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No matter what happens in November, your ability to express dissent and opposing viewpoints to the puppetmasters will soon be limited.

Opinions and views will be inextricably linked to public unrest and "potential violence" and they will be picked apart piece by piece until there is nothing left.

Once your ability to speak about what they don't want to be heard is made criminal, the hope of a free society is all but lost.

News stats suggest that the next generation is starting to realize we live in Soggyville and it's run by a bunch of aging serpents that don't care about us?

Maybe we can start with the basics and turn this sogapalooza into the great thing it used to be before a bunch of featherweight soggies started squealing about hurt feelings and begging the gubbbermint to solve every problem.

Lol the GFloyd grift continues as a new "biopic" about the greatest Merican citizen to ever live is in the works. Can't wait to see how they portray this dude as a doting father who made a few mistakes while milking his name and likeness to the last drop.

Our fallen and living servicemembers are shamelessly used in slogans and speeches publicly while being almost completely disregarded when no longer useful to the money machine churning in our halls of power.

Their two days of "acknowledgement" are always utilized as a nod to how much whatever candidate will do for them, but they are mostly ignored by those same people once it isn't in the headlines.

The words don't match the actions and it's pathetic how many of these people are left on the street to suffer while some dude from (insert country name) just jumped the fence and got a prepaid debit card.

Most of them just pad their pockets with defense contractor stocks and board seats while posting their obligatory row of gravestones social media post and their meaningless platitudes about how much they care, while funding every possible thing imaginable except those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

On gang I'm so done with headlines. These soggies will find every possible way to avoid saying that prices are out of control because of the reckless serpents running our great nation into the literal ground.

On cap on gang frfr this whole planet is mid and I hope when people are done Twitch streaming makeup tutorials they realize this is all by design.

Today we remember the greatest Merican citizen to ever live, G Floyd, the hundred million dollar man.

Imagine being married for 23 years and your wife tells some clam at People Magazine that she wishes she got her cheeks clapped by more dudes before she saved her clam for you. Maybe don't put that in print, fam? Respecting your husband might be a good idea but hey what do I know?

I get it, I really do, but maybe save this confession for boozy brunch with your delulu besties and don't put your husband on blast like that.

"I regret not getting my cheeks clapped by that felon I met at Stagecoach, but my husband is cool and stuff so it worked out I guess."

Don't fall for it young kings and queens and thems. Octeganarian saggy boi sniffs-the hair 10% to the parm dealer is pretending like he's paying you off.

Hopefully these youths don't take the bait, on gang fr fr no cap, not a single cap.

Yoooooooo "I'm gunna get some cheeks after this horsepower joint" is the official slogan of 2024 I am actually deddddddddddd plz don't resuscitate.

Bumbles are stealing copper from an Oakland traffic light so they just slapped stop signs up their place. I could not love this story more.

Solving a break in the dam with chewing gum, the California way. Imagine getting your income clipped 14% to the garbocrats and them letting 3-block bumble camps take over your neighborhood.

The Golden State is looking not so golden.

A once iconic illustration of peak female beauty continues its tragic downfall into the soggiest pits of sogginess.

69 year old Gayle King vs Kate Upton? THEY TOOK EVERYTHING FROM US.

I'm doneeeeeeeeee ✌️

Serpent of State Anthony Garben is getting cooked in the media for absolutely shredding the guitar and singing like Temu Clapton in the Krane this week.

Soggy Wish.com Bono is so rock-n-roll he sported a drippy fit of mom-jeans, tucked in button up, skinny belt and the same level of appeal as low-sodium Triscuits on a summer day.

Swiss Army Knife is about to sell a thing without the main thing. What is even that? We used to have standards! Nothing is safe anymore.

What's next? Dairy Queen stops selling Dairy?

Frfr on gang, millennials don't care about socks, no cap. Crew socks used to be for skinny leg boiz but when so many youths are powered by soy, pharma chemicals and Fortnite, lots of folks have skinny legs.

Keep it drippy fam I'm just standing on business.

The new Ozempy (alleged) side-effect just dropped: saggy bags and downward face cherries, aka "Sad Bags"

Bro why are people doing thus? Eat fruits and veg and do squats? No amount of permanent squirts is worth it.

This whole timeline is wild/sad.

Rent is pretty outrageous these days but I was totally unaware that living in an apocalypse bunker or a SIGN was even possible.

You're making Keuring K-Cups in a grocery store sign? Having a potluck with friends in a windowless underground cave? Are we good? Is everyone good?

The Boy Scouts changed their name to 'Scouting America' to be more eeeeeenclusive and definitely not to cover up decades of scandals. So brave! So modern! Such good!

Here I suggest some new badges, honors and awards for the moldable youths and likely future smoothbrains of tomorrow.

I know this will be taken the wrong way because everything is garbage. But I keep seeing videos of college kids clowning and yelling at each other and some people are acting like this is some massive newsworthy event.

College kids say and do really dumb things. Unless you were a straight up NERD you probably did and said some dumb things too.

Let's just try to remember where most of these kids are at mentally and give them some grace.

I'm not excusing people hurting each other or destroying property or physically touching people, but a bunch of kids clowning and yelling at each other doesn't seem like it's enough to justify ruining their life or classifying them as some type of criminal.

They're being dumb and many don't even understand what they're doing in the context of a meaningful life. Think about when you woke up on a hardwood floor with your shoes still on and cold pizza in your hand. Just saying.....

Emotions emotions! Bad words make me hurt hurt! Protect me gubmint! Speech bad now because mean people yell words. Make the definition of a thing defined by somebody not selected to define things and make it evolve forever to protect meeeeeee! Protecccccc! Gubmint!!!!! I advocate for speech unless I'm emotional right now.

This is my complete thoughts on the current protests and what they mean. "They" have found the perfect trojan horse that unites seemingly both sides on why we need to limit and enforce restrictions on speech.

Facts don't care about your feelings unless it relates to the group or place or conflict closest to you. Somehow all the principles the free speech advocates have preached for years, go out the window when it comes too close to home.

I'm not taking a side, I'm just asking questions and thinking about how the crackdown people cheer about today will be used against all of us next time.

If you can't see past your emotions and stick to your principles, did you ever have time to begin with? Does the fact that even touching this topic is risky not set off some alarm bells? If "they" are always out to get us and restrict and control us, do you think somehow this time they aren't running the same play but with different players?

Just asking questions but I guess we can't do that anymore? Loud noises?

Learn 21 easy steps on how to protest effectively in 2O24. This complete guide covers everything you'll need to know before hitting the streets and looking smarter and better than everyone.

It's pretty wild watching people celebrate the serpents stealing more money from the bad corporations that everyone's 401K, pension and retirement funds are invested in.

Do they realize they are cheering along for more wealth to be taken from themselves? Soggy, smoothbrain culture is THRIVING and seeing people cheer for more subservience is a trip.

Lol 4 more years! $20 grapes! Let's get sad! Eat my lunch!

The soggiest brains on Earth legislate in California, I swear. These Ozempysogbrains want to ban Clear from California airports because it let's RiCh pEOpLe skip the line. Money doesn't exist! Things can't be better! Free everything! Soggy soggy coal car traffic boy tent city street-dweller sadboi paradise.

Nobody can be trusted anymore as I make the case for why the shadowy dark-money gremlin known as "Cookie Monster" (probably a fake name) is likely working behind the scenes for the same nefarious operations seeking to ruin everything we hold dear.

You mean to tell me this cookie-squandering literal monster is linked to Buzz Aldrin, the highest halls of power and is celebrated by the legacy media on BOTH SIDES?

Who is this character? What do we REALLY KNOW about him? Or is it her? WHAT IS IT?

Two wings of the same dumpster monster. Lots of literal laughs as the serpents with R aren't much different than the serpents with D.

Grab your ankles and loosen up that balloon knot PERTRIOTZ because our side has our back! So much siding! So Repub! Much freedumb!


Created 3 years, 8 months ago.

439 videos

Category News & Politics

Bobby Sausalito is a Comedian, commentator and Internet personality most notably recognized on Instagram as @takenaps.

He is a self-proclaimed "loud mouthed New England guido" living in South Florida and making comedy videos about politics, the economy, current events, real estate, roasting, travel and dubious guido observations.