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Sunday's to relax

scene from 1976 movie - Network
music: Gil Scott-Heron
1971 Album: Pieces of a Man

the content may change but the goal is to keep you hooked

wer will zur erde...

the truth goes its way gently with its head held high and without ever worrying about anything
while the lie has to hide so often and is busy running away from itself until it starts to stumble and finally falls over its own feet

während andere ihre Ferien ge(niessen) durften,
hat ein einziger Held*innen unermüdlich und ohne jegliches Eigeninteresse für unser aller Gesundheit gekämpft.

früher hiess es: erst denken dann handeln
2022: scheiss drauf wird schon gut geh`n

we`re all in the same boat


no advice needed

just another reminder from the past

just another reminder from the past "EARLY WARNING"

we are the 99%

move friends.... just move

workout for pleasure


Created 3 years, 1 month ago.

19 videos

Category None

work in progress