover:

πŸ’‘ Innovative water harvesting methods. πŸŒŠπŸ”„
🌿 Benefits of rainwater irrigation for healthier plants and soil. 🌧️🌱
πŸ“ How to choose the right rainwater tank size. βš–οΈπŸ’§
🏠 Impact of surfaces on rainwater quality. πŸ‘πŸ’¦

🌧️ Ready to save money and transform problems into solutions? πŸ’°

🏞️ Explore more at πŸ“š

🍏 Listen on Apple Podcasts:

🌎 🌱 Join the movement towards smaller "foodprints" with Paul Shapiro, CEO of The Better Meat Co. ! πŸ’‘

πŸ”πŸƒ Learn how mycoproteins, created with innovative fermentation processes, provide a nutritious and eco-friendly alternative to traditional animal-based meats. 🌿πŸ₯©


🌍 Explore:

πŸ„ The speed of producing meat-like products through microbial fermentation.
🌾 How mycoproteins mimic the experience of animal-based meats with superior nutrition.
πŸ₯© Easiest and most challenging meats to mimic. πŸ€”
🌾 The environmental and health impacts of animal-based meats. ♻️
πŸš€ What sets The Better Meat Co. apart in creating animal-free meat.

πŸ”₯ According to Shapiro, "Raising animals for food is the number one cause of deforestation on the planet." 🌳 If you're passionate about climate change, wildlife conservation, and preserving the natural world, it's time to rethink our approach to food.

πŸ‘‰ Learn more at

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🌾🌍 Dive into the fascinating world of seed science with Kent Bradford, Distinguished Professor in the Department of Plant Sciences at University of California, Davis ! 🌾


🌾🧠 Explore the secrets of seed biology for growing crops and ensuring a sustainable food source in uncertain times. 🌍

πŸ“– Learn:

πŸŒ±πŸ”What seed testing is, and how it is done. πŸŒΎπŸ”¬
🌾🌱How seeds are made, and why the production process is so important. πŸšœπŸ’‘
πŸŒΎπŸ‘© Advice for farmers – big and small – concerning potential food shortages on the horizon. 🌱🌍
πŸŒ±πŸ“¦ How to properly store your own seeds πŸš€

Listen on 🍏 Apple Podcasts:

πŸš€ Join with Andrew Henderson from The Nomad Capitalist to Discover how to grow wealth, enjoy global freedom, and take control of your happiness in uncertain times. 🌍✨


πŸ—£οΈ Join us as Andrew discusses:

🌐 The concept of global citizenship
πŸ“‰ How Nomad Capitalist helps clients reduce tax rates
πŸ’° Implementing proven financial strategies for a fulfilling life

🌟 Visit for more insights on expanding personal freedom. πŸ’ͺ🏼

Listen on 🍏 Apple Podcasts:

πŸ€” Ever dreamt of cultivating your own organic fruit haven?

πŸ’‘ Join us in this insightful discussion with Susan Poizner, founder of Orchard People , as she shares valuable tips and techniques to expedite the fruit-growing journey 🧠


πŸ’‘ Susan, a seasoned journalist, filmmaker, and urban orchardist, established
Orchard People to empower individuals in growing fruitful gardens.

✨ Her mission? To guide fellow gardeners in overcoming challenges and fostering a more sustainable lifestyle 🌌

In this episode, we delve into:

πŸ•°οΈ Understanding the patience required for fruit tree maturation.
πŸŒ† Top fruits for flourishing in urban settings.
🌳 Distinguishing between fruit and native trees.
βœ‚οΈ Mastering the art of effective tree pruning.

🌿 Don't miss out on Susan's invaluable insights. 🍏🌿

Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:

🀝 Join us as we delve into the world of modern homesteading with David Selman from Savvy Organics Farm. David and his wife Alice are the driving force behind this health-focused, sustainable, farm-to-table operation. 🌱🏑


Since its inception in 2017, Savvy Organics Farm has been on a mission to inspire a simpler, regenerative lifestyle.

Tune in to discover:

🌿 Vital tips for novice homesteaders. 🚜
🌱 The crucial role of nutrient-rich soil in food cultivation. πŸ’‘
πŸ’ͺ How farming contributes to physical fitness and well-being. ♂️πŸ₯—

Episode also Available on 🍏Apple Podcasts:

Join with Jeremy Silva, Founder of BuildASoil for a deep dive into nutrient-rich soil and its profound impact on plant health.


🌼 Learn how BuildASoil crafts custom soils from natural ingredients worldwide, empowering growers with sustainable and efficient solutions. 🌍🌱

πŸš€ From a garage startup to a soil revolution, BuildAsoil revolutionizes gardening. 🌱

Dive into:

🌍 Unique offerings from BuildASoil for conscious consumers.
♻️ The essence of quality compost and its pivotal role in soil health.
🌱 Why soil texture is the cornerstone of vibrant plant life. 🌾🌿

Ready to cultivate a thriving garden? Listen to explore more about BuildAsoil 🌿🌱

Episode also Available on 🍏 Apple Podcasts:

✨ Learn the simple yet rewarding ways of creating and maintaining a homestead. 🌾

🀝 Join Wanda of Deep South Homestead as she shares the advantages of this lifestyle and imparts valuable skills. πŸ’‘


πŸ₯• Wanda and Danny, the dynamic duo behind Deep South Homestead, offer insights from their 10-acre farm in South Mississippi. From gardening to DIY projects, they cover it all! πŸ“

🌱🌞 Explore the world of natural, healthy living and unlock the benefits of fresh, homegrown produce. πŸ…πŸŒΏ

Episode also Available on 🍏 Apple Podcasts:

πŸ—£οΈ In a world inundated with technology, understanding the impact of electromagnetic frequencies on our health is crucial. Join us with recurring guest Dr William McGraw as we delve into EMFs, heavy metal toxicity, and health risks in this eye-opening interview. πŸ”


Press play now to explore:

πŸ‘€ The adverse effects of specific electromagnetic fields. πŸ’₯πŸ‘€
πŸ’§ How EMFs influence individuals with heavy metal toxicity. 🌑️
πŸ€• Symptoms associated with EMF sensitivity. πŸ€•βš οΈ

πŸ”— Learn more about EMFs and Dr. McGraw's pioneering work by clicking πŸ“š

Episode also Available on 🍏 Apple Podcasts:

Explore the impact of city planning and neighborhood transformation on community engagement with Mark Lakeman, a design activist and expert in architecture and permaculture. πŸ—οΈπŸŒΏ


🌟 Mark is the visionary behind The City Repair Project, revolutionizing public spaces, and the driving force at Communitecture, a community-focused architecture firm. 🏑

πŸŽ₯ His mission? Creating sustainable, community-centric spaces that shape the American landscape. Can this infrastructure lead to a brighter future for communities? Hit play to discover! πŸ”


πŸ—οΈ Harnessing design for community growth. 🌱
🀝 Practicing a more authentic democracy. πŸ—³οΈ
🏒 The vital role of public squares in local communities. 🌳

πŸ‘¨πŸ”¬ Eager to know more about Mark and his transformative work? Click! πŸ”—

🎧 Episode also Available on 🍏 Apple Podcasts:

In a world of growing uncertainty, preparation is key. Join us in this episode as Joseph Lynch shares practical insights learned from a life of readiness in North Carolina's challenging terrain.🏠🌍



πŸ₯« Food prepping hacks for practicality and cost-effectiveness.
πŸ’§ The significance of self-protection, survival skills, and water purification.
⚑ The current reality of electric vehicles and fuel storage.
πŸ’΅ The potential for universal payments in the U.S.

Joseph's journey teaches us that knowledge and resources can be life-saving in any crisis. πŸŒΏπŸ› οΈ

For a deep dive, catch the full episode on YouTube

🎧 Episode also Available on 🍏 Apple Podcasts:

Join us in a fascinating conversation with Christian Ryan, a geology enthusiast and writer for the New Creation Blog. πŸ’‘ As he delves into the correlation between Genesis and Earth's eras, you'll be captivated by the mysteries of our planet's past.


πŸ” Dive into:

πŸ•ŠοΈ The formation of different rock types. πŸŒ‹
🧐 Common minerals within rocks.
πŸ“š Genesis and the geologic record alignment.

Uncover the rich history beneath our feet! πŸŒπŸ•°οΈ

🎧 Episode also Available on 🍏 Apple Podcasts:

Discover the profound science of Ayurvedic medicine and its integrative approach to healing. Dr. Cardona, an experienced Ayurvedic doctor, shares insights on treating chronic diseases, emphasizing the importance of addressing root causes.

Tune in now!

πŸ‘¨βš•οΈ With over a decade of practice, Dr. Cardona blends ancient wisdom with modern medical tech to treat chronic ailments. His extensive experience in medical education further enriches his holistic approach.

In this enlightening episode, we cover:

🌑️ Ayurveda's role in chronic disease treatment.
βŒ› How ancient healthcare practices endure.
πŸ” The cruciality of identifying root causes for effective treatment.

Ready to harmonize your body and mind? And Explore more on Dr. Cardona's work on his website! πŸŒπŸ‘‰

🎧 Episode also Available on 🍏 Apple Podcasts:

Dr. Paul Dyer, a renowned Professor of Fungal Biology at the University of Nottingham, delves deep into the captivating realm of yeasts and filamentous fungi. πŸ§ͺπŸ”¬

With over three decades of research, Dr. Dyer unveils fascinating insights in this conversation. 🌟

🌱 Discover the incredible benefits fungi offer to humanity!

πŸ”„ Learn the crucial distinctions between good and bad fungi.
🌿 Explore fungal diseases impacting both plants and humans.
🧠 Find out where a fungi's command center lies.

Curious to know more about Dr. Dyer's groundbreaking work? Click the link in our bio! πŸ”—

🎧 Episode also Available on 🍏 Apple Podcasts:

Join us as Paul Frail, Senior Technical Leader at Suez Water Technologies & Solutions, unravels the importance of this life-giving resource. πŸ’‘

In this episode we’ll discover:

πŸ’‘ The three types of control vital for water treatment.
♻️ Water reuse and the challenges of scarcity.
🏭 The role of industrial cooling systems and their impact on aquatic ecosystems.
🚿 When to consider home filtration or softening systems.
🚰 How to access a report on your municipal water quality.

🎧 Episode also Available on 🍏 Apple Podcasts :

Join with Claire Whitaker a PhD candidate at University of California Riverside in exploring the enigmatic Botrytis cinerea, a formidable fungal pathogen affecting 200+ plant species, including vital crops.

In the Episode we learn about….

🧫 How Fungus infects and spreads in plants

πŸ›‘οΈ Plant defenses: RNA interference & vesicle disruption

🌞 Sun-seeking plant behavior: What allows certain plants to grow toward the sun and Understanding its resilience 🌐

Tune in now for intriguing insights! πŸŽ“πŸ”¬

🎧 Episode also Available on 🍏 Apple Podcasts:


Created 1Β year, 7Β months ago.

132 videos

Category Health & Medical