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Art, Grief & the Role of the Priestess: Interview with Community member Pat Lewis. This is a powerful conversation with our sister, Pat. You will have the chance to see some of Pat's incredible artwork and explore the process of deep grief. 🌹

Womb Priestess: Interview with Return of the Priestess Community member, Laura Hosford

What is a Womb Priestess, how are Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene and the Black Madonna guiding us through this "leading edge" of human spiritual evolution? We cover these topics and then go into a potent meditation in the black void of creation.

"In these times, true leadership can no longer model an old template based in hierarchy, compulsive control, fear, domination or oppression of the feminine.

"Humanity needs a new kind of leadership. A leadership grounded in the Sacredness & Sanctity of ALL LIFE. One connected with Earth & Spirit, which honors both feminine & masculine, and is based on partnership, egalitarianism, deep listening & respect. This is a leadership which is imbued with empowered feminine knowing.

"It takes tremendous courage to lead from the heart in such times, as well as a lot of support. We need each other, and we came here to RE-Member this, then LIFT as we RISE!" ~ Dawn DelVecchio


Dawn DelVecchio, MA has been on a path of spiritual awakening for more than 37 years. She is the founder of the "Return of the Priestess" speaker series and the lineage bearer of MotherSpirit Priestess Initiation training.

Dawn holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Women’s Studies, a Master’s Degree in Shamanic Intuitional Practices, and is the #1 Amazon Best-Selling Author of the book, Spirit, Mind & Money. Today she uses her background in Goddess lore, ceremony, inner spiritual practices, tarot and astrology to support and guide women who are awakening to their true spiritual gifts.



"In these times, true leadership can no longer model an old template based in hierarchy, compulsive control, fear, domination or oppression of the feminine.

"Humanity needs a new kind of leadership. A leadership grounded in the Sacredness & Sanctity of ALL LIFE. One connected with Earth & Spirit, which honors both feminine & masculine, and is based on partnership, egalitarianism, deep listening & respect. This is a leadership which is imbued with empowered feminine knowing.

"It takes tremendous courage to lead from the heart in such times, as well as a lot of support. We need each other, and we came here to RE-Member this, then LIFT as we RISE!" ~ Dawn DelVecchio


Dawn DelVecchio, MA has been on a path of spiritual awakening for more than 37 years. She is the founder of the "Return of the Priestess" speaker series and the lineage bearer of MotherSpirit Priestess Initiation training. 

Dawn holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Women’s Studies, a Master’s Degree in Shamanic Intuitional Practices, and is the #1 Amazon Best-Selling Author of the book, Spirit, Mind & Money. Today she uses her background in Goddess lore, ceremony, inner spiritual practices, tarot and astrology to support and guide women who are awakening to their true spiritual gifts. 



A reflection on the challenges of being birthed into this 3-D Matrix, along with a channeled message for the collective of guides, "Ananda" about the creation process.

"In these times, true leadership can no longer model an old template based in hierarchy, compulsive control, fear, domination or oppression of the feminine.

"Humanity needs a new kind of leadership. A leadership grounded in the Sacredness & Sanctity of ALL LIFE. One connected with Earth & Spirit, which honors both feminine & masculine, and is based on partnership, egalitarianism, deep listening & respect. This is a leadership which is imbued with empowered feminine knowing.

"It takes tremendous courage to lead from the heart in such times, as well as a lot of support. We need each other, and we came here to RE-Member this, then LIFT as we RISE!" ~ Dawn DelVecchio


Dawn DelVecchio, MA has been on a path of spiritual awakening for more than 37 years. She is the founder of the "Return of the Priestess" speaker series and the lineage bearer of MotherSpirit Priestess Initiation training. 

Dawn holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Women’s Studies, a Master’s Degree in Shamanic Intuitional Practices, and is the #1 Amazon Best-Selling Author of the book, Spirit, Mind & Money. Today she uses her background in Goddess lore, ceremony, inner spiritual practices, tarot and astrology to support and guide women who are awakening to their true spiritual gifts. 



As the energies of ascension increase here on Earth, there are certain demarcation points at which we can choose to consciously “leverage” our LOVE frequency for the collective.

This is one of those times, and this Activation is meant to support our sisters & brothers who live in our Earth's cities. Please join us by watching to add your light!

Special Announcement - Return of the Priestess 3 Coming Soon

A Channeled Message from the Council of Light

Resources referred to in this livestream
1. Marina Jacobi: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheHarmonicReactor
2. Gaia Codex: https://dawndelvecchio.com/resources/ (scroll down to recommended reading for book & link.)
3. ACIM: https://acim.org/
4. Channeling Jesus: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChannelingJesusAnanda

The following transmission came through as an inspired “download” while I did yoga in front of my living room altar early Monday morning. Appreciating the beauty and intent of my altar, a flash went through my mind that very few westerners give even a nod to the sacred within their homes, even though almost all the world now shares that same, central hearth focal point within their private domains: The great altar of the television set.


This message may come across in a somewhat dualistic tone, so I want to make a few clarifications as to my meanings and usage of certain terms.

When I refer to God, I refer to the LOVE STREAM of which we are all a part. I mean the energies of Creativity, Freedom and Reverence for the Life Eternal. I mean Divine Lovelight. I mean “God” in the sense of all that is, ever was, and ever shall be. Or as I like to say, the Ocean of Bliss.

What I do not mean by this title is an external dude who has the personality of an ego, or who choses sides in a war, sports game or drama here on earth. I am not referring to a being with ego-based thoughts and impulses such as revenge or punishment.

When I refer to “satan”, “evil”, “the beast” or “wetiko”, I am also not referring to a dude. Rather, I refer to a frequency which runs through consciousness that is one of separation.
"In these times, true leadership can no longer model an old template based in hierarchy, compulsive control, fear, domination or oppression of the feminine.

"Humanity needs a new kind of leadership. A leadership grounded in the Sacredness & Sanctity of ALL LIFE. One connected with Earth & Spirit, which honors both feminine & masculine, and is based on partnership, egalitarianism, deep listening & respect. This is a leadership which is imbued with empowered feminine knowing.

"It takes tremendous courage to lead from the heart in such times, as well as a lot of support. We need each other, and we came here to RE-Member this, then LIFT as we RISE!" ~ Dawn DelVecchio


Dawn DelVecchio, MA has been on a path of spiritual awakening for more than 37 years. She is the founder of the "Return of the Priestess" speaker series and the lineage bearer of MotherSpirit Priestess Initiation training. 

Dawn holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Women’s Studies, a Master’s Degree in Shamanic Intuitional Practices, and is the #1 Amazon Best-Selling Author of the book, Spirit, Mind & Money. Today she uses her background in Goddess lore, ceremony, inner spiritual practices, tarot and astrology to support and guide women who are awakening to their true spiritual gifts. 




11:11:01: "I Smell A Rat!"
11:11:11: "Love, Light & Possibility."
11:11:21: "Light Workers: HOLD THE LINE!"
This is what we have been preparing for, sisters & brothers of the light! No more time to faff around with ego nonsense or get sucked into the battlefield of 3-D Earth. Time to redirect our attention to what matters.

We are made in the likeness and image of our Divine Creator, which is LOVE, LIGHT, FREEDOM and CREATIVITY - Its time to use these powers!!

"In these times, true leadership can no longer model an old template based in hierarchy, compulsive control, fear, domination or oppression of the feminine.

"Humanity needs a new kind of leadership. A leadership grounded in the Sacredness & Sanctity of ALL LIFE. One connected with Earth & Spirit, which honors both feminine & masculine, and is based on partnership, egalitarianism, deep listening & respect. This is a leadership which is imbued with empowered feminine knowing.

"It takes tremendous courage to lead from the heart in such times, as well as a lot of support. We need each other, and we came here to RE-Member this, then LIFT as we RISE!" ~ Dawn DelVecchio


Dawn DelVecchio, MA has been on a path of spiritual awakening for more than 37 years. She is the founder of the "Return of the Priestess" speaker series and the lineage bearer of MotherSpirit Priestess Initiation training.

Dawn holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Women’s Studies, a Master’s Degree in Shamanic Intuitional Practices, and is the #1 Amazon Best-Selling Author of the book, Spirit, Mind & Money. Today she uses her background in Goddess lore, ceremony, inner spiritual practices, tarot and astrology to support and guide women who are awakening to their true spiritual gifts.


Navigating the ascension as a Priestess and light worker. ABOUT THIS VIDEO

Keeping our love vibration high during these times.

"In these times, true leadership can no longer model an old template based in hierarchy, compulsive control, fear, domination or oppression of the feminine.

"Humanity needs a new kind of leadership. A leadership grounded in the Sacredness & Sanctity of ALL LIFE. One connected with Earth & Spirit, which honours both feminine & masculine, and is based on partnership, egalitarianism, deep listening & respect. This is a leadership which is imbued with empowered feminine knowing.

"It takes tremendous courage to lead from the heart in such times, as well as a lot of support. We need each other, and we came here to RE-Member this, then LIFT as we RISE!" ~ Dawn DelVecchio


Dawn DelVecchio has been studying Goddess lore, facilitating ceremony, offering intuitive guidance, spiritual counsel, tarot & astrology readings for 3+ decades.

Dawn’s Initiation as a Priestess was in 1986. Her RE-Dedication came in January, 2017 when she could no longer ignore the call to step us as a Mentor and Guide for the next generation of spiritually awakening, feminine leaders.

Today she hosts spiritual Leadership retreats in Thailand and Sedona; teaches tarot intensives, a variety of ceremonies and 1-day workshops for women and men; and leads a 13-moon Priestess Apprenticeship program online.


* Website: http://DawnDelVecchio.com
* Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dawndelvecchio/
* Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PriestessSchool/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx8_-CQWWeVWVxE-8GyFrlQ
Retreat Info: https://youtu.be/K8oZhG_8clU
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArunaDawn

A discussion of Sovereignty - at the 3-D "Battlefield" level; the personal level; and from the higher perspective.

In today’s livestream we cover
<3 Respect, Boundaries & Self-Love
<3 Grief
<3 Forgiveness

"In these times, true leadership can no longer model an old template based in hierarchy, compulsive control, fear, domination or oppression of the feminine.

"Humanity needs a new kind of leadership. A leadership grounded in the Sacredness & Sanctity of ALL LIFE. One connected with Earth & Spirit, which honors both feminine & masculine, and is based on partnership, egalitarianism, deep listening & respect. This is a leadership which is imbued with empowered feminine knowing.

"It takes tremendous courage to lead from the heart in such times, as well as a lot of support. We need each other, and we came here to RE-Member this, then LIFT as we RISE!" ~ Dawn DelVecchio


Dawn DelVecchio has been studying Goddess lore, facilitating ceremony, offering intuitive guidance, spiritual counsel, tarot & astrology readings for 3+ decades.

Dawn’s Initiation as a Priestess was in 1986. Her RE-Dedication came in January, 2017 when she could no longer ignore the call to step us as a Mentor and Guide for the next generation of spiritually awakening, feminine leaders.

Today she hosts spiritual Leadership retreats in Thailand and Sedona; teaches tarot intensives, a variety of ceremonies and 1-day workshops for women and men; and leads a 13-moon Priestess Apprenticeship program online.


Website: http://DawnDelVecchio.com

What is the role of the Spiritual Leader during times of Tyranny & Awakening?
Credit to Jeffrey Wolf Green & the Evolutionary Astrology paradigm for the 4 Stages of Consciousness. (https://schoolofevolutionaryastrology.com/)

Here are the links I referred to:
1. The German man talking about the "L0k-step" plan: https://drcharlieward.com/lockstep-senario-by-the-rockerfellas-how-to-bring-down-the-world-with-a-pandemic/
2. Dr. Palevsky explaining about the reptile brain: https://academyofdk.com/seeing-through-the-fog-with-dr-larry-palevsky-damien-wynne-jason-shurka/

As we prepare for this year's Return of the Priestess event, and as the world continues it's wild spiral of change and uncertainty, the exploration of what it means to walk as Priestess is a worthy endeavor.

In this Sunday's livestream, I share my reflections as well as guidance on the necessity to raise our vibration, surrender egoic impulses and open to be the vessels for Divine Mother to anchor within the hearts and minds of humans.

Register now for this year's FREE, Return of the Priestess event right HERE >>> https://returnofthepriestess.com/dawn


Dawn DelVecchio is the founder of the Return of the Priestess, annual speaker series and global feminine activation. She has been studying Goddess lore, facilitating ceremony, offering intuitive guidance, spiritual counsel, tarot & astrology readings for 3+ decades.

Dawn’s Initiation as a Priestess was in 1986. Her RE-Dedication came in January, 2017 when she could no longer ignore the call to step us as a Mentor and Guide for the next generation of spiritually awakening, feminine leaders.

Today she hosts spiritual Leadership retreats in Thailand and Sedona; teaches tarot intensives, a variety of ceremonies and 1-day workshops for women and men; and leads a 13-moon Priestess Apprenticeship program online.

In this week’s video I talk about how to recognize your intuition and read the “signs” from spirit, so that you can follow your Soul’s highest intent. I cover some of the practices needed in order to be a clear channel vessel for that Divine Guidance to flow to and through you in your everyday life.

PLUS I share the story of how I followed my own guidance - and many serendipitous signs! - in order to find my new little house in the big forest!

There is much more to the Law of Attraction than visualization or affirmation. We give what we received, so when e give judgement, hate, attack, sarcasm, intolerance or fear, we constrict the flow of abundance.

In this video I tie together the nuanced understanding of how to navigate the changes on earth and draw forth that which we wish to manifest using the power of love.

"In these times, true leadership can no longer model an old template based in hierarchy, compulsive control, fear, domination or oppression of the feminine.

"Humanity needs a new kind of leadership. A leadership grounded in the Sacredness & Sanctity of ALL LIFE. One connected with Earth & Spirit, which honors both feminine & masculine, and is based on partnership, egalitarianism, deep listening & respect. This is a leadership which is imbued with empowered feminine knowing.

"It takes tremendous courage to lead from the heart in such times, as well as a lot of support. We need each other, and we came here to RE-Member this, then LIFT as we RISE!" ~ Dawn DelVecchio


Dawn DelVecchio has been studying Goddess lore, facilitating ceremony, offering intuitive guidance, spiritual counsel, tarot & astrology readings for 3+ decades.

Dawn’s Initiation as a Priestess was in 1986. Her RE-Dedication came in January, 2017 when she could no longer ignore the call to step us as a Mentor and Guide for the next generation of spiritually awakening, feminine leaders.

Today she hosts spiritual Leadership retreats in Thailand and Sedona; teaches tarot intensives, a variety of ceremonies and 1-day workshops for women and men; and leads a 13-moon Priestess Apprenticeship program online.


* Website: http://DawnDelVecchio.com

Caring for self as we care for others. OR ... How to walk in the world as an empath with clear boundaries.

How to be a healthy empath is what I cover in this week's livestream. At this point we've all heard about - or put up with - empath-narcissist relationships and dynamics. It is time for the empaths to rise to our strength with healthy boundaries, even as we honor our gifts.

"In these times, true leadership can no longer model an old template based in hierarchy, compulsive control, fear, domination or oppression of the feminine.

"Humanity needs a new kind of leadership. A leadership grounded in the Sacredness & Sanctity of ALL LIFE. One connected with Earth & Spirit, which honors both feminine & masculine, and is based on partnership, egalitarianism, deep listening & respect. This is a leadership which is imbued with empowered feminine knowing.

"It takes tremendous courage to lead from the heart in such times, as well as a lot of support. We need each other, and we came here to RE-Member this, then LIFT as we RISE!" ~ Dawn DelVecchio


Dawn DelVecchio has been studying Goddess lore, facilitating ceremony, offering intuitive guidance, spiritual counsel, tarot & astrology readings for 3+ decades.

Dawn’s Initiation as a Priestess was in 1986. Her RE-Dedication came in January, 2017 when she could no longer ignore the call to step us as a Mentor and Guide for the next generation of spiritually awakening, feminine leaders.

Today she hosts spiritual Leadership retreats in Thailand and Sedona; teaches tarot intensives, a variety of ceremonies and 1-day workshops for women and men; and leads a 13-moon Priestess Apprenticeship program online.


* Website: http://DawnDelVecchio.com

3-D Preps for 5-D Peeps

The dismantling of the unloving systems which have limited our ascension has begun. The changes ahead aren’t fully known, but they are likely to be “radical” in that they will get to the root of what is not working. There’s a darn good chance that our lived experience 10 years from now will be dramatically different than what we are living today.

The road from here to there could get bumpy. How do we plan for these unknown yet certain changes coming?

During this week’s Sunday livestream we look at some of the things we need to think about and prepare for, in a world that will dramatically change within our lifetimes.

Let us do this with love, hope and ... common sense!

What does it mean to be a “natural” human and how does it tie in with our ascension process? In today’s transmission we explore these topics and ask key questions about the choice presented for humanity at this time.

Much guidance and insight offered for those who are choosing a 5-D, New Earth ascension timeline.

Psychic Protection & How to Protect Against Psychic Attack from a Non-Dual Perspective
(A strange topic for Valentine's day ... or maybe not!)

In this video I first review the over-arching framework of who we are, where we are and why we are here.

Then we dive into psychic protection and how to do this effectively during these times of ascension when much negative energy is afoot on Earth.

Choice Point - The Time is NOW!

An Important Message of how to navigate this critical window of time for our highest timeline and greatest good.

A channeled messages from the Goddesses connected with the collective, Ananda … Changes ahead. Clinging to beliefs which do not support a more loving life will become painful. Let us call upon the Divine to support us in surrendering that which no lover serves Love.

THANK YOU to all of you who filled out the survey! I've decided to answer your questions in a series of videos.


Dawn DelVecchio has been studying Goddess lore, facilitating ceremony, offering intuitive guidance, spiritual counsel, tarot & astrology readings for 3+ decades.

Dawn’s Initiation as a Priestess was in 1986. Her RE-Dedication came in January, 2017 when she could no longer ignore the call to step us as a Mentor and Guide for the next generation of spiritually awakening, feminine leaders.

Today she hosts spiritual Leadership retreats in Thailand and Sedona; teaches tarot intensives, a variety of ceremonies and 1-day workshops for women and men; and leads a 13-moon Priestess Apprenticeship program online.


* Website: http://DawnDelVecchio.com
* Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dawndelvecchio/
* Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PriestessSchool/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx8_-CQWWeVWVxE-8GyFrlQ
Retreat Info: https://youtu.be/K8oZhG_8clU
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArunaDawn

A Channeled message as we enter 2021 about the next step in our "assignment" as the star seeds, light workers and Priestesses ... the "ground crew" for Earth's ascension journey.


Created 3 years, 6 months ago.

30 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

"In these times, true leadership can no longer model an old template based in hierarchy, compulsive control, fear, domination or oppression of the feminine.

"Humanity needs a new kind of leadership. A leadership grounded in the Sacredness & Sanctity of ALL LIFE. One connected with Earth & Spirit, which honors both feminine & masculine, and is based on partnership, egalitarianism, deep listening & respect. This is a leadership which is imbued with empowered feminine knowing.

"It takes tremendous courage to lead from the heart in such times, as well as a lot of support. We need each other, and we came here to RE-Member this, then LIFT as we RISE!" ~ Dawn DelVecchio


Dawn DelVecchio has been studying Goddess lore, facilitating ceremony, offering intuitive guidance, spiritual counsel, tarot & astrology readings for 3+ decades.

Dawn’s Initiation as a Priestess was in 1986. Her RE-Dedication came in January, 2017 when she could no longer ignore the call to step us as a Mentor and Guide for the next generation of spiritually awakening, feminine leaders.

Today she hosts spiritual Leadership retreats in Thailand and Sedona; teaches tarot intensives, a variety of ceremonies and 1-day workshops for women and men; and leads a 13-moon Priestess Apprenticeship program online.


* Website: http://DawnDelVecchio.com