Voices of Mercy

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Voices of Mercy

Voices of Mercy


A MUST SEE!!!The creator of the RNA technology….WARNING About the effects on children!

To set up a Save America Conference in your state or set up one of our election integrity presentations/campaigns CALL 225-YES-1234!

Louisiana Secretary of State was standing against the will of the people by pushing his own RFP (Request for Proposal) to have Louisiana purchase millions of dollars worth of DOMINION voting machines. As a result, we mobilized the people of Louisiana, protested, and threatened to throw him out of office! What you see is the result of a united front of the Children of God taking action with a united voice!

A good short clip of this stalwart attorney!

The Save America Conference will bring the Truth, Training, and Tools needed to take all seven mountains of influence for Jesus Christ to every state in the nation.

Have you been wondering why America seems to be falling apart? The short story is, we have forgotten our Biblical roots; and we have allowed the enemies of good to do their evil in government, media, education, and so on.

The only real way to save America from the ground-up is to make Godly education available for all! That is why we do what we do, and we cannot provide Godly education for all without your help! Only when we unite to stand against the tides of evil will good ever prevail! The only reason we have fallen as a nation is because Good men refused to Stand for what is right!

Now together we must unite! Now together we must stand! Now together we must fight back!

Learn more about this and other issues at VoicesofMercy.com/Small-Hands-Shift-Nations

And, if you would, do us a favor by signing the Small Hands Shift Nations petition found there to save the children! God Bless

God is telling us a VERY profound message concerning the take-down of corruption that is about to happen in the White House.

Hear the prophetic words of the late Prophet–Kim Clement (who passed away November 23rd, 2016) about what God is doing and about to do right now this year (2021)!


P.S. This is the updated original video, and we have included some bonus material! Enjoy

To engage in the mission, call or text 225-937-1234 (or 225-324-1972) today! Or visit our site @ http://www.voicesofmercy.com/small-ha... to sign the petition and more!

This is what our God has spoken for America

This meeting was held in Atlanta, Georgia 12.14.20.

Important points include: all trials of mRNA Vaccines in the past killed all of the animal-testees, this Chinese Virus must be called "EXPERIMENTAL" legally under all circumstances, and Americans are (at large) suffering from psychosis via the mainstream media propaganda.

So much to be learned all right here in a nice little package for you!

America Shall Be Saved!

I will try to find a higher quality video. Until then, here you go! They spoke with us in Atlanta, Georgia 12.14.20.

Not the best audio quality, but it is the latest interview with Attorney Lin Wood on the John Fredericks Show

Repost for a friend

Featuring video shared by Reliant News, produced by InfoWars, and narrated by Greg Reese. Big thanks to them. Repost for a friend.

Another Video Needing to be re-uploaded. This one is from OAN, and it features a group of doctors gathering at the Supreme Court to expose the Information Warfare surrounding the CV Hysteria.

This is not the first time that they have offered vaccines as a solution! Read up on this idea here: https://salmartingano.com/2020/05/the-1918-spanish-flu-only-the-vaccinated-died/

Needed to re-upload this: Vital Information

Explained by Nancy Pelosi

Connect @ VoicesofMercy.com

This is not the first time that they have offered vaccines as a solution! Read up on this idea here: https://salmartingano.com/2020/05/the-1918-spanish-flu-only-the-vaccinated-died/


Created 3 years, 9 months ago.

20 videos

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