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War is a hoax. Controlled demolition, strategic relocation, and reconstruction of "war-torn" areas into industrialized centers.

Nobody died, nobody got hurt. And that's a fact.

Courtesy: Top Think.

Under the Fair Use Act of 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, commentary, reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

By Amber Plaster.

Under the Fair Use Act of 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, commentary, reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.


Every time the Crown has been challenged, the Crown grants the combatants what they want and they retreat back celebrating their “victory” in pomp and circumstance. However, little (if at all) change did take place, because the Monarch retained power to tax through previous treaties, charters, grants, and new debt obligations created by accepting the Crown's benefits.

The Declaration of Independence and the war that followed is no different than any other time in history when the people challenged the Status Quo. The King agreed to recognize the independence of his chartered corporations and provinces and removed himself from governmental liability; but the governors retained the power granted by the Crown and the Council of State. The States then consolidated their corporate charters under one compact-charter called the U.S. Constitution. Could the tax obligations of the previous pillars be removed by the Declaration of Independence, or a war which did not fully remove the control of the 'British' Crown? No.

No where in the Definitive Treaty of Peace will you find any granted rights to the inhabitants of the States. No where in the Treaty of 1783 will you find where the taxing power of gold, silver, and copper (mineral rights) were ceded to the States. So much for allodial title in America, freeman status and allodial title are synonymous, so you cannot have one without the other. Since the King did not cede all of his claims, he retained his power to tax and the subjection of those that received and enjoyed his benefits.

“The capacity of private individuals (British subjects) or of corporations created by the Crown in this country or in Great Britain to hold lands or other property in this country was not affected by the Revolution.

The property of British corporations in this country is protected by the sixth article of the Treaty of Peace of 1783 in the same manner as those of natural persons, and their title, thus protected, is confirmed by the ninth article of the treaty of 1794, so that it could not be forfeited by any intermediate legislative act or other proceeding for the defect of alienage.

The termination of a treaty by war does not divest rights of property already vested under it.” (Society for Propagation of the Gospel v. Town of New Haven 21 U.S. 464 (1823))

“The treaty of peace of 1783 between the United States and Great Britain was a mere recognition of pre-existing rights as to territory, and no territory was thereby acquired by way of cession from Great Britain. All British grants are invalid which were made after the Declaration of Independence, and purported to give title to land within the territories of the United States as defined by the Treaty of 1783.” (Treaties and Conventions, page 1339, Department of State (1889))

Nothing has changed. The parties of interest (the Crown, the Rothschilds, and the Vatican) still rule. It is our pitiful lack of knowledge and understanding of real history which causes us to hang our hats on documents that maintain and did not change our status. Does this sound familiar to what has happened to the indentured Negroes? They assumed since they were made citizens and given rights, that they were now free and attained allodium to property. Of course, they were granted no such thing whatsoever (because they are still slaves).


For many years, rumors circulate that the mysterious deaths of people close to the Clintons have, in actuality, been homicides perpetrated by [Clinton] henchmen to conceal certain sensitive secrets from exposure and prevent loss of ill-gotten fortune and clout. Vince Foster and Seth Rich are prime victims of the Clinton Cartel.

The United States of America is not a country, it is a corporation owned by the same bloodline families who owned the Virginia Company of London, because it is the Virginia Company!


“...There is a power behind the crown greater than the crown itself...” – 1913 Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary

"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act." - George Orwell

"The main essence of truth is - not many can handle it." - Unknown


Created 6 years, 6 months ago.

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