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In 2020, G20 governments, in collusion with the World Economic Forum’s "Stakeholders", discretely and undemocratically enacted a global ten-year transition to an authoritarian political system, called Stakeholder Capitalism.

After propagating a Marxist idea that black and trans people are oppressed and indoctrinating us to fear climate change, the Stakeholders are mandating their pre-planned political system, which is criminal mastermind, Klaus Schwab, alleges is better for ‘people and planet’.

Will we push back before A.I. takes our jobs, our wealth shifts to the Stakeholders and we become vulnerable to tyranny? Join tech entrepreneur, Richard Jeffs, as he investigates The Great Reset transition to Stakeholder Capitalism.

Note: 'One World Order' = WEF 'The Great Reset' = WEF/UN 'Agenda 2030' = WEF 'The Young Global Leaders' = WEF 'The Fourth Industrial Revolution' = 'The New Normal' = 'Build Back Better' * 'One World Currency' = 'The One World Religion' = 'Trust The Science'... Any Questions?

It’s January 2021, the world is in lockdown and our economy is on the brink of collapse.

Will the new vaccine enable our lives to return back to normal or does it mark a pivotal point in the evolution of humanity (one that is driven by artificial intelligence, will reimagine capitalism, and be governed by extreme tyrannical laws that are dictated by global elites)?

The New Normal, a factual, 50-minute documentary, investigates The Fourth Industrial Revolution, what the 1% has to gain, and what the rest of us are about to lose.

Remember when the MSM brainwashed everyone into believing we were in a deadly pandemic, even though the hospitals were so empty that medical workers spent hours filming ludicrous dance routines, out of sheer boredom?

Australia: Acres upon acres of prime agricultural land are paved over by more than a million solar panels.

Is this one of the reasons for the globalist war on agriculture? Do they intend to replace even more agricultural land with these monstrosities?

EXCESS DEATHS DEBATE: Andrew Bridgen's full speech

All MPs should be attending House of Commons debate on Excess Deaths in UK

We *shut down society* over fears of excess deaths What could be more important than getting to the bottom of this issue now?

Gays Against Groomers is proud to announce our collaboration with Sacred Honor Media on a new project surrounding our member and detransitioner Matt Rey and partner Judith Rose.

In the heart-wrenching documentary “Leaving Amy,” filmmaker Steve Sorensen (director of ‘Beneath Sheep’s Clothing’) delves deep into the poignant story of detransitioner Matt Rey, illuminating the often unseen complexities, medical malpractices and risks associated with gender transition. With appearances from medical professionals as well as our own members, ‘Leaving Amy’ will challenge viewers beliefs and biases.

Visit to learn more about the film, Matt’s journey, and how you can make a difference. Join us in bringing this film to screens across the country to move hearts and minds everywhere.

Australian MSM news broadcast from 2016: "Residents in southern Tasmania are demanding to know why cloud seeding was conducted... the day before the worst floods in 40 years."

"Cloud seeding is a technique used to increase rain."

"Farmers believe the technique could have made the flooding worse."

CDC Releases Paper on Myocarditis After COVID Vaccination—and EVERY WORD Is Redacted

“That page is not blank because we messed up. That’s on purpose.”

Dr. McCullough described this move by the CDC as “gross malfeasance.”

His conclusion: “This manuscript almost certainly shows serious myocarditis as a result of the vaccines.”

“The CDC, because they’re still pushing the vaccines, they don’t wanna show this to Americans. So now the CDC is intentionally deceiving the public on an emerging public health crisis. That is, myocarditis after the vaccines.”

Featuring some of the world's leading scientists discussing the absurdity behind climate alarmism. I have a small role in the movie as well.

🚨💉”DNA Discovered in Pfizer & Moderna mRNA Vaccines”

“This work has been replicated in many labs around the world - even FDA, EMA & Health Canada have admitted it”

“The Regulatory Agents also admitted that Pfizer omitted that SV40 sequences were present in their vaccine”

Listen to Kevin McKernan confirm on record what the conspiracy theorists have been telling you these last 3 years.

It you don’t know what an SV40 sequence means - go look it up. Trust me it’s not good, in fact it’s beyond criminal.

CDC Releases Paper on Myocarditis After COVID Vaccination, and EVERY WORD Is Redacted

“148 pages. The entire thing is redacted. What good does a study do if there’s nothing there?”

There’s obviously something very damning that they’re trying to hide.

Dr. Peter McCullough says we’re witnessing an “active cover-up” of a “colossal consumer product safety debacle.”

“Pfizer recorded 1223 deaths with their product within 90 days of release. People were calling Pfizer in desperation, watching their family members die after taking the vaccine.”

Related Stories on @Vigilant_News:

Secret Recording Catches Pfizer Scientist Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud (

Alarming News for Those Vaccinated After COVID Infection (

5 Times Dr. “Zev” Zelenko’s Bold Claims Became Undeniably True (

"Just imagine North Korea in 20 years, when everybody has to wear a biometric bracelet... You listen to a speech on the radio by the great leader, and they know what you actually feel. You can clap your hands and smile, but if you're angry, they know you'll be in the Gulag tomorrow morning."

World Health Organisation whistleblower, Dr. David Bell: The WHO is being used as a tool, by people who want to take over the world.

"The WHO is significantly funded by private interests. Its second-largest funder is a private organisation that has significant pharma investments. Clearly, there's a conflict of interest... In a democratic society, you would not let that organisation have any power over your people. It would be completely irrational to do that."

"It's completely illogical to go down the path we are going at the moment, where we give more power to this organisation to control our own health policy."

Whenever the media goes this hard on something…
there’s always another agenda…
but what is it?
what do you think is the psyop here?

Is this some kind of sick and twisted ploy to break the spirit of the people?
Are we witnessing some kind of grand humiliation ritual?

We know for a fact that there are untold numbers of people with the so-called symptoms of “long Covid…”

But now they are being told that they are either imagining those symptoms,
or something else must be the cause?

I think it’s pretty obvious what that cause actually is.

Finding out that you have been medically raped, coerced, bullied, manipulated and now potentially permanently damaged…
Is enough to break anyone.
The cruelty of this is beyond words

Dealings involving intentional release

Details on the applications and licences for Dealings involving an intentional release (DIR) of a GMO and vaccines into the environment.

Just like with the Covid "vaccines", when they assure you that digital ID will be voluntary, what they really mean is that they have every intention of making it mandatory.

MUST-WATCH: Speaking in August 2020, before any of it had actually happened, RFK Jr. made these predictions about Fauci, Gates and the Covid "vaccine" roll-out, with ASTOUNDING accuracy.

"The headline makes it sound like you have nothing to worry about, the opposite it true...They identified these very significant problems that were neurologic, cardiac, or hematologic issues...There were a handful that were flagged as safety signals that were 2-3x times higher...than expected...There's tens of millions of people out there screaming from the rooftops saying that after they have a vaccine they have suffered...symptoms that have impaired their activities of daily living...Why are we not looking at those things?"

Other countries execute traitors…
but Australia protects them?

Ex UK PM Liz Truss who was forced out and replaced by Rishi Sunak tells a shocked Steve Bannon a radical Islamic Party may win in Rochdale:

Bannon: "The place with the rape situation?"..."Tommy Robinson and all these heroes fought it. In that community you may have a radical jihadist party send somebody to Commons?"

Truss: "That is correct"

Andrew Bridgen, Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom, Says Covid 19 mRNA Vaccines Have Had More Adverse Reactions Than All Other Adverse Reactions Recorded By The United Kingdom In 40 Years 🤯

“It's clear that these the rollout of these mRNA experimental vaccines should be suspended.”

“I'm not anti vaxx. I'm double vaxxed with AstraZeneca, but I've looked at the evidence as it's come out around the side effects and harms and I think the the matters actually now the evidence is overwhelming, you know. We've had over half almost half a million yellow card adverse events. That's that's more yellow card adverse events on mRNA vaccines than all the yellow card issues of the last 40 years. This is really significant.

Jojo Mehta, co-founder of Stop Ecocide International, tells a panel at the WEF's annual Davos meeting why farming, fishing and energy production should be considered "ecocide"—which her organisation is aiming to have "recognised legally as a serious crime", akin to genocide.


Created 2 years, 11 months ago.

521 videos

Category News & Politics