The Duke's other Channel

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The Duke's other Channel



At the end of the 19th century, in London, Laurie Mell leaves the local Saloon after a night of entertaining the patrons with her singing.
After giving her goodbye to Mr. Fowley, the bar owner, this pretty redhead girl in a red-striped dress and black high heels doesn't cherish going home alone. But the girl gets an idea when she spots an occupied hansom carriage sitting across the street from the wax museum. Strolling up, Laurie propositions the occupant about having a quick prostitution session. But things go awry when she discovers that the passenger is Sergeant Hawks, a Scotland Yard detective. Keeping an eye on the museum because of some wicked happening there, the Sergeant is in no mood for what Ms. Mell is selling. Once Laurie extracts herself from an awkward situation, she reconciles that she'll be spending the night alone, or so she thinks.
As she walks down the desolate foggy street, Laurie hums a tune that's accompanied by the sound of her footsteps. But then the pretty girl thinks she hears someone else's footsteps behind her. Coming to a stop, the red-haired girl looks over her shoulder, but there is nothing but silence as she sees nothing past the pale wall of fog.
Continuing on her way, Laurie continues humming as the clicking of her heels keeps her company. But almost immediately, she hears what sounds like footsteps that are not her own.
The red-headed girl spins around, and that sound immediately dies. Nevertheless, concern fills Laurie since she is unsure if she's hearing the echo of her footsteps. Taking off down the street at a quick pace, the red-headed girl can only hear the loud clicking of her heels. But when Laurie abruptly halts, she confirms her suspicions when she hears the sudden shuffle of someone else's feet coming from the thick fog behind her. Suddenly filled with fright, the pretty girl makes a run for it as her unknown stalker proceeds after her.
Feeling she can't escape her pursuer, Laurie ducks into a darkened doorway to hide. Hearing Footsteps in the fog getting louder, the red-headed girl is surprised when a police Bobby appears out of the mist. But unfortunately for Laurie, she realizes too late that this person in the constable's uniform is no old bill.
A short time later, in the wax museum, a noise downstairs awakens Margaret Collins, the owner's niece, and her governess, Mrs. Hawthorn.
When these two ladies go to investigate, they discover that the wax display of Marie Antoinette has a new edition; Laurie's severed head sitting at the base of a guillotine.

In Southern California, near the end of the 1970s, a group therapy session shuts down for the night. However, Dr. Megan Dougherty, the ringmaster of this menagerie of lost souls, isn't finished. As these damaged people shuffled from her office and into the evening, the pretty blonde doctor took care of some housekeeping as she sorted out future appointments with her unseen partners on the phone. Once the pretty doctor had sorted out her business, she found herself utterly alone in her empty office. But this wasn't perturbing for her. In the decade since she lost her sight in a motorcycle accident, Megan has cultivated a force field that separates her from those who find it uncomfortable dealing with someone who can never see a sunrise or acknowledge a warm human smile.
As the doctor, clad in her beige skirt suit and matching high heel pumps, leaves her office for the elevator, a pair of eyes spied on her from the nearby stairwell. As she waits for the lift, the unknown figure exits the stairwell and comes right up to her. Without speaking a word, this stranger helps the doctor put on her coat. Surprised that there was someone there, the doctor makes an awkward attempt at small talk. However, the stranger responds by lighting up a cigarette and blowing the smoke back into the doctor's face. Megan quickly finds it disturbing that this stranger that she cannot see is staying so silent.
Abruptly The Stranger reaches out and strokes the blonde lady's cheek. Shocked and surprise, the pretty blonde lady recoils and demands that they keep their hands to themselves. However, the stranger ignores her pleas and grabs her with both hands. Fearful that she's about to be assaulted, the doctor swings her arms and demands that they release her, which does the trick. Letting go of the doctor, The Stranger disappears back into the stairwell.
Visibly disturbed by being accosted in this way, Megan wants to leave; however, the elevator has not arrived. Slamming her fists against the elevator door, the doctor fumbles along the walls looking for the stairwell that she knows is nearby. Entering the stairwell, she hears nothing but her ragged breathing and the thumping of her white cane.
This enclosed space turns into an echo chamber as the clicking of her heels heralds her passage down the stairwell. Though she is blind as a bat, the pretty blonde lady is certainly not deaf. Noticing what sounds like someone else walking on the stairs, Megan abruptly stops at one of the landings. And in that instant, she clearly hears someone else's feet stop on the stairs above her. Believing that her unknown attacker is coming down the stairs after her, the pretty blonde doctor doesn't mess around.
Running as fast as she could, the stairwell filled with the loud clip-clop of her heels. But despite the sound of her own feet, the doctor could hear the footsteps of the stranger getting louder as he got closer. Running downstairs in heels is dangerous to anyone, and for someone without sight doubly so. The blonde doctor quickly finds this out when she nearly tripped over an unattended bucket left in her path. Luckily she grabs onto the railing as the bucket tumbles down the stairs making a considerable racket. Megan screams with fright and surprise. And in that instant, she hears footsteps rushing towards her. Thinking it is the stranger pursuing her, Megan flails her arms frantically. Luckily, the doctor is confronted by a friendly janitor, who is the owner of the bucket. Quickly noticing Megan's white cane, the janitor informs her that she only caused a minor mishap.
But the doctor quickly tells the janitor of her plight; thus, he heads upstairs to investigate.
Not sticking around, the unknown stranger quickly flees the scene, leaving the janitor alone with the pretty blonde doctor. As the janitor informed her that she was no longer in danger, Megan collapsed like a $2 suitcase in the rain. Gripping the railing, while her bottom settled on those damp steps, the doctor was completely frazzled.
This entire episode has been the most frightening thing that has ever happened to her. But with that stranger gone, Megan wonders what she can do to ensure her safety since they might come back. She then remembered Mr. Rockford, the P.I., with the warm voice that she met on the beach earlier that day. If he doesn't charge too much, perhaps, he could find the villain that filled her with so much fright.

In New York, at the genesis of the 20th century, Sue Allen returns to her boarding house after a failed attempt to get a job. Clad in a blue-gray dress and black high-heeled boots, the pretty brunette has a confrontation with Mrs. Flanagan, the landlady.
Sue has been late with the rent one too many times, and though Mrs. Flanagan sympathizes with Sue's plight, she can't let the pretty girl stay in her place rent-free. So, being quite firm, the landlady issues an ultimatum to Sue: get the money any way you can, or else you can't stay. The pretty brunette then goes upstairs to see her roommate Cathy about getting the money since it's her only hope.
However, Sue finds the apartment dark and quiet, which is odd since Mrs. Flanagan informed her that her roommate had arrived not long before she did. Entering her roommate's bedroom, Sue discovers why the place is as dead as a tomb. Cathy is laid out on her bed, limp and cold like a wet noodle. Finding this corpse is not as horrifying to the pretty girl as the reason why. Sensing she wasn't alone, Sue spins around to face a hideously disfigured man in a dark cloak and hat emerging from the shadows. Letting out a blood-curdling scream, the pretty girl flees into this murder room by leaping out the conveniently open rear window.
Reaching the back alley, the girl quickly realizes that the murderer is after her. Fleeing into the midnight streets, the girl attempts to lose her pursuer in the darkness. Simultaneously, those screams draw everyone in the rooming house to the girl's apartment. After this, the landlady's husband, Mr. Flanagan, immediately contacts the police.
In the meantime, Sue doubles back to the rooming house after thinking she's given the killer the slip. Unfortunately, the killer figured she might try such a stunt and was waiting for her. With this avenue to safety block, the pretty girl turns tail and runs with the killer hot on her tail. With the misty streets devoid of people, she tries to hail a passing taxi but fails. But the girl is fast on her feet, and the killer quickly loses sight of her. Undeterred, the killer continues his pursuit.
Despite the loud click-clack of her high heel boots, Sue notices footsteps coming up behind her. Pausing at the edge of an alleyway, the pretty girl looks over her shoulder. And while the mist obscured her sight, Sue clearly heard The killer's footsteps, and they were coming up fast.
Dashing through the alleyway, the pretty girl emerged on the next street over, but she didn't stay there. Seeing another alleyway up ahead, Sue immediately ducks inside.
Stopping to catch her breath, the girl quickly notices that, beyond her ragged breathing, it has become completely silent. The killer also becomes aware of this silence as he reaches the first alleyway that the girl fled into. Filled with undiluted fear, the girl knew the killer was somewhere nearby.
Slowly lurking down the alleyway, the murderer knew his quarry was nearby, hiding in the dark like a scared little rabbit.
Looking down at her boots and back the way she came, Sue figured out why she couldn't ditch this maniac. The loud clopping of her boots was like a proverbial trail of breadcrumbs, letting the killer know where she was no matter how fast she ran.
Quickly removing those black boots, Sue huddled in that alleyway as she heard the slow shuffling of footsteps in the street beyond. And though she couldn't see the source of those footsteps, she presumed it must be the killer.
Looking up and down the empty street, the killer was uncertain where his prey went. He then shuffles off into the darkness. Although it was nighttime, Sue realized that she was near the home of her boyfriend, Scott. Fleeing the alleyway, the pretty girl ran as fast as she could in her stocking feet straight to Scott's front door. But being this late in the evening, Sue figured there was no guarantee that he would be awake. So, using her boots as a door knocker, Sue causes a real ruckus as she repeatedly hammers the door. Unfortunately, the killer was nearby. And hearing this racket, he immediately zeroed in on the girl. But just as the killer emerges from the darkness, Sue is saved when Scott's mother opens the door, letting her inside.
As Sue explains to her boyfriend the terror she's been through, the killer fades into the night. And as the pretty girl found a sympathetic shoulder to cry on, she had no clue what this fiend intended. Not only did this maniac wanted to waste Sue and Cathy, but he planned to put them on permanent display in his macabre museum of wax.

In 1880s London, Susan Spencer, a young pretty brown-haired girl in a lovely lavender outfit, head out into the evening. She is supposed to go out on the town with her on-again-off-again boyfriend, but on this night, he stood her up, or so she thought.
But Susan doesn't realize that her boyfriend, Dr. Henry Jekyll, has transformed into a villainous fiend of the female persuasion. And to make matters worse, the doctor's alter ego has decided that he is in no need of a girlfriend.
Calling herself Mrs. Hyde, this raven hair villain in a red dress and big black boots. Going into the dark London streets, this evil woman is hunting her prey.
Despite wishing her boyfriend was with her, the pretty girl makes her way through the hectic evening streets full of revelers and tack piano music from the high street pubs. But not far behind is the lethal woman.
Ducking down a dark alleyway, Susan foolishly believes it will make her trip quicker, but it envelopes her with its dark fogginess.
Hot on her heels, Sister Hyde is also swallowed by that misty evening shroud. But, like a clever huntress, she uses her hearing like a bat. Hearing the pretty girl's footsteps, she continues after her.
Turning one corner, then another, the brown-haired girl quickly realizes she is lost. And yet, she continues through this maze of alleyways, hoping to find the exit. Pausing her pursuit, Sister Hyde produces a lethal-looking knife from her high-heeled boot.
Wandering about like a blind man, Susan has no clue how much danger she's in since the only sound she can hear is the click-clack of her white high-heeled boots on the cobblestones.
Sister Hyde has no such difficulty. Despite the surroundings' murkiness, she's able to zero in on the girl thanks to the sound of her footsteps. Feeling that her prey is close, this lethal woman starts to match Susan's footsteps. Whenever the girl moves, she moves. And when the girl stops, she stops.
Stumbling about in the dark, the brown hair girl starts to worry since she can't seem to find the exit. And yet, with stealth and determination, Sister Hyde is closing in on her. Turning a corner, she sees the silhouette of her prey standing still in the fogginess. With malice aforethought, Sister Hyde creeps up upon the pretty girl. And raising her dagger, she intends to make this vulnerable young thing very dead.
But just as this evil woman is about to plunge the knife into the poor girl's back, something miraculous happens. Her hand freezes as if stopped by some invisible force.
Sister Hyde quickly realizes that the problem is Dr. Jekyll. Despite all her malevolence, Dr. Jekyll's love for Susan was much stronger than Sister Hyde's hate for her.
Not knowing how close death is to her, Susan wanders into the fog leaving behind Sister Hyde. Dropping the knife, metamorphosis slowly overcomes her, and Dr. Jekyll soon replaces his evil alter ego.
But the good doctor has an all-new problem. He has to return home while wearing a woman's outfit. Luckily it's a foggy night; otherwise, he might be mistaken for a tranny.

In Southern California during the early twenty-first century, Holly, a pretty blonde waitress, is headed home after a tiring day. However, owning a car is out of the question because of her low-wage job and high rent apartment. She can barely afford to ride the bus, so using a cab or ride-share isn't an option. On the other hand, the distance between her job and her place is walkable; therefore, she doesn't consider it a ridiculous burden. And besides, she likes the evening air and the sights and sounds of her vibrant neighborhood. And considering the characters that hang out in her community, Holly blended right in, looking almost like a biker chick with her dark jacket, black jeans, and matching high heel boots.
But as Holly nears her home, the dark nocturnal street appears empty. Suddenly, she notices an odd noise. Despite the clopping of her boots, the pretty girl hears what sounds like a second set of footsteps. Slowing her pace, the phantom footsteps did the same. Coming to a complete stop, the pretty blond is uncertain if she's hearing the echoing of her own boots. The girl then hears the quick shuffling of someone else's feet.
Quickly swing around, Holly was surprised to see just the long empty street behind her.
Regardless of this, the blonde girl knew she wasn't alone. Continuing on her way, Holly quickly heard the sound of those footsteps once more. She instantly and surreptitiously takes the pepper spray from her purse. She doesn't know who's following her, but this pretty girl has no intention of being anyone's victim.
Appearing out of the darkness, a hoodie-clad figure continues to follow the pretty waitress. With her senses heightened to the extreme, Holly's full attention was on those footsteps behind her. Reaching the warm light of a street lamp at the end of the block, Holly turns to confront whoever is stalking her. But at that precise instant, a lonely, homeless guy inadvertently stumbles into her blind spot, accidentally bumping into her.
Reacting like a cat that's just got its tail caught in the door, the blonde girl quickly swings about and hoses down this unfortunate with her pepper spray. As the man screams in agony, Holly makes a hasty retreat from the scene. The pretty girl quickly faded into the darkness of a side street, as did the fast clip-clopping of her boots.
Cursing and griping, the homeless guy shuffles away as the hooded stranger appears on that same street corner. And as the light from the streetlamp shines down upon him, this creepy little man is unconcerned that his quarry has fled into the night because he already knows where she lives.
A brief time later, Holly is in her bathroom getting ready for bed while her hoodie-clad stalker is making his way into her apartment thanks to the fire escape and a conveniently left open window. Noticing a noise coming from her living room, the pretty blonde girl immediately goes to investigate. Seeing nothing in the dim room, she notices the window and figures a sound coming from outside. Shutting the window, Holly heads off to meet the Sandman. As she lies down on her bed and turns off the light, her stalker emerges from the shadows. Before she could even scream, this creep struggles and snuggles with her. As this man injects her with a hypodermic needle, he tells her to be calm that it's just an anesthetic that will put her under in a second. To her shock and surprise, Holly recognized Seth's voice.
Holly barely remembers him from high school, but Seth had never forgotten about her. For he had a crush on her that has only metastasized and to an insatiable lust. So much so that when she recently crossed paths with him, he made a clumsy attempt to romance her. Which didn't sit well with her boyfriend, who quickly gave Seth the smackdown. As the pretty waitress faded into unconsciousness, she could only imagine all the sick and perverted things that Seth had in store for her.

In the early 1950s, where Ontario and New York met, Rose Loomis, got herself into trouble. This nasty woman was stuck in an unhappy marriage and cooked up a scheme to get rid of her husband George. Dragging him to Niagara Falls, she attempts to dispose of George with her back-door man, Patrick. But the plot goes upside down, and Patrick ends up drowned in the Niagara River. And thanks to a witness, the cops have figured out that the dead man was part of a murder conspiracy.
Aware that the jig is up, Rose knows that John Law is the least of her problems.
Clad in a short pencil dress and matching high heel sandals that were as black as her heart, this blond hottie discovers that the police are hot on her trail. So much so, they have set up checkpoints along every exit out of the country. But a helpful cabby informs her of a footpath that can get her back into the USA.
Believing she’s home free, Rose arrives at that footpath only to discover the would-be victim of her scheming. Informed about this footpath, George knew this was Rose’s only means of escape, and thus he was waiting for her. With horror splashed across her face, this hot blond knew that her husband would not be kind to her. Making a run for it, Rose enters a bell tower with her husband and hot pursuit. Thinking she might be better off in the hands of the police, Rose attempts to call them on a payphone.
But George’s arrival fills her with so much fright that she flees again before making a connection. She first tries to escape in an elevator, but as George closes in on her, she immediately heads up the tower’s main staircase. As she frantically runs up the stairs, the only thing Rose can hear is the loud clicking of her heels; and the steady footsteps of her angry husband.
But what Rose and George don’t realize is that it’s closing time at this spire, and the few people who work here have already left for today, leaving the two of them alone and together. Reaching the top of the tower, the pretty blond comes to the awful realization that her luck may have finally run out.
Hearing George’s footsteps coming up the last flight of stairs, Rose ducks into the belfry. Finding the room spartan, except for the constellation of bells hovering above her, the pretty blond knows she is trapped. Shutting the door, Rose used all her strength to keep her angry husband from getting to her, but it was no good. With no hope of escape from her husband’s wrath, the gorgeous blonde lady meets her doom. If only Rose had hired a divorce attorney, her situation would have turned out so much better.

It's twilight at Burbank Airport. And as an airliner comes in for a landing, the horizon is blood red since the sun has just disappeared below it. Marching up the stairs of a nearby parking structure is a pretty girl with Farrah Fawcett Hair.
Clad in a pink stewardess outfit and chunky, brown high-heel pumps, the blond lady lugs an ugly suitcase. After a long flight, this stewardess just wants to go home and get a long rest in her soft bed.
Reaching the garage's third floor, the girl finds the place sparse in both cars and people. But just as she zeroes in on her automobile, a weird sound hits her ears.
It sounds like crackling but much louder; simultaneously, the garage's lights flicker wildly. But just as quickly as that commotion started, it ceased. Before the blonde girl could digest what just happened, it starts up again, except the lights go out entirely. Not amused by the situation, the blonde girl assumed that some kind of short circuit had occurred. Undeterred by the darkness surrounding her, the girl heads off in the general direction of her car.
Beyond the distance sound of jet engines, the only thing the stewardess could hear was the clicking of her heels. Without warning, the girl then hears the door to the stairwell open and shut. Realizing she is no longer alone, the stewardess picks up her pace. But as she did, the girl detected the heavy footsteps of someone coming up behind her. However, her spine stiffened with fear as she heard an unusual growling sound, not unlike a dog. Turning her head to and fro, the blonde lady listened to those other footsteps coming up fast as that growling sound became ever more disturbing.
Not knowing who or what could be pursuing her, the stewardess ditched her ugly suitcase and made a run for it. Sprinting fast, the girl could barely see in front of her, which resulted in her tripping over a parking block. Losing her purse in the process, the stewardess quickly got to her feet and continued to flee. However, the blond girl realized that her heels' loud clicking seemed to shout; here I am, come get me! The girl immediately tried to hide by ducking behind one of the garage's support pillars, but it was too late. The fiend pursuing her had already zeroed in on her location. With the power of a bulldozer, this hulking man smashes the support pillar to pieces causing the girl to flee in horror.
Running as if all the devils in hell were chasing her, the blond girl tried to hide behind a parked van, but it was no good. Her pursuer instantly finds the girl and, with super-strength, pushes the van aside as if it was a toy. Consumed with absolute terror, the blonde girl screamed as she finally faced what had been chasing her. Covered with his previous victims' blood, this hulking figure with blood-red eyes looked like a rotting corpse. Orange rays then shot out from this monster's eyes, turning the hollering girl into a shower of sparks.

Way up in Canada, at the genesis of the 1980s, A high school prom is in full swing. However, the school's queen bee, Wendy Richards, is fixing up her makeup in a nearby bathroom. Dressed in a red sequin gown and black high-heeled sandals, the pretty blonde girl thinks she has the place all to herself. Then, the lights go out, and a figure with a big ax lunges at her from the darkness.
Dodging this attack, Wendy instantly flees. Clearly frightened, The girl cries out for help, but the only person that hears her is her would-be assassin. Immediately blocking the girl's path back to the prom is a dark figure whose features are hidden behind a silk mask. Wendy rapidly flees towards the nearest exit but finds it padlocked. Not wasting a second, the blonde girl turns and runs down the hall. Arriving at the opposite end of the building, she finds another exit, but it's also padlocked. Quickly running up some steps, the girl ducks as this assassin takes a swing at her with his ax barely missing her.
Arriving in the darkened gym area, Wendy stumbles and falls onto an exercise mat; but she doesn't stay there. Instead, with the ax-wheeling assailant's arrival, she gets on her feet and flees out the opposite doorway.
Running down a darkened hallway, the only thing the girl could hear beyond the frantic clicking of her heels was the heavy footfall of her pursuer. Scrambling up a flight of stairs, Wendy halts on the second-floor landing just as her would-be killer appears. She flees as he races up the stairs after her.
Ducking into an empty science classroom, Wendy quickly hides behind a counter in the rear. With the distant sound of the prom in her ears, she knows that the killer is somewhere nearby. Hearing the classroom door open, the pretty girl doesn't move a muscle as the killer quickly scans the room before leaving.
Alone and trapped with this maniac, Wendy knew that she couldn't hide here forever. So rising to her feet, the pretty girl attempts to sneak out of the classroom. But with her fear getting the better of her, she inadvertently screams when she accidentally knocks over an anatomy model. Instantly drawing the killer to her location, the chase is on again.
Fleeing down the back stairwell, Wendy ends up in the auto mechanics department. But she finds that she's trapped like a rat as the only other exit is locked. Nearing her wit's end, the blonde girl quickly hides in one of the idol automobiles. And just as she feared, The ax murderer arrived as if she was leaving a trail of breadcrumbs for him to follow. Finding her hiding spot, he quickly smashes the car window, causing her to run again. But as the two of them make a beeline for the only available exit, Wendy takes the initiative. Grabbing a push broom, she clobbers this maniac, knocking him clean off his feet.
Escaping once more, Wendy finds another exit, but it is padlocked like all the others. Ducking into a convenient storeroom, The pretty girl is sweaty and exhausted. And in that instant, this queen bee has a crying fit as she wallows in despair. Then, out of the blue, a bloody corpse tumbles off a shelf right in front of her. This is a clear signal to Wendy that her new hiding spot is a dump for the killer's previous victims.
Attempting to flee once more, Wendy discovers to her horror that her luck has just run out. Running right into the murderer, and his ax, the reign of this school's queen bee comes to an abrupt and final end.

In Los Angeles, at the terminus of the 1970s, Shelly Warner hangs out in front of a movie theater after a late-night show. Clad in a dark cardigan sweater, peasant dress, and red wedge pumps, this cute blonde waited for a ride from her father, Roy. the pretty girl couldn’t help but notice it was getting late. Suddenly the theater’s marquee lighting goes dark since it is now closed for the evening. Concluding that her father has stood her up, Shelly has no choice but to head out into the night.
Not sure how she intends to get home, the girl strolls aimlessly at first before turning a corner off the thoroughfare. However, Shelly doesn’t notice a big man in a flat cap loitering near that street corner. And once she goes past him, the man also starts moving.
Headed down that dark, deserted street, Shelly only hears the steady, clip-clap of her pumps. But as that big man follows her, he puffs on a cigarette. Then, as the distance between the two of them shrinks, the blonde girl can’t help but notice the heavy footfall of someone behind her.
Rapidly looking over her shoulder, Shelly is surprised by that big man on her tail. Increasing her pace, fear rapidly rises within her. And yet, the space between these two dwindles further as the man’s footsteps become louder.
Walking even faster, Shelly quickly senses that the man is right behind her. Thinking she’s about to be mugged, or worse, she turns and halts at the edge of an alleyway.
However, the big man suddenly changes course and walks across the street, disappearing into the night. Leaning against a fence post, the blonde girl clutched her chest after suffering the worst fright of her life.
Shelly presumes that she is alone and out of danger; unfortunately, this isn’t so. Appearing out of that dark alleyway, a decaying black hand seizes her by her throat. Pulling her into the alleyway, a hulking figure full of evil intent growls menacingly. Shelly screams, but she is doomed as this creature throttles her to death.

In Los Angeles, during the early 1940s, Alice and Oliver are officemates hanging out after hours. Realizing it was getting late, the pair figured it was time to head their separate ways. However, Oliver's cute brunette girlfriend, Irena, has been quietly stalking them from the shadows. Seeing how chummy Oliver is with the attractive dark blonde lady causes envy and rage within Irena. Saying their goodbyes, Oliver heads off into the night. While Alice, clad in a light overcoat and black high-heeled pumps, proceeded down a lonely street with a stone wall marking a city park's boundary.
Appearing out of the darkness, Irena wore a dress and stiletto pumps as black as her soul. Quickly scanning the street to make sure there were no potential witnesses, the cute brunette focused all her attention and malice upon the fading image of Alice. As Irena headed after Alice, the only sound on this dark, deserted street was the clicking of women's heels.
As Alice makes a steady gait, Irena walks rapidly, resulting in her heels' loud clicking. Alice soon notices the sound of those high heels behind her. And yet, she does not acknowledge them. However, as Alice walks past one of the many lampposts marking this street, she notices that those other footsteps have stopped. Continuing her steady pace down the road, the blonde lady suddenly has a fit of dread. Slowing down to a stop, Alice looks over her shoulder and sees no one there. She knew this was very odd since she's sure someone was walking behind her just a second ago.
And yet, though the street appears empty, Alice has a feeling that she is not alone.
Suddenly, the blonde lady moves with deliberate speed to the next lamp post down the lane. Quickly looking behind her, she still sees no one, but she knows something is very wrong. With the click-clack of her heels in her ears, Alice darts to the next lamppost on that deserted street. Clinging to its cold, damp metal, dread paralyzes the attractive blonde lady.

Abruptly and with no warning, a bus suddenly appears. Opening the doors, the driver coaxes Alice to come on board. At that point, something unseen bends the branches of a tall tree poking out above the stonewall behind her.

Fleeing on that bus, that attractive blonde lady will probably never appreciate how much danger she was in. For Irena has one terrible secret: when she becomes sufficiently aroused, either by love or hate, she morphs into a fully formed and murderous black panther.

At the genesis of the 1990s, a stranger arrives at Sarah Quinn's suburban home bearing gifts. Answering the door, her son Derek is spooked by this man, and he refuses to accept the would-be Christmas Gift. Suddenly, the babysitter interrupts this interaction and forces the stranger to depart.
Inadvertently, the babysitter gives this stranger a scrap of info on the lady of the house's workplace.
Later that evening, at a nondescript office building, Sarah exits the stairwell to the parking garage. Clad in a deep purple dress, this pretty brunette lady believes she is alone in this dark and damp place. As she heads to her car, Sarah only hears the clicking of her black stiletto pumps, but not for long.
Sarah then hears the slamming of a door and the sudden shuffle of someone else's feet. The lady ignores those noises as she continues towards her vehicle, but then she hears the shuffling of feet again. Halting in her tracks, the pretty lady looks all around but sees nothing but a scattering of cars. Continuing on her way, Sarah gets the creepy feeling that someone is following her. Abruptly spinning around, the lady briefly walks backward to see if it is true. But with no one there, the pretty lady quickened her pace as she eventually reached her station wagon.
However, Sarah clumsily drops her car keys, and when she reaches for them, she stupidly pushes them into a drainage grate. Locked out of her car, the pretty lady is now panicked since she senses that she might be in peril. Then, hearing the sudden shuffle of someone else's feet once more, Sarah sees a figure appear out of the shadows. The man instantly calls her by name, and she immediately runs away.
Headed back the way she came, Sarah heard the loud clicking of her heels and the fast footsteps of the man coming up behind her. Catching her, The Stranger spun her around to face him.
This pair then dissolves into hugs and kisses, for this stranger is no diabolical fiend. Instead, he is Sarah's ex-boyfriend, Noah, who has come a long way to renew his relationship with the pretty lady.

In France, during the early 1980s, Catherine is heading home after hanging out in the local nightclubs and seedy bars. Of course, Marseille's night-time streets are not the safest place for a young lady to hang out, but Catherine is undeterred since she can be as rough and tumble as any dockside ho. And yet, she looks like an innocent strolling down the street in her white dress and matching high-heeled sandals.
But it's late, and the street is empty except for the water rushing down the gutter beside her. As the click-clack of her heels joins the sound of that flowing water, Catherine is unaware that she has an unwanted companion. Attracted to the pretty brunette, this unknown man precedes to follow her in his red shoes.
As this stalker closes in on his prey, Catherine finally notices the sound of his feet behind her. Startled, the girl quickens her pace, but so does this man in his red shoes.
Looking back at this stranger, Catherine is unsure if they're headed in the same direction or he's precisely following her. Stepping off the curb, Catherine moves to the opposite side of the street. And almost instantly, the man in the red shoes does the same. Confirming that he is pursuing her, Catherine makes a break for it.
As this brunette girl runs hard down the street, the frantic clicking of her heels is joined by the loud footfall of the red-shoes man. Unfortunately for Catherine, she ducks down a back alley that turns out to be a dead end.
Cornered and unable to escape from this stranger, Catherine is assault in every way imaginable. After having his way with her, the red-shoes man leaves Catherine on that filthy ground like a used condom. In a shocking reaction to this assault, Catherine produces a straight razor and slits her own throat. At least that's what the police have concluded.
Whether her brother, Gerard, believes this, it doesn't matter. All he knows is that his sister is dead, and they have not captured the person who did it. And thus, every night, he visits the spot in that alley where his sister breathed her last. And every night, he vows to find the man who did this to her and get his absolute revenge.

In mid-1990s Los Angeles, Amanda leaves her advertising agency after working late into the evening.
Clad in a purple mini skirt suit and black stiletto pumps, this pretty blonde takes the elevator down to the basement parking garage. Departing the lift, Amanda found the place devoid of cars and people. But since the area was well lit, she was unconcerned as she headed towards her vehicle. As this pretty lady adopted a leisurely gait, the loud clicking of her heels reverberated throughout this cavernous space. However, she quickly notices a different sound. Despite seeing no one about, she hears what sounds like a second set of footsteps, and they seem to match the rhythm of her footfall.
Slowing down to a stop, Amanda notices that those other footsteps have also ceased. Thinking she might be hearing the echo of her own feet, Amanda continues on her way. Within seconds, the girl hears that odd sound again. But this time, it's not in sync with her footsteps, which means someone is following her.
Halting instantly, the cute blonde spins 180 degrees in her stilettos. Despite seeing no one behind her, Amanda is confident she is not having a bout of audio hallucinations. She then remembers a conversation she had with Kimberly earlier that day. This friend gave her a heads up on Michael, a guy they both, crossed swords with. He is on the warpath and might want to hurt the two of them. Amanda thought the warning was ridiculous, but now she can't be so dismissive.
Abruptly she calls out his name, but there is no response. Amanda then shouts out a warning to stay away from her; otherwise, she'll call the police. Still not getting any response, Amanda becomes terrified as she suspects whoever is stalking her is quietly lurking in the shadows. The pretty girl immediately dashes for her car.
Descending a nearby stairwell, the girl hears the loud clicking of her heels as she heads to the parking level below. Pausing at the bottom landing, she instantly hears footsteps running down the stairs after her. With her red Porsche in view, she runs frantically towards the car. Reaching the driver's side, Amanda finds her ride vandalized with ugly graffiti. Ignoring this defacement, the blonde girl leaps into her vehicle. As the person chasing her emerges from the stairwell, Amanda races away at high speed, leaving only the sound of squealing tires in her wake.
Making a clean getaway, Amanda now feels safe. However, if this blonde girl had checked her rearview mirror, she would see that the person emerging from the stairwell was her so-called friend Kimberly. As to why Kimberly is wickedly gaslighting Amanda? It's just part of her game to use Amanda as a pawn in her sinister plot against her ex-boyfriend Michael.

In Tokyo of the early 1990s, Kyoko, an Asian lady in a black lace dress, silver lamé shawl, and matching high heel pumps, prowls the evening streets. Despite her appearance, this Japanese lady is not looking for love. Instead, Kyoko is playing Nancy Drew by taking a deep dive into the mysterious deaths of some local Streetwalkers. But after hours of frequenting a variety of sketchy saloons and nightclubs, this forensic pathologist has come up empty-handed for clues. Finally, this brunette lady heads homeward with nothing else better to do, but she is not alone.
Taking a shortcut down a narrow passageway, the pathologist soon notices the steady thump of someone else's footsteps. Slowing down to a stop, Kyoko automatically detects that those other footsteps have also stopped. Instantly consumed by fear, she doesn't dare look to see who it might be. Heading on her way, the brunette lady quickly finds herself in a maze made up of Market stalls that are closed down for the night. But as Kyoko navigates through this warren, all she can hear is her clicking heels and the steady footfall of her follower.
Suddenly, the lady no longer hears the footsteps of her pursuer. Stopping in her tracks, Kyoko finally turns around to see who could be following her. But the dimly lit passage is utterly devoid of people.
This pathologist assumes that her follower has gone away, but that only lasts for an instant. Then, a dark hooded figure comes out of the shadows from a gap between those Market stalls. Automatically guessing that this creepy figure is the one who was stalking her, the brunette lady immediately pulls out a scalpel.
Kyoko attempts to defend herself as this hooded man lunges at her, knocking her to the ground. Her attacker produces a red rope from a case he is carrying. She attempts to flee, but the creepy stranger grabs her and disarms her. However, as this villain ties Kyoko up, salvation arrives by a quick blow to the head with an iron pipe. As the hooded man hits the ground, Natsumi, clad in biker chick garb, points the business end of a switchblade dead at his face. This evil man now realizes that this would-be Sherlock Holmes has her own Doctor Watson, a lady pimp whose girls have been terrorized by this unknown killer.

It's New Orleans in the mid-1980s, and Melanie Silber is having an intimate birthday party with a close group of friends. After the party, the pretty red-haired girl, wearing a striped, royal blue sheath dress and beige suede stiletto pumps, heads home. With her arms laden with gifts, Melanie is in a blissful mood. So much so she doesn't mind walking through the dark streets slick with mist from the river. However, as she neared Jackson Square, the pretty girl soon realized that the clicking of her heels wasn't her only companion.
Melanie notices an odd plopping sound, low in tone yet rhythmic. Sensing that the sound was coming from behind her, the pretty girl turned and looked back the way she came, but the dark street was all she could see.
Pausing at an intersection, Melanie could now hear that sound getting closer.
Figuring that the sound is footsteps on wet pavement, the pretty girl heads on her way. As Melanie passed the Saint Louis Cathedral, she felt vulnerable because someone was clearly following her; and this caused the girl to quicken her pace. As she moved through those misty streets, the clicking of her heels got louder. The redheaded girl also heard the steady footfalls of her pursuer get louder and closer.
Rounding a street corner, anxiety consumed Melanie as the sound of those other footsteps seemed to be right on top of her. Then, suddenly, one of her gifts slips from her grasp, and as it hits the ground, Melanie stops in her tracks. And in that instant, the pretty girl notices that those other footsteps have also stopped.
Looking over her shoulder, Melanie saw nothing but the dark street corner, and yet her gut told her that her stalker was lurking in the shadows.
Disregarding her fear, the pretty girl reaches down to retrieve that errant package, all the while keeping her eyes on that dark street corner.
As Melanie picks up the package, a random hand grabs hers like a bolt out of the blue. The girl jumps with fright as she turns to see who has snagged her. Melanie is pleasantly surprised to discover that a policeman is holding her hand.
Alerting the officer to her predicament, the friendly cop offers to escort her home. But Melanie informs him that her house is only a few doors down. After which, the cop stands by as she enters her residence unmolested.
Unfortunately for Melanie, this man in uniform is not a cop. Instead, he is the one who has been stalking her through the dark city streets, and now that he knows where she lives, he intends to give her a not-so-friendly nocturnal visit.

In Postmodern Los Angeles, Jessica and her long-legged friends make their way through the early evening streets of downtown after a long day at a dance studio. This trio parts company at the local subway station and heads their separate ways.
But unbeknownst to them, a deranged person has been shadowing them all this time. And he has now placed all his focus on the pretty blond girl, clad in a flowery blouse, leather hot pants, and high-heeled sandals. Riding the train home alone, Jessica finally notices this Stranger. The way he stared at her with such intensity, it was as if his deep blue eyes were looking right through to her very soul. Holding this strange man's complete and undivided attention made her feel extremely uncomfortable.
So much so that she chooses to leave the train before reaching her destination. Unfortunately, Jessica has just made a fatal error. Out of the corner of her eye, the girl sees the strange man exit the train as well. he then says to her in a shallow whisper, "'oh, you're so beautiful.' "
The pretty girl is not at all flattered by this comment. Instead, Jessica becomes terrified to the point where she proceeds to run away. But the girl quickly realizes that there are only two people at this location, herself and the Stranger, following her.
Reaching the Mezzanine level of this station, the pretty girl confronts the Stranger at a distance, demanding that he leave her alone. But Jessica is so consumed by fear that she doesn't wait for a response. The blonde girl then took off towards the exit, running as if all the devils in hell were after her. Throughout that vacant subway station, the frantic clicking of her heels and the Stranger's heavy footfall is the only thing heard.
Escaping into the empty street, Jessica ducks down an Alleyway with the Stranger in hot pursuit. The pretty girl heads into a fenced-in parking lot only to quickly discover that she has made a foolish mistake. An impenetrable steel fencing surrounds the lot's perimeter, and the way she came in is the only way out. Scared and alone, Jessica wanders about, unsure what to do when she notices that the Stranger has disappeared. Believing that he gave up his pursuit of her, the beautiful girl goes back the way she came. However, Jessica finds the gate shut, and a metal bar jammed from the inside to prevent an easy exit. Angry, frustrated, and scared, this young lady doesn't understand how close death is to her.
Suddenly, the Stranger surreptitiously attacks Jessica by reaching out from underneath a parked car and slicing her Achilles tendon. Hobbled and unable to flee, the pretty blonde cries for mercy that will not come. Standing before her, the Stranger brutally and mercilessly slashes and stabs Jessica to death. This insane man then takes a souvenir from this homicide in the form of this girl's severed scalp.
If Jessica had stayed on the train and use the cell phone in her bag to call the police, she would still be alive. Oh well, c'est la vie.

*Warning! This reenactment of the real-life disappearance of Georgann Hawkins is part of a docudrama. It deviates from the facts of the case but only for dramatic purposes.*

In the early hours of June 11, 1974, on the University of Washington Seattle campus, Georgann Hawkings visited her boyfriend to get some notes for a critical Spanish test she needed to cram for. Leaving his place around one in the morning, the pretty 18-year-old girl, in a sleeveless red crop top, peach mini skirt, and wooden high heel mules, waves goodbye to her boyfriend. Despite the late hour, the girl had no concern about walking home alone since the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority house that she lived in is less than a block away, and the quickest way to get there was an alleyway that ran through the city block.
She had used this route many times before to visit her boyfriend, and since this passageway is well lit, she saw no risk in taking it. However, what this pretty girl doesn’t realize is that she has an admirer of the moment. They saw the girl enter her boyfriend’s dormitory, and they were so enticed by her beauty that they lingered about in the darkness, hoping that she would emerge.
Heading into the alleyway, the pretty girl’s only companion is the clip-clop of her mules, but not for long.
With his patience paid off in spades, the pretty girl’s admirer emerges from the shadows. With utmost stealth, this stranger follows her. Not knowing that someone is stalking her, the cute girl sashays down the alleyway with a smile on her face. Closing the distance between himself and his quarry, this stranger matches the girl’s footsteps as the two of them enter a gap between the alley lights.
Suddenly enticed by both lust and rage, this unknown fellow quicken’s his pace. As the pretty girl continues to stroll down the alleyway casually, she is unaware of how much danger she is in until finally, the stranger grabs her from behind. The abrupt shuffling of feet replaces the clip-clop of the girl’s mules, after which there is only silence.
Oh well, if this pretty girl had stayed the night at her boyfriend’s place, she wouldn’t end up another notch in the pistol of the wicked and dastardly Ted Bundy.

In 1970s Los Angeles, Tina is sad after seeing her brother’s corpse at the local funeral home. Then, feeling worn out and wanting to be alone, she gives her adieus before parting with her girlfriend.
Clad in a hooded deep purple mini dress and matching chunky heel pumps, the pretty girl walked down the nighttime street. With the clicking of her heels, her only companion, sadness, inundates Tina. Suddenly, the girl gets a tingling up her spine and the overwhelming sensation that she is not alone. Her apprehension becomes so intense that Tina looks all around.
Stopping in her tracks, the pretty girl realizes that the street is empty, with no cars, no people, no nothing. Feeling that she has suffered a needless bout of the heebie-jeebies, the girl continues on her way.
Almost immediately, Tina hears a trashcan kick over, and an alleycat screams out. Spooked by that mysterious outburst, the girl shifts her stride into high gear as she sprints down the street. With the loud clicking of her heels, Tina reaches the end of the block and runs right into a stranger that mysteriously appears in her path. Wearing a weird-looking cape, this surprisingly handsome man calls the girl by a strange name.
However, Tina is in no mood for any chitchat as fear is bubbling over inside of her. Breaking away from this stranger, she takes off down the street while the handsome man pursues her. Not knowing who that stranger is or why he’s now chasing her, Tina dives into a pedestrian tunnel to escape him.
Dropping her handbag, This pretty girl leaves it behind for fear that she might get captured if she went back to get it. Exiting the tunnel, Tina disappears into the night as that strange man retrieves her bag.
Emerging from the tunnel, The Stranger sees no sign of the pretty girl as if the night’s darkness has swallowed her whole.
Not watching where he’s going, a Yellow Cab runs down the strange man when he stumbles into the street. Leaping from her vehicle, it surprises the cabbie that this strange man is uninjured. This hack belittles The Stranger for stepping out in front of her cab. Unfortunately for the cabbie, She has just made a fatal error. Now she will find out why this strange man doesn’t mark him after being run over by an automobile. Baring his fangs, this vampire lunges at the cabby and precedes to devour her like a wild animal.
Oh well, as far as this vampire is concerned, he’s not a picky eater; he’ll take his blood anywhere he can get it.

In Boston, at the start of the 80s, Eleanor leaves a local restaurant. Clad in a pink blouse & plum skirt, this pretty college student bundled up in a camel overcoat and maroon scarf to keep off the autumn cold as she heads home. However, an insignificant little man notices her. From his vantage point in the alley behind the eatery, he sees Eleanor walk past. Remembering her from an earlier encounter as he was on busboy duty, the little man likes this girl's look. So much so that he abruptly abandoned his duties dumping the garbage to pursue her.
Turning down a secluded evening street, this pretty brunette girl is unaware of her stalker. Seeing no one about and hearing only the clicking of her black heels, Eleanor presumes that she has the street all to herself.
Filled with zeal, the little man closes the distance between himself and his quarry, but his run-over shoes make a squeaking sound with every footstep he makes.
At this precise instant, the pretty girl notices that squeaking sound. Slowing down to a stop, Eleanor realizes that the squeaking sound has died. However, she suspects that the sound might come from behind her. Looking back down the street, Eleanor saw no one. Presuming that she imagined it, Eleanor heads on her way.
Hearing the girl's receding footsteps, the insignificant man suddenly reappears from a darkened doorway that he ducked into just seconds before. Realizing that the girl can listen to his noisy shoes, the little man tries to be more stealthy in his pursuit of her. But it is a wasted effort as his squeaky shoes instantly alert the girl that she might not be alone. Abruptly stopping in her tracks, Eleanor hears the sudden shuffle of someone else's feet. As the little man ducks into another darkened doorway, the girl immediately spins around. Seeing no one, Eleanor fears that someone is following her. As the girl heads on her way, she walks faster. Hearing that squeaking noise behind her once more, the pretty girl trots while looking over her shoulder.
Showing a spark of courage, Eleanor quickly spins around to see who is following her.
Recognizing the little man from the restaurant, the pretty girl wonders what does he want with her. But before this cute thing can get an answer, a vicious dog barks at her from an enclosed yard. Making a run for it, Eleanor hears the frantic clicking of her heels as the little man chases after her.
As she nears her apartment, the girl trips over her feet, falling flat on the ground, but she doesn't stay there. Getting back on her feet, this pretty girl makes a mad dash for her apartment as the little man strolls after her.
Eleanor frantically gets her apartment door open as the little man lingers across the street.
Once inside, she cautiously looks out the window to discover that the little man is no longer there. Perhaps the insignificant man just wanted to make sure Eleanor made it home alive since a killer roamed the streets. It's too bad the little man didn't know how much danger he was in because the killer that everyone was looking for was the pretty young thing that he was shadowing.

In New York during the early 1990s, Carly Norris, a pretty blonde woman in dark pants suit with red stiletto heels, is doing some light housework. But despite living in this high-security apartment, she was spooked by stories of mysterious deaths that occurred here. And yet, she doesn't let this gossip scare her into finding a different place to live.
Hearing a commotion just outside her apartment door, she checks the peephole and sees her next-door neighbor, Vida Warren, leaving her apartment. Meeting her gorgeous brunette neighbor at the elevators, Carly is in desperate need of speaking with her. Dressed in a sexy Teal mini dress with a matching jacket and stiletto heels, Vida can't chat because she's in a hurry for a modeling job.
Thus despite being on the 20th floor, she chooses to take the stairs since she doesn't want to wait for the elevator. But before she clears off, she promises Carly that they'll chat later.
However, once these ladies go their separate ways, the elevator mysteriously opens.
Hurrying down, Vida presumes she has the stairwell all to herself since the clicking of her heels on the steps is the only sound around. Unexpectedly, the power fails, and that cinder block stairwell turns pitch black. The gorgeous lady instantly stops in her tracks since she doesn't want to go tumbling down the stairs. Luckily, the emergency lighting kicks in.
But just as she continues her descent, she hears someone coughing; and it gives her pause. Looking up, she's sure it came from above, which is a clear signal that she is not alone. Instantly unnerved, she snaps out of it. Continuing down, she grumbles about this building.
Reaching the next landing, Vida suddenly gets the creepy feeling that she's being followed. And this is despite the fact she can barely hear anything beyond her own feet.
Looking over her shoulder, she deliberately takes the steps one at a time. Abruptly halting on the next landing, this gorgeous lady listens to see if someone is indeed tailing her. And right away, She hears a creaking noise on the stairs above.
But just as Vida looked upward to see what it could be, a dark figure emerges from the stairs below. Moving with incredible speed, This person grabs Vida and slams her against the wall. Producing a large knife, they slice the beautiful lady open like a fish. The lady screams like a banshee as she is repeatedly stabbed with absolute malice.
Hearing those screams, Carly is clearly horrified by the sound. And yet, she shows real bravery by leaving her apartment to investigate those awful cries.
But as she heads into the dim stairwell, a breeze closes her apartment door, causing it to lock itself. Moving slowly down the stairs, this blonde lady didn't know what to expect.
Hearing odd whispering, Carly sees a macabre sight. Her beautiful neighbor was in a heap with her blood & guts spread about the landing below. And kneeling over Vida's corpse, speaking to it, is Jack Landsford, an acquaintance who also resides in the building.
As the two of them make eye contact, Carly was gripped by surprise that this man could be a killer. With blood on his hands, Jack immediately charges up the stairs towards Carly. Clearly not wanting to be his next victim, this blonde lady runs for her life.
Scrambling up the stairs, Carly hears the frantic clicking of her heels as she makes her getaway; and Jack's heavy footfall joins in. During this chase, the electricity comes back, bringing the lights of the stairwell to full power.
Reaching her apartment door, Carly discovers it's locked. Hearing Jack shouting her name, she had to get away and fast.
Seeing the elevator, she jumps inside. Frantically, Carly presses all the buttons, including the alarm button, but the machine doesn't move. Exiting the stairwell, Jack hears the elevator alarm's loud ringing, which instantly tells him where Carly is. But when Jack tries to enter the elevator, Carly surprises him with a small fire extinguisher.
Using it as a club, she beats bashes and bludgeons Jack until he's forced to retreat. Once the door closes, the blonde lady successfully leaves this murder scene. As the elevator takes Carly downward to safety, she believes that she has solved the mystery of this building's mysterious deaths. Or has she?

In Los Angeles, during the early 21st century, Jenny, a pretty brunette girl in a leopard print mini dress and black high heel pumps, departs a Halloween party early. However, upon arriving at the underground parking garage, she has a weird sense that she is not alone. And yet, the only thing she hears is the clicking of her heels. But when Jenny reaches her car, she sees the oddest-looking footprints smeared in the dirty automotive fluids staining the ground. What surprises her is that these footsteps first appear human but then morph into something that isn't.
Before this pretty girl can digest what she is looking at, the thing that made those footprints appears behind her. The creature grabs her and hurls her backward as if she were a rag doll. Jenny crashes to the ground and is knocked silly, but this only lasts for an instant. The pretty girl gets her wits back and is horrified by what grabbed her because it's not human. As this wolf-like creature stalks about, it searches for the cute girl, and yet it's unable to see her. But what the beast doesn't know is that Jenny has hidden behind a big yellow SUV. Frustrated, the creature damages the girl's car. Jenny sees an opportunity and activates her car alarm to distract this monster. As the creature tears apart Jenny's car to kill the alarm, the girl makes a run for it. The creature spots the pretty girl and is on her in seconds. But Jenny is extra fast on her feet and reaches the elevators that brought her down to this garage of terror. Unfortunately for this pretty girl, that lift is not as quick as she would like. As the elevator rises, the monster damages the machine trapping her between floors. Jenny grabs the emergency phone in an attempt to call for help, but it's a hopeless gesture as the monster tears open the elevator doors, doing its best to grab her. In total fear for her life, Jenny attempts to find the escape hatch but quickly discovers there's no way out.
Abruptly the girl notices that the abomination has vanished. Not sure where the thing could be, she cautiously looks through the breach in the door. But the only thing she sees is the closing door to the stairwell. Not sure where the beast is going, Jenny isn't waiting around to find out. Using all her strength, she pushes open the elevator doors, thinking she can escape to the floor above. Jenny gets the doors partially open but finds the monster is waiting there for her. This pretty girl lets out one final scream as this creature devoured her without mercy.
Oh well, if Jenny had stayed at the penthouse party, she wouldn't have ended up a meal for a monster.

In Seoul, South Korea, at the genesis of the 21st Century, a lone teenage girl in a navy blue school uniform waits for her companion at a train station. But for some unknown reason, her friend is late, although they planned to meet there earlier. As the girl cools her heels, she spots a pair of red high heels sitting at the edge of the train platform.
Compelled by curiosity, the girl examines the shoes before inexplicably putting them on. In that instant, she has a bizarre feeling of euphoria, but it doesn't last. Abruptly her friend makes her appearance, and she isn't jolly. Immediately, this long-haired schoolgirl claims that she has been in the train station all along and that she spotted the shoes first. The girl then demands that her friend surrender those high heel pumps. When her friend refuses, the long-haired girl becomes instantly belligerent and attacks her friend, knocking her down and snatching the shoes off her feet. Before the girl even realizes what has just happened, her long-haired friend storms off carrying the red shoes with her.
Taking an escalator to the upper concourse, the long-haired girl feels satisfied with herself now that she is wearing the red shoes.
As the girl heads down the long, empty corridor, the clicking of those red high heels is the only sound heard, but not for long. Listening to some k-pop tunes on her iPod, the long-haired girl soon notices the loud clip-clop of high heels. However, those footsteps seem to be coming from behind her. The girl stops in her tracks, and those other footsteps immediately halt. Turning about, she looks back the way she came, but the hallway is empty. Thinking maybe she's just hearing the echoing of her own feet, the long-haired girl continues on her way.
Almost instantly, the girl started hearing those other footsteps again, except they were even louder as if they were coming from right behind her.
The girl halts in mid-stride, and those other footsteps do the same. The long-haired girl comes to the instant realization that she's not hallucinating; someone is obviously following her. Turning about again, she only sees the same empty concourse. Presuming that her friend is gaslighting her, the long-haired girl shouts to her, but she gets no response. Feeling apprehensive, the girl turns and starts heading on her way; and instantly, those other footsteps follow hers once again.
Abruptly the girl feels a gust of wind and a disembodied gasp as if someone was right behind her. Spinning 180°, it happens behind her back once again.
The long-haired girl is instantly frightened as she looks all about. Then she sees something ahead of her that looks like a figure, crouch low to the ground. With no warning, a strange black streak races across the floor and over to the long-haired girl.
The girl falls to the floor and discovers her feet transformed into bloody stumps. The long-haired girl lets out an awful scream as the red shoes soak up the blood staining them the way a cat will lick up a puddle of spilled milk.
Oh well, I guess Korean school girls shouldn't play with strange things they find in train stations, especially if an evil curse possesses them.


Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

22 videos

Category Entertainment

This channel is dedicated to thrills, chills, cheap scares and things that go bump, but not necessarily in the night.
And it involves mostly pretty young things being menaced (or worst) by beasties, ghost, insane killers and the walking dead. As well as, vampires, horny perverts, ghouls, werewolves and angry ex's. And perhaps even the taxman (ooooooo, very scary)