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While I was walking and on my way home, I came across a protest that was rather peaceful, non-violent but still stood up for their rights and for what they believed in.
I'm sorry I didn't zoom in to see what the signs said close up, my phone camera couldn't zoom in; but to those wondering why were the vehicles honking so much. One of the signs says "If you agree with us, honk!" So a lot of cars and trucks honked in agreement. It's a protest fighting for the 2nd amendment and for people's gun rights; including freedom of religion, personal freedom and personal choice. I almost got teary watching this and almost cried.

If you think racism in the black community doesn't exist, think again; this is why it's important to discuss both sides when the other side is being wrong. Some blacks can be racist, hateful and prejudice towards white people and other races too. It's something that's often not talked about in the mainstream media and they like to pretend that it doesn't exist and that everybody who is black is the victim. Well, to me; this is proof right here that blacks can be racist and hateful to white people as well too. While I found this funny, I also found it to be pretty disgusting as well too.


Created 3 years, 6 months ago.

2 videos

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