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Download Sanskrit Mantras Meditation Music.
Royalty-free, Commercial use license included, for content creators.

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Relaxation and Meditation: Due to its soothing and meditative qualities, the hang drum is often used in practices such as meditation, yoga, and other mindfulness activities. The calming resonance helps create an environment conducive to relaxation and mental focus.

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🎹 MDT2

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Orchestral Instrumentation: The music incorporates instruments commonly found in an orchestra, such as strings (violins, cellos, violas), woodwinds (flutes, clarinets), brass (trumpets, horns). The orchestral elements add richness, depth, and a classical touch to the ambient sound.

© Tera Mangala Meditation Music - All Right Reserved | Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.

🎹 MDT3

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The Solfeggio frequency of 285Hz may be believed to have positive effects on stamina, contributing to the restoration or improvement of endurance, whether in physical activities or mental tasks. It aligns with the idea of using sound frequencies for holistic well-being and energy balancing, as suggested in certain alternative healing practices.

© Tera Mangala Meditation Music - All Right Reserved | Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.

🎹285Hz Reetablish Stamina

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A combination of sacred sounds and a mantra dedicated to Goddess Mahalakshmi, who is revered as the goddess of wealth, prosperity, and well-being in Hinduism. This mantra is often recited by devotees to seek the blessings and grace of Goddess Lakshmi for financial and spiritual abundance.

Here's the breakdown of the mantra:

Om: "Om" is the universal and sacred sound representing the essence of the ultimate reality. It is often used to begin and end mantras, signifying the divine and the oneness of all existence.

Mahalakshmaye Vidmahe:

Mahalakshmaye: This part of the mantra refers to Goddess Mahalakshmi.
Vidmahe: "Vidmahe" means "let us meditate upon" or "may we know."
Vishnu Priyayai Dhi Mahi:

Vishnu Priyayai: This signifies that Goddess Lakshmi is beloved to Lord Vishnu, who is the preserver in the Hindu trinity.
Dhi Mahi: "Dhi Mahi" means "may we meditate upon" or "may we contemplate."
Tanno Lakshmi Prachodayat:

Tanno Lakshmi: "Tanno Lakshmi" means "we meditate upon Lakshmi."
Prachodayat: "Prachodayat" means "may she inspire" or "may she guide."
So, the complete mantra can be translated as:

"Om, let us meditate upon Goddess Mahalakshmi, who is beloved to Lord Vishnu. May she inspire and guide us."

This mantra is recited with devotion to seek the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi for prosperity, wealth, and abundance in both material and spiritual aspects of life. It is often used in Lakshmi puja (worship) and other devotional practices dedicated to the goddess.
mahalakshmaye vidmahe
vishnu priyayai dhi mahi
tanno lakshmi prachodayat

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अमृतत्वस्य तु नाशास्ति वित्तेन ।

amṛtatvasya tu nāśāsti vittena।

English translation
Immortality cannot be achieved by wealth.

The mantra "amṛtatvasya tu nāśāsti vittena" is a Sanskrit verse that conveys a philosophical concept related to the pursuit of immortality or eternal life. Let's break down the meaning of each part:

Amṛtatvasya: Refers to "immortality" or the state of being free from death or decay. In Hindu philosophy, "amṛtatva" represents the ultimate goal of spiritual seekers, which is to transcend the cycle of birth and death (Samsara) and attain liberation (Moksha).

Tu: It is a particle used for emphasis, similar to the word "indeed" or "but."

Nāśāsti: Means "there is not" or "does not exist." In this context, it suggests that "immortality" is not attainable or achievable through ordinary means.

Vittena: Translates to "wealth" or "possessions." It refers to material wealth and resources.

In essence, the mantra can be interpreted as:

"Indeed, immortality is not attainable through material wealth or possessions."

The mantra reminds individuals that true immortality or liberation cannot be achieved through accumulating material possessions or wealth. Instead, the pursuit of spiritual knowledge, self-realization, and virtuous actions are emphasized as the means to attain amṛtatva or eternal life. It reflects the idea that material wealth is impermanent and cannot provide lasting fulfillment, while spiritual realization and transcending worldly desires lead to the ultimate goal of liberation and eternal bliss.

The mantra encourages individuals to focus on the pursuit of spiritual growth, selflessness, and enlightenment, as these are the pathways to break free from the cycle of birth and death and attain the state of immortality in a metaphysical sense.

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"Om Namo Narayana" is a mantra from Hinduism that holds significant spiritual and devotional importance. It is composed of three primary elements: "Om," "Namo," and "Narayana." Let's break down the mantra's components and their meanings:

Om: "Om" (also spelled as "Aum") is a sacred syllable, often referred to as the "sound of the universe." It is considered the most fundamental and powerful mantra in Hinduism and other Indian religions. "Om" represents the primordial sound of creation, the essence of ultimate reality, and the interconnectedness of all existence.

Namo: "Namo" is a Sanskrit word that can be translated as "I bow to" or "I honor." It signifies a deep reverence and submission. When used in a mantra, it expresses humility and devotion to the divine or the object of worship.

Narayana: "Narayana" is a name of the deity Lord Vishnu in Hinduism. Vishnu is one of the principal deities in the Hindu pantheon, known as the preserver and sustainer of the universe. "Narayana" can be understood as a form of address to Lord Vishnu and symbolizes the divine presence, protection, and cosmic harmony.

So, when the mantra "Om Namo Narayana" is chanted or repeated, it can be understood as an expression of profound devotion and surrender to the divine presence represented by Lord Vishnu. The mantra encapsulates the idea of acknowledging the universal essence (Om), offering respect and humility (Namo), and connecting with the energy of divine preservation and harmony (Narayana).

Chanting or meditating on this mantra is believed to invoke spiritual blessings, promote inner peace, and cultivate a deep sense of connection with the divine. It's often used in religious rituals, meditation practices, and devotional singing as a way to attune oneself to higher consciousness and tap into the qualities associated with Lord Vishnu.

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This mantra is a Sanskrit verse that praises and describes Lord Vishnu, one of the principal deities in Hinduism. This verse is often recited or chanted as an invocation to seek the blessings and protection of Lord Vishnu. Let's break down the meaning of each line:

Shantakaram Bhujagashayanam: This line describes Lord Vishnu as the one who has a tranquil appearance, lying peacefully on the coils of the serpent (Adishesha) as if in rest.

Padmanabham Suresham: It refers to Lord Vishnu's lotus-navel (Padmanabha), symbolizing his cosmic creation and preservation. "Suresham" means the lord of the gods, indicating his supremacy.

Vishvadharam Gaganasadrisham: This line portrays Lord Vishnu as the support and sustainer of the universe, his form resembling the vast expanse of the sky (Gagana).

Meghavarnam Shubhangam: Lord Vishnu is depicted with a complexion like that of dark rain clouds (Meghavarnam), signifying his all-encompassing nature and auspicious attributes.

Lakshmikantam Kamalanayanam: Lord Vishnu is the beloved of the goddess of wealth, Lakshmi (Lakshmikantam), and has lotus-like eyes (Kamalanayanam), representing his grace and beauty.

Yogibhirdhyanagamyam: This line signifies that Lord Vishnu is attainable through meditation (dhyan) by devoted yogis who seek his divine presence.

Vande Vishnum Bhavabhayaharam: The verse declares the act of worship (Vande) to Lord Vishnu, who dispels the fears (bhaya) of existence (bhava).

Sarvalokaikanatham: It refers to Lord Vishnu as the master (natha) of all worlds (sarva loka), highlighting his universal sovereignty.

In essence, this mantra extols Lord Vishnu's various attributes and forms, portraying him as the eternal protector and sustainer of the universe. By chanting or reciting this mantra, devotees seek his blessings for protection, guidance, and liberation from worldly fears and concerns. The mantra reflects the deep reverence and devot..

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प्राता रत्नं प्रातरित्वा दधाति ।

prātā ratnaṃ prātaritvā dadhāti

English Translation:
An early riser earns good health.

The mantra "prātā ratnaṃ prātaritvā dadhāti" is a Sanskrit verse often used in the context of morning prayers or invocations. Let's break down the meaning of each part:

Prātā: Refers to the morning or the early hours of the day.

Ratnaṃ: Translates to "jewel" or "precious gem." In a metaphorical sense, it signifies something of great value or significance.

Prātaritvā: "Prātar" means "morning" and "itvā" denotes "having entered" or "having taken refuge."

Dadhāti: Means "places" or "bestows."

In essence, the mantra can be interpreted as:

"In the morning, the precious gem (or something of great value) is bestowed or placed."

The exact meaning and context of this mantra may vary depending on the specific spiritual or religious practices in which it is used. Generally, it is used as a morning invocation to express gratitude or seek blessings for a productive and auspicious day ahead. It may also be seen as an offering or dedication of one's actions and efforts to something of great value, such as a divine deity or the pursuit of higher ideals.

As with any mantra, the intention and devotion with which it is recited hold importance, as they can influence the spiritual and psychological effects experienced by the practitioner.

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🎹MANTRA2 prata

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"Om Namo Narayana Ya" is a sacred mantra in Hinduism that is dedicated to Lord Narayana, one of the principal forms of Lord Vishnu. It is a reverential chant expressing devotion and surrender to Lord Narayana. Let's break down the meaning of this mantra:

Om: "Om" is the universal and sacred sound that represents the essence of the ultimate reality, the source of all creation, and the vibration of the universe. It is often used to begin and end mantras, signifying the divine and the oneness of all existence.

Namo: "Namo" means "I bow" or "I offer my salutations." It is a word of reverence and humility.

Narayana: "Narayana" is one of the names of Lord Vishnu, and it signifies the divine preserver and protector of the universe. Lord Narayana is often depicted as reclining on the cosmic serpent Adi Shesha and is associated with qualities of compassion and sustenance.

Ya: "Ya" is a reverential ending often added to mantras to show respect and devotion.

When you chant "Om Namo Narayana Ya," you are essentially expressing your deep devotion and surrender to Lord Narayana. The mantra signifies your acknowledgment of Lord Narayana as the ultimate reality and your desire for spiritual growth, guidance, and blessings under his divine grace.

This mantra is commonly recited by devotees as a form of prayer, meditation, or devotional practice. It is a way to connect with the divine energy of Lord Narayana and seek his blessings for inner peace, protection, and spiritual awakening

© Tera Mangala Meditation Music - All Right Reserved | Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.


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"Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo" is a sacred mantra used in Kundalini Yoga and Sikh spirituality. It is chanted at the beginning of a Kundalini Yoga practice or meditation session to invoke the divine teacher within and seek guidance and protection. Let's break down the meaning of this mantra:

Ong: "Ong" is a primal, universal sound that represents the unmanifested, formless aspect of the divine. It signifies the infinite, the source of all creation, and the ultimate reality.

Namo: "Namo" means "I bow" or "I offer my salutations." It is a word of reverence and humility.

Guru: "Guru" means "teacher" or "dispeller of darkness." In Sikhism and Kundalini Yoga, the term "Guru" is not limited to a human teacher but also represents the divine wisdom and guidance that can be found within oneself.

Dev: "Dev" refers to the divine or godly aspect.

When you chant "Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo," you are essentially expressing your reverence and surrender to the divine and the inner teacher or guru that resides within you. It is an acknowledgment of the formless, infinite nature of the cosmos (Ong Namo) and an invitation to connect with the inner wisdom and guidance (Guru Dev Namo) that can lead you on your spiritual journey.

This mantra is believed to help center the mind, create a sense of sacredness, and establish a connection with higher consciousness at the beginning of a Kundalini Yoga practice. It sets the tone for a meditative and spiritually focused practice, emphasizing the importance of seeking inner guidance and wisdom.

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This Sanskrit Mantra is a verse often recited in praise of Lord Shani (Shanaiswara or Saturn), who is considered the son of Lord Surya (the Sun) and the elder brother of Lord Yama (the god of death).

Nilanjan Samabhasam:
"Nilanjan" means dark or blue. "Samabhasam" means with a beautiful appearance or shining. This part describes Lord Shani as having a dark or blue complexion with a beautiful and radiant appearance.

Raviputram Yamaagrajam:
"Raviputram" means the son of Lord Surya (the Sun). "Yamaagrajam" refers to the elder brother of Lord Yama, indicating that Lord Shani is the elder brother of Lord Yama, who is the god of death.

Chhaya Maartanda Sambhootam:
"Chhaya" means shadow. "Maartanda" is another name for Lord Surya, which means born of the Sun. "Sambhootam" means born of or created. This part suggests that Lord Shani is born from the shadow of Lord Surya.

Tham Namaami Shanaishwaram:
"Tham" refers to Lord Shani. "Namaami" means I bow down or offer my salutations. "Shanaishwaram" is a name for Lord Shani, indicating the one who is associated with slow movement, as Saturn is known to be a slow-moving planet in astrology.

In essence, this mantra is an invocation to Lord Shani, praising him as the one with a dark and radiant appearance, the son of Lord Surya, elder brother of Lord Yama, and born from the shadow of Lord Surya. The mantra expresses reverence and seeks the blessings and protection of Lord Shani. As mentioned earlier, Lord Shani is considered a significant planet in Vedic astrology and is believed to influence human lives, presenting both challenges and opportunities for growth and spiritual development. Reciting this mantra is believed to bring positive energies and mitigate the negative effects associated with Lord Shani's influence. Devotees seek his grace to navigate through life's trials and tribulations with strength and wisdom.

Nilanjan Samabhasam

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The mantra "Shivaya Namo" is a combination of two powerful Sanskrit words: "Shivaya" and "Namo." It is commonly used as a form of salutation or reverence to Lord Shiva, one of the principal deities in Hinduism. Each word in the mantra holds significant spiritual meaning:

"Shivaya" is a sacred name for Lord Shiva, who is considered the embodiment of ultimate consciousness and the destroyer of ignorance and illusion. The word "Shiva" itself means "auspicious" or "beneficent," representing the divine qualities of auspiciousness, benevolence, and transformative power. Chanting "Shivaya" is believed to invoke Lord Shiva's divine presence and seek his blessings for spiritual growth, protection, and guidance.

"Namo" is a Sanskrit word that translates to "I bow to" or "I offer my salutations to." It is a gesture of respect, humility, and surrender. By saying "Namo," the devotee acknowledges the divine presence of Lord Shiva and expresses reverence and devotion.

When combined, "Shivaya Namo" becomes a mantra of profound devotion and surrender to Lord Shiva. It is a way for devotees to offer their heartfelt salutations to the divine and seek his grace and blessings. Chanting this mantra with sincerity and devotion is believed to purify the mind, dissolve ego, and foster a deeper connection with the spiritual essence of Lord Shiva. It is often recited during meditation, prayer, or as part of devotional practices to invoke spiritual upliftment and inner transformation.

Hari Om Namah Shivaya
Shivaya Namo

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🎹MAKF18 Shivaya Namo

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The mantra "Asato ma sadgamaya" is a powerful and ancient Sanskrit prayer from the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, which is one of the major Upanishads, part of the Vedas, the sacred scriptures of Hinduism. This mantra is often chanted or recited to seek guidance and illumination in life and to move from ignorance to wisdom, from the unreal to the real, and from darkness to light.

Let's break down the mantra and explain its meaning:

असतो मा सद्गमय।
तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमया।
मृत्योर्मामृतं गमय॥

Asato ma sadgamaya
Tamaso ma jyotirgamaya
Mṛtyor māamṛtaṃ gamaya

Lead me from the unreal to the real.
Lead me from darkness to light.
Lead me from mortality to immortality.


"असतो मा सद्गमय" (Asato ma sadgamaya): This phrase is a prayer to lead one from the unreal to the real. It expresses the seeker's desire to move away from the world of illusion and impermanence (unreal) and towards the realm of ultimate truth and reality (real). It signifies the yearning for spiritual knowledge and understanding beyond the transient and ephemeral aspects of life.

"तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमया" (Tamaso ma jyotirgamaya): This part of the mantra is a prayer to lead one from darkness to light. It symbolizes the seeker's aspiration to move from ignorance, darkness, and suffering (tamas) towards wisdom, knowledge, and spiritual enlightenment (jyotir).

"मृत्योर्मामृतं गमय" (Mṛtyor māamṛtaṃ gamaya): The final phrase is a prayer to lead one from mortality to immortality. It reflects the seeker's longing to transcend the limitations of mortality and attain spiritual liberation, where the soul is free from the cycle of birth and death (mṛtyoḥ) and merges with the eternal, immortal aspect of existence (amṛtaṃ).

In summary, the mantra "Asato ma sadgamaya, Tamaso ma jyotirgamaya, Mṛtyor māamṛtaṃ gamaya" is a profound spiritual invocation. It urges the seeker to move from the unreal to the real, fr..

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The "Shivoam Mantra" is a sacred sanskrit mantra rooted in Hindu philosophy and spirituality. It is a combination of two powerful words: "Shiva" and "Om."

"Shiva" refers to Lord Shiva, one of the principal deities in Hinduism, known as the destroyer and transformer. Shiva is often revered as the supreme consciousness, representing pure awareness, divine energy, and transcendence. He symbolizes the eternal, unchanging essence beyond the physical realm.

"Om" is a sacred syllable and a primordial sound in Hinduism, representing the universal vibration and the essence of reality. It is considered the sound of creation, encompassing all sounds, words, and mantras within it. Om represents the infinite, the cosmic energy, and the divine presence.

Combining "Shiva" and "Om" in the "Shivoam Mantra" brings together the essence of Lord Shiva's consciousness with the universal vibration of Om. It is a powerful invocation that seeks to align oneself with the energy and qualities represented by Lord Shiva, such as transformation, inner awakening, spiritual growth, and liberation.

Reciting or chanting the "Shivoam Mantra" is believed to awaken the divine qualities within oneself and establish a connection with the cosmic energy. It can serve as a means of seeking inner peace, balance, and spiritual awakening. The mantra is often repeated in meditation practices, devotional rituals, and spiritual ceremonies to invoke the presence of Lord Shiva and attain a deeper connection with the higher consciousness.

The "Shivoam Mantra" holds deep significance for those who resonate with the philosophy of Lord Shiva and the power of Om. It serves as a reminder of the inherent divinity within every individual and the potential for spiritual growth and transcendence. Through the recitation and contemplation of this mantra, one can embark on a journey of self-discovery, transformation, and union with the universal co..

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"Bolo Bolo Sab Mila Bolo Om Namah Shivaya" is an expression that combines an invitation for collective chanting and devotion to Lord Shiva through the mantra "Om Namah Shivaya." Let's break down the meaning of this expression:

Bolo Bolo Sab Mila Bolo: This part of the expression is an invitation or encouragement to speak or chant together. "Bolo" means "speak" or "chant," and "Sab Mila" means "everyone together." So, it's a call for everyone to join in and chant collectively.

Om Namah Shivaya: "Om Namah Shivaya" is a sacred mantra in Hinduism, as explained earlier. It is a chant that pays homage to Lord Shiva, the deity of meditation, transformation, and spiritual liberation. Chanting this mantra is a way to seek the blessings and guidance of Lord Shiva.

When you combine the two parts, "Bolo Bolo Sab Mila Bolo Om Namah Shivaya," it becomes an invitation for a group or community to come together and chant the mantra "Om Namah Shivaya" collectively. This collective chanting can create a powerful and spiritually uplifting atmosphere, fostering a sense of unity and devotion among participants.

It's common to hear such invitations during religious gatherings, meditation sessions, or spiritual events where people come together to chant and connect with the divine presence of Lord Shiva. The repetition of "Bolo" emphasizes the communal aspect of the chanting, encouraging everyone to participate and contribute to the collective devotional experience.
Bolo Bolo Sab Mila Bolo Om Namah Shivay
Bolo Bolo Sab Mila Bolo Om Namah Shivay
Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivay
Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivay

Joota Jataa Mey Gangaadhaari
Trishul Dhaari Damaru Bajaave
Dama Dama Dama Dama Damaru Bajaave
Gunj Uthao Namah Shivaya

Om Namah Shivay

Om Namah Shivay

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🎹YT S..

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Shri Santoshi Devai Namah
Om Shri Gajodevoputriya Namah
Om Sarvnirvanaay DeviBhuta Namah
Om Santoshi Mahadevai Namah
Om Sarvakaam falpradaay Namah
Om Lalitai Namah

Santoshi Mata is a Hindu goddess venerated primarily in North India and Nepal. She is considered the goddess of contentment, satisfaction, and happiness. The word "Santoshi" is derived from the Sanskrit word "Santosh," which means contentment or satisfaction. Santoshi Mata is believed to bring peace, prosperity, and fulfillment to her devotees' lives.

Key aspects of Santoshi Mata's worship and mythology include:

Origin: The worship of Santoshi Mata became popular in the early 20th century. She is often regarded as a form of the Divine Mother and is believed to be a gentle and compassionate goddess who fulfills the wishes of her devotees.

Legend: There is a well-known legend associated with Santoshi Mata known as the "Santoshi Mata Vrat Katha." In this story, a devotee named Satyavati faces various challenges in her life and decides to observe a fast (vrat) dedicated to Santoshi Mata to overcome her difficulties. Through her devotion and perseverance, she is ultimately blessed by the goddess, and her life becomes filled with happiness and contentment.

Vrat (Fasting): Devotees of Santoshi Mata often observe a fast on Fridays, particularly during the Santoshi Mata Vrat, to seek her blessings. The vrat involves special prayers, singing devotional songs, and narrating or listening to the Santoshi Mata Vrat Katha.

Offerings: Devotees offer various items to the goddess, including sugar candies (called "misri"), fruits, and coconut. These offerings symbolize sweetness and the fulfillment of desires.

Devotional Songs: Bhajans and devotional songs dedicated to Santoshi Mata are an integral part of her worship. These songs express love, devotion, and gratitude to the goddess.

Celebrations: Special celebrations and pujas are held in San..

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"Sabka Mangal" is a phrase in Hindi that translates to "everyone's well-being" or "universal welfare" in English. It embodies the concept of inclusiveness, harmony, and the collective happiness of all individuals in a community or society. The term "Sabka" signifies "everyone" or "all," emphasizing the idea that the welfare and prosperity should extend to every individual, without any discrimination based on caste, creed, religion, or social status.

The essence of "Sabka Mangal" lies in fostering a sense of unity, empathy, and compassion towards others. It encourages the cultivation of a harmonious environment where everyone's needs are met, and the happiness of one person contributes to the overall well-being of the entire community. It promotes the notion of shared responsibility, reminding us that our actions should be guided by the greater good and the welfare of all.

In a broader context, "Sabka Mangal" reflects the ideals of social justice, equality, and inclusive growth. It encourages individuals to embrace diversity, respect each other's rights, and work towards creating a society where everyone can thrive and lead fulfilling lives. The concept serves as a reminder that collective progress and happiness are interconnected, and true development is achieved when it benefits and uplifts every member of the community.

Overall, "Sabka Mangal" embodies the vision of a harmonious and inclusive society, where the well-being and prosperity of every individual are valued, respected, and prioritized. It promotes the belief that when we work together for the betterment of all, we create an environment that fosters peace, understanding, and shared happiness.
from (​$​16) San

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Om Arunachala Om, the sacred chant,
Resonates with divine power, enchant.
A mantra that invokes the cosmic flame,
A pathway to the eternal, without blame.

In the heart of Arunachala, the holy hill,
Lies the essence of the Divine, tranquil and still.
A beacon of light, radiating pure grace,
Drawing seekers to its luminous embrace.

Om Arunachala Om, the sacred sound,
Unveiling mysteries profound.
It echoes through the ages, ancient and wise,
Revealing truths that make our spirits rise.

In the depths of silence, it finds its home,
Guiding us to the realm where all is known.
A mantra of unity, merging earth and sky,
Awakening the soul, as time drifts by.

Om Arunachala Om, with every chant,
We dissolve in its cosmic enchant.
The ego melts away, like morning mist,
Leaving only love, eternal and kissed.

In the presence of Arunachala's divine fire,
Desires extinguished, pure love transpires.
The veil of illusion gently fades,
Revealing the truth, as consciousness pervades.

Om Arunachala Om, a mantra of devotion,
Leading us to eternal liberation.
Through the trials of life, it guides our way,
To the abode of peace, where shadows sway.

In the sacred vibrations, we find solace deep,
A connection to the eternal, a love that's steep.
With each repetition, our spirits align,
With the cosmic dance, the sacred design.

Om Arunachala Om, let us immerse,
In the blissful realm, where all is diverse.
May this mantra purify our hearts and minds,
As we merge with the Divine, that forever binds.

In the rhythm of Om Arunachala Om,
We dissolve, we merge, we become one.
With reverence and gratitude, our voices raise,
Hailing the mantra, in eternal praise.

© Tera Mangala Meditation Music - All Right Reserved | Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.


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The "Shivoam Mantra" is a sacred sanskrit mantra rooted in Hindu philosophy and spirituality. It is a combination of two powerful words: "Shiva" and "Om."

"Shiva" refers to Lord Shiva, one of the principal deities in Hinduism, known as the destroyer and transformer. Shiva is often revered as the supreme consciousness, representing pure awareness, divine energy, and transcendence. He symbolizes the eternal, unchanging essence beyond the physical realm.

"Om" is a sacred syllable and a primordial sound in Hinduism, representing the universal vibration and the essence of reality. It is considered the sound of creation, encompassing all sounds, words, and mantras within it. Om represents the infinite, the cosmic energy, and the divine presence.

Combining "Shiva" and "Om" in the "Shivoam Mantra" brings together the essence of Lord Shiva's consciousness with the universal vibration of Om. It is a powerful invocation that seeks to align oneself with the energy and qualities represented by Lord Shiva, such as transformation, inner awakening, spiritual growth, and liberation.

Reciting or chanting the "Shivoam Mantra" is believed to awaken the divine qualities within oneself and establish a connection with the cosmic energy. It can serve as a means of seeking inner peace, balance, and spiritual awakening. The mantra is often repeated in meditation practices, devotional rituals, and spiritual ceremonies to invoke the presence of Lord Shiva and attain a deeper connection with the higher consciousness.

The "Shivoam Mantra" holds deep significance for those who resonate with the philosophy of Lord Shiva and the power of Om. It serves as a reminder of the inherent divinity within every individual and the potential for spiritual growth and transcendence. Through the recitation and contemplation of this mantra, one can embark on a journey of self-discovery, transformation, and union with the universal con..

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Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha Sharanam Ganesha" is a Sanskrit mantra commonly used in Hinduism, particularly in the worship of Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed deity known as the remover of obstacles and the god of new beginnings. This mantra is chanted to invoke Lord Ganesha's blessings, seek his guidance, and remove obstacles from one's path. Let's break down the mantra and its significance:

Om: As mentioned earlier, "Om" is a sacred and universal sound symbolizing the essence of the universe and the ultimate reality. In this mantra, it signifies the divine energy of Lord Ganesha.

Gam: "Gam" is the seed syllable (Bija mantra) associated with Lord Ganesha. It represents the power of Ganesha and is used to call upon his presence.

Ganapataye: "Ganapataye" is a salutation to Lord Ganesha. It acknowledges him as the Lord of the Ganas (divine attendants) and seeks his blessings and guidance.

Namaha: "Namaha" is a common concluding word in many mantras, and it translates to "I bow" or "I offer my salutations." It expresses reverence and humility.

Sharanam: "Sharanam" means "shelter" or "refuge." In the context of this mantra, it signifies surrendering to Lord Ganesha for protection, guidance, and assistance.

When chanted together, "Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha Sharanam Ganesha" is a powerful mantra used to:

Invoke Blessings: It calls upon Lord Ganesha to bless the practitioner and remove obstacles from their life's path.
Seek Guidance: By chanting this mantra, individuals seek the wisdom and guidance of Lord Ganesha in navigating life's challenges and decisions.
Express Devotion: The mantra is an expression of devotion and surrender to Lord Ganesha, acknowledging his role as a divine protector and helper.
This mantra is commonly used at the beginning of various activities, rituals, or endeavors to seek Ganesha's assistance in ensuring success and removing any hindrances that might arise. It is a wi..

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"āśāyā ye dāsāste dāsāḥ sarvalokasya ।
āśā yeṣāṃ dāsī teṣāṃ dāsāyate lokaḥ ॥"

आशाया ये दासास्ते दासाः सर्वलोकस्य ।
आशा येषां दासी तेषां दासायते लोकः ॥

This mantra reflects the concept of devotion and surrender to the divine, emphasizing the idea of being a servant or devotee of the Supreme Being. It conveys the essence of humility, acknowledging that all living beings are servants of the universal creation.

The mantra comprises two main phrases that offer insights into the concept of being a servant or devotee:

"āśāyā ye dāsāste dāsāḥ sarvalokasya":
In this phrase, "āśāyā" means "hope" or "desire," and "ye dāsāḥ" refers to those who are servants or devotees. "Sarvalokasya" signifies "all worlds" or "the entire universe." The mantra acknowledges that those who have hopes and desires are indeed the servants of the entire cosmos. It highlights that even the most powerful beings are ultimately subservient to the universal order and divine principles.

"āśā yeṣāṃ dāsī teṣāṃ dāsāyate lokaḥ":
In this phrase, "āśā" means "hope" or "desire," and "yeṣāṃ dāsī" refers to those who are servants or devotees. "Teṣāṃ dāsāyate" conveys that "to them, the world becomes a servant." This phrase emphasizes that for those who live with hope and desire, the entire world serves them, suggesting that when one's desires are aligned with the divine purpose, the universe supports their aspirations.

The mantra teaches humility, devotion, and the idea of dedicating oneself to the service of the divine order. By surrendering desires and ego, one can align with the universal flow, finding harmony and support in their journey. It invites individuals to embrace the role of a humble servant in the grand tapestry of existence and recognize their connection to the divine essence that permeates all of creation.

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Hello, I compose and record original meditation music, ambient music, new age music, dark ambient music, drone music. I use monaural and binaural beats, isochronic tones, solfeggio frequencies, Tibetan singing bowls and crystal bowls, tribal instruments (shamanic drums, jaw harp, didgeridoo, kalimba...), handpan and hang drums, gongs, cymbals and bells, vocals, synthesizers, samplers... My tracks suit the practice of meditation, guided meditation, hypnosis, relaxation, chakras healing, sleep meditation, astral travel, out-of-body experience, psychedelic trip or just to take a nap!

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