That Crazy Conspiracy Theorist

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That Crazy Conspiracy Theorist


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In this video I discuss why I believe this is the beginning of the events in the book of revelations. The Eclipse is at the fore front. But there is so much more happening on the 8th. Many talk about these subjects. But tie them together with history, the bible and the Quran. How they all support my what is about to happen. The events of the book of revelations are about to begin. All the requirements have been full filled. There is no need to fear. Just understand.

Bill Maher, establishment lap dog, interviews Ice Cube. Ice cube confesses that record companies and all other media have been under going social engineering for decades. In 2022, I produced a video saying as much. I spoke of NWA as this very thing. Now, Cube confesses this to Maher of all people. The lap dog, immediately goes into damage control. Ice Cube has been in the industry for over thirty years... Yet Maher, dismissed his claims. And tried to minimize what Ice Cube said. The most surprising thing? IS how submissive Ice Cube is to Maher. Ice Cube is clearly nervous throughout the interview.

War is coming. The New Axis are established. Putin threatens nuclear war... Again. China and Russia share weapons tech. Not just assets, but designs. (never done before, as far as I know.) with video of Putin saying as much.
I discuss why we aren't free. What it's all likely to become based on previous information. Ask a question to all Americans, regardless of viewpoint.

A simple three ingredient (+ salt, pepper and garlic powder) thick and hardy soup. A good foundation. You are welcome to add what ever you like! The important steps to get a bold flavor from flat noodles. While keeping the bold flavor in your chicken.

This Video Is The Most Important TCCT has ever produced! If you have never watched a TCCT video, this is the one you need to see. This video contains information that will alter your perception of the governments of the world, The medical industrial complex, And big Pharmaceuticals.
Warning: Graphic medical content. If you have a weak stomach try to get through it. If you can't? The majority of the medical images are in the beginning. DON'T click away! YOU NEED to hear what is said! The whole world needs to hear what is said! What's most frightening is the silence from the Medical industrial complex, The governments of the world, and Big Pharma! They KNOW about this! And are not only doing nothing to stop it! They are actively seeking methods to continue it!

link to unedited video: --> <--

This is How we know it is the End Times.

This video is important. Consider all I have to say closely. It will be very important in my next video. Which I will drop asap.

Is This It? Is This The Zombie Brain Virus?

Been a while. I don't post often. I only want to post when I have something to say. These events had me thinking...

In this video I'm cooking. These are hard times. Money is tight for many. I show how to make Fuken noodles. A "Broke ass cracker" recipe. A great tasting, cost effective meal. Easy to make. is very filling and will stretch a long way. And as the meal costs less the 2 dollars? won't hurt your feelings to toss left overs. Give it a try! all you have to lose is a hotdog, an egg and a couple packs of ramen....(The audio is crap... Cause I'm lazy and didn't want to set up my boom mic, lol. )

Information has come to my attention that will change the way we see the actions of the Dems. Why they are doing things that don't make sense. That seem self destructive. Why the government has pushed the LBGT mafia. Why they have been after the legal guns. Why they sent our strategic our reserves to china and other countries while we need it most. Why they keep sending billions to Ukraine. Why we have open boarders. And, it's not political. Join TCCT and learn what the Lamestream media can't tell you. They can only report what they are told to. And you will NEVER here this...

Video and article Links in the comments (They will not let me link them here!)

New information has come to my attention. Dire news. New the lamestream media will Never tell you... They belong to the Biden regime. And Biden belongs to china. What's in this video will make The Dems schemes make sense. The femininization of males. The determined gabbing for the nations legal guns. The open boarders "policy" Why the Biden administration gave China our strategic oil reserves. Why The US government keeps sending Billions to Ukraine... The Dems have tied another 10 billion in pork to Ukraine, If they want to send relief money to Maui. Join TCCT and finally understand why Dems keep doing things that seem pointless and self destructive to our nation.

Links to videos/articles used in this video>

Another piece to the puzzle? Chinese Bio weapons lab in California. A potential harbinger of future events? TCCT's perspective, and how it leads to the final events on the world stage. The time has come for cries of alarm. Council decries W.H.O.'s new powers. Will it fall on deaf ears? Hear what the lame stream media will NEVER tell you. Join TCCT, and hear his point of view!

A re-upload of the "notorious" video. Nothing has been changed. I simply re-uploaded the file.
In this video I rant a bit. Lets see if it gets tagged again..

The conclusion to My V2K patents and effects video. Even if you don't watch the video! read the document... ---->

V2K. What is it. how does it work. And what can it be used for. The answer to those questions are alarming. To much information for one video! In this two part series, You will learn what V2K is and who they use it on. Maybe even you! Maybe you had no idea you were even a target! "Crazy" isn't a thing. You are either tormented by demons or tormented by people pretending to be demons... or "angels" or "aliens" ext. Sound ridiculous? You may be surprised... (link to documents--> (

TCCT shares his thoughts on current events. Shares his thoughts on perspective and how it shapes us. This message speaks as loudly about our world as any of the previous. TCCT is able to share more of himself off script. This is the TCCT we know and love...

This is a follow up to my video "The Death of the Dollar" As I feared, the events I predicted are unfolding. But in a way I didn't expect...

More information about the Banking situation. I have footage of a senator addressing the secretary of the treasury. He responses are disconcerting to say the least. This confirms that MOST depositors are NOT covered by the FDIC. But now only the FDIC's preferred banks will be. The ship sinking and taking on water fast.

I didn't think it would happen this quickly. It must be worse then I initially asserted. Billions of Dollars of YOUR money are being sent to "bail out" a dying bank. The FDIC only did it because Biden ordered them to. China has a MASSIVE amount of money in that bank. As we all know... China OWNS Biden. You will notice?... The FDIC didn't just cover the loss... They didn't because MOST accounts are NOT covered by FDIC insurance. So they used the DOD frank act to steal the money from depositors. You and I. Check out the Video. If you value information That you will NEVER hear on the MSM?... Subscribe.

The Banking system Is failing. Major banking institutions are beginning to fail. Three have collapsed in as many days. Is this the beginning of the end? Or is the veneer of stability falling away?... To reveal a monetary system based on a "belief of value" in debt notes. Instead a currency with actual value backed by gold or silver. This illusion is now being forced into the light. As 94% of currency exist ONLY in the digital world. 6% percent of US currency is physical. Making it impossible for everyone to hold their money at the same time. As banks continue to fail. People will rush to recover their money from the bank. Only to find they don't have any... It's already begun....

The time has come. The one world government is being enacted today. By the time this video posts, we will be one world government. No officials will announce this. But it is done. I have enclosed The Document WHO CA+ here---> IT announces what WILL be done. There will be no other warning! READ.
I have read this document completely and in this video I go though it with you. Reading the most concerning lines. You will have it at your disposal. I urge you to read along. This is A MUST READ! Our very way of life is about to change....

This is footage of a closed congressional meeting. This information will radically alter your perceptions of our government and those who pose as protectors of the nation. It is safe to assume that every administration from the 1940's to present day had this information. And, if they didn't... What that says about the those who actually are in control of this country. This information confirms what I believed to be the case. Truth is stranger then fiction. As so it was with this. I figured they would use mass 7D SLM "holograms." Which would be projected into the medium sprayed from air craft. Chemtrails. This composition of metal particulates are ideal for projection. (Aluminum, strontium, barium and lithium) But with this new info... they don't need to do to anymore. Unless it's to be used to give the illusion of large numbers...

Zombie apocalypse... ? I have given this more thought... With everything that has happened... It has changed my perspective of what may come to pass. This is the most dire... But also the most plausible... And makes the most sense of all that has lead to this point. Also paints a picture that can be supported by revelations scripture...

While the nation is falling apart, politicians spend more then ever. What are they spending our money on? Everyone but us... I go into detail on what the government is spending abroad. And why the politicians don't care as long as they get their kick backs.


Created 3 years, 2 months ago.

62 videos

Category Education

This channel is intended to make the watcher think. Offer useful information and share my theories. My videos are not self contained. They culminate to a final conclusion. So to fully understand my message, you need to see every video. The full picture I intent to paint. So please be patient. And wait for the final conclusion. These videos are NOT stand alone. So, focusing on any one subject or topic, is dismissing the larger picture. Each video is a piece of the puzzle... Enjoy! We are here for fun! even though some of the subject matter is not. I ENCOURAGE THOUGHT! I want to offer information that most may not know... or perhaps, depict it in a new way. let's be objective. Take NOTHING at face value. I encourage research! It will result in more information then I can fit in a video. I will often request the watcher to read supporting documentation. it isn't required. lol... but, if you are a truth seeker...? you will.... I have been researching these subjects for over a decade. and have formed these conclusions based on the information I have found. These things must be told. Now more then ever!