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This video exposes the "savior" who the Christians believe is their ally to get rid of their oppressors.

Read our findings here:

Disclaimer: We do not promote the use of false names and titles for Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` nor any uninspired scriptures.
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(serious scriptural inquiries or Copyright issues only!)
The Way144K Productions™
The Way of Yahweh Yahuwshua
[email protected]
Firstfruits' Purer Scriptures - FPS *FREE* Download link▼

Cuando preguntas a los cristianos: ¿Qué es Su Palabra o qué es la Palabra? Es probable que respondan: "la biblia" o "las escrituras". ¿Es ésta la verdad o han sido engañados? ¡Mira este vídeo y descúbrelo!

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Las Buenas Noticias de Luwqá ['Lucas']
Capítulo 9 [descifrado]

El Pequeño será el Más Grande
46. Adentro, pertinente a esa, con aquella [~emanaciones de sâţâ´n, néfesh ardientes], durante la hora, ellas se acercaron a aquellos [siendo] los pupilos perteneciendo a Aquel, a Iâjuwshúa`, unas diciendo:
“¿Quién entonces más grande es adentro, pertinente a aquella [siendo] la realdad de aquellos de los cielos [~cielos = afirmación afijada “firmamento” = (el Testimonio) (1 Moshéh 1: 6-8)]?” [MattithIâ´juw 18: 1]
Pero entró una disputa adentro pertinente a los mismos, aquello (n.) [siendo], ¿quién sería él, el más grande de los mismos?
Y Él vino a Kâfâ´rnaxúwm (Kapernaoúm), y estando en la casa, Él les preguntó a ellos:
“¿Qué estaban ustedes discutiendo entre ustedes por el camino?”
Pero ellos se quedaron callados, porque ellos habían estado discutiendo por el camino entre ellos cual era él más grande entre ellos. [Márquwç 9: 33-34]
47. Pero Él Quien [es] Iâjuwshúa`, habiendo visto aquel [siendo] la disputa de aquella [~compitiendo contra el Pequeño] [siendo] del corazón de los mismos, Y sentándose, Él llamó a los doce, y les dice a ellos:
“Si alguno desea ser el principal, él será el último de todos y el asistente de todos.” [Márquwç 9: 35]
Y Él Quien [es] Iâjuwshúa`, habiendo llamado hacia Sí Mismo un niño [Buenas Noticias de la Verdad] [MattithIâ´juw 18: 2], y habiendo obtenido además a un niño, Él paró al mismo adentro, pertinente al medio de los mismos, y habiendo abrazado al mismo [Márquwç 9: 36] a Su lado,
48. Y Él dijo a los mismos,
“’Âmë´n (Por seguro) Yo dicto a ustedes, si alguna vez ustedes no fueran virados tal que ustedes vengan a existir como aquellos [siendo] los niños, de ninguna manera entrarían ustedes a aquel [siendo] la realdad de aquellos de los cielos [~afirmación afijada (el Testimonio) (1 Moshéh 1: 6-8)]! [MattithIâ´juw 18: 3] Por eso, quienquiera se humillará a sí mismo como aquel [siendo] este niño, éste quien existe [es] Él Quien [es] más grande adentro, perteneciendo a aquella [siendo] la realdad de aquellos de los cielos [~afirmación afijada (el Testimonio) (1 Moshéh 1: 6-8)]; Y [MattithIâ´juw 18: 4] quien si alguna vez aceptaría, a este, aquel [siendo] un niño sobre siendo pertinente a Aquel [siendo] con el nombre Mío, a Mí él acepta, y quién si alguna vez a Mí aceptaría, no [solo] a Mí él acepta, [Márquwç 9: 37] él acepta Aquel habiendo enviado afuera a Mí, porque Él Quien [es] el más pequeño adentro, perteneciendo a todos aquellos de ustedes, Este haciendo un comienzo debajo de quien existirá, [es] grande.” [~el Pequeño, emanación]

Que Iâjuéh Iâjuwshúa` te conceda Su favor para ver y entender.
Descargo de responsabilidad: No promovemos el uso de nombres y títulos falsos para Iâjuéh Iâjuwshúa` ni ninguna escritura no inspirada.
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(Consultas bíblicas serias o problemas de derechos de autor solamente:)
The Way144K Productions™
El Camino de Iâjuéh Iâjuwshúa`
[email protected]

Escrituras Purificadas para las Primicias [EPP]:GRATIS: Link de descarga ▼:

Humildemente compartido en Amor Afectuoso por el Camino de Iâjuéh Iâjuwshúa`

When you ask many Christians: What is His Word or what is the Word? They will likely answer: "the bible". Is this the Truth? Have they been deceived? Watch this video and find out!

When done viewing, please visit:

to see all the evidence!

The Pure Glad Tidings According to Luwqá’
Chapter 9

The little One shall be the Greatest
46. Within, pertaining to that one (f.), with the one (f.) [~fiery néphesh (f.) emanations of sâţâ´n] during the hour, they approached the ones [being] the pupils belonging to the One, to Yâhuwshúa`, ones saying:
“Who then greater is within, pertaining to the one (f.) [being] the royalty (f.) of the ones of the heavens [~heavens = affixed-affirmation “firmament” = (the Testimony) (1 Moshéh 1:6-8)]?” [MattithYâ´huw 18:1]
But entered a dispute within pertaining to the same ones, the one (n.) [being], whoever might he be, the greater of the same ones?
And He came unto Kâphâ´rnachúwm (Kapernaoúm), and being in the house, He asked them:
“What were ye discussing among yourselves on the way?”
But they were silent, for they had been discussing on the way with one another, which is greater among them. [Márquwç 9: 33-34]
47. But He Who [is] Yâhuwshúa`, having seen the one [being] the dispute of the one (f.) [~competing against the little One] [being] of the heart (f.) of the same ones, And sitting down, He called the twelve, and says to them:
“If anyone desires to be foremost, he shall be last of all and attendant of all.” [Márquwç 9: 35]
And He Who [is] Yâhuwshúa`, having called towards Himself a child [Glad Tidings of the Truth] [MattithYâ´huw 18:2], and having obtained in addition a child, He stood the same one within, pertaining to the middle of the same ones, and having embraced the same one [Márquwç 9: 36] beside Himself,
48. And He said to the same ones,
“’Âmë´n (For certain) I dictate to you (pl.), if ever ye might not be turned so ye come to exist as the ones [being] the children, in no wise might ye enter in unto the one [being] the royalty of the ones of the heavens [~affixed-affirmation (the Testimony) (1 Moshéh 1:6-8)]! [MattithYâ´huw 18:3] Therefore, whosoever will humble himself as the one [being] this child, this one who exists [is] He Who [is] greater within, belonging to the one (f.) [being] the royalty of the ones of the heavens [~affixed-affirmation (the Testimony) (1 Moshéh 1:6-8)]; And [MattithYâ´huw 18:4] who if ever might accept, this one, the one [being] a child on pertaining to the One [being] with the name of Me, Me he accepts, and who if ever Me might accept, not [just] Me he accepts, [Márquwç 9: 37] moreover he accepts the One having sent out Me, because He Who [is] smallest within, belonging to all the ones of you, this One making a beginning below one who shall exist, [is] great.” [~little One emanation]

May Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` grant you His favor to see and understand.
Disclaimer: We do not promote the use of false names and titles for Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` nor any uninspired scriptures.
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(serious scriptural inquiries or Copyright issues only!)
The Way144K Productions™
The Way of Yahweh Yahuwshua
[email protected]
Firstfruits' Purer Scriptures - FPS *FREE* Download link▼
Humbly shared in Affectionate Love by the Way of Yâ-hwéh

~ Preparado humildemente por nuestra querida hermana Iâjuwaiyd Criatura-Alada ~

Para los adoradores de elohim (demonios):
salid de ellos y convertíos a Iâjuéh Iâjuwshúa y no adoréis demonios!

GRATIS: Escrituras Purificadas para las Primicias [EPP]:
Link de descarga ▼:

Para obtener más información: Acerca de la Verdad, visítenos en:
♫ Música proporcionada - Créditos al final
Equipo de edición: Producciones Hermanos en el Camino144k™ (Equipo Iâjuwshúa)
Descargo de responsabilidad: No promovemos el uso de nombres y títulos falsos para Iâjuéh Iâjuwshúa` ni ninguna escritura no inspirada.
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(Consultas bíblicas serias o problemas de derechos de autor solamente:)
The Way144K Productions™
El Camino de Iâjuéh Iâjuwshúa`
[email protected]

~ Humbly prepared by our dear brother Yâhuwaiyd Winged-Creature ~

For the elohim (demons) worshipers:
come out of them and turn to Yahweh Yahuwshua and do not worship demons!
Free Purer Scriptures for the Remnant [PSR]
PSR Download Link▼
For More Information: About the Truth, please visit us at:
♫Music Provided - End Credits
The Editing Team: Brothers of The Way144k Productions™ (Team Yahuwshua)
Disclaimer: We do not promote the use of false names and titles for Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` nor any uninspired scriptures.
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(serious scriptural inquiries or Copyright issues only!)
The Way144K Productions™
The Way of Yahweh Yahuwshua
[email protected]

Prepared by our dear brother Yâhuwaiyd Winged-Creature in the Affectionate Love of Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`
Why was “The Book of Baruch” thrown out by the Church Fathers? This video addresses that question. Please subscribe, if you have not done so, to receive notifications when new videos are uploaded to this channel.

Firstfruits' Purer Scriptures - FPS *FREE* Download link▼
About This Channel: We do not promote violence or hate speech/messages against any religion, race, or any established organization(s) of this world. Our spiritual warfare is not against flesh and blood. Our aim is to: Awaken His chosen people from deep sleep to help them realize they need to change their mind, and come out of confusion. Choose Life: Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`! In order to grow spiritually and not remain spiritually stagnant, one must embrace what is True and have no fear of those enforcing the Lie. Every lie is from the father of the lies, sâţâ´n, and he has sent forth his preachers of the lies way before we arrived, who have jaded listeners to not listen to us.
For More Information about the Truth, please visit us at
- your brothers in ► Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`
♫Music Provided - End Credits
The Editing Team: The Way144k Productions™
Disclaimer: We do not promote the use of false names and titles for Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` nor any uninspired scriptures.
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(serious scriptural inquiries or Copyright issues only!)
The Way144K Productions™
The Way of Yahweh Yahuwshua
[email protected]

The Way 144K Productions™ Channel where we promote Truth by disclosing decoded scriptures, for our brothers who seek Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`.

Note: scripture quotes/references may not yet be decoded within this video, but you are welcome to freely download the FPS Firstfruits' Purer Scriptures to view them decoded, here:

May the True Most High, Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` favor you

Near Death Experiences, people coming back to honestly tell what happened: Did their accounts rub you the wrong way? You knew something was wrong but couldn't pinpoint what? Or did you believe all they say? Does inspired scripture support what they say? Who did they meet, really? This video addresses these questions.

Firstfruits' Purer Scriptures - FPS *FREE* Download link▼
♫Music Provided - credited in the end scroll
The Editing Team: The Way144k Productions™
About This Channel: We do not promote violence or hate speech/messages against any religion, race, or any established organization(s) of this world. Our spiritual warfare is not against flesh and blood. Our aim is to: Awaken His chosen people from deep sleep to help them realize they need to change their mind, and come out of confusion. Choose Life: Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`! In order to grow spiritually and not remain spiritually stagnant, one must embrace what is True and have no fear of those enforcing the Lie. Every lie is from the father of the lies, Sâţâ´n, and he has sent forth his preachers of the lies way before we arrived, who have jaded listeners to not listen to us.
For More Information: About the Truth, please visit us at
Disclaimer: We do not promote the use of false names and titles for Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` nor any uninspired scriptures.
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- your brothers in ► Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`

This video was found by our dear brothers Keith and TâÓwmiykhâ regarding the history of the christmas (Anointed Dismissed) celebration adopted by the christian church fathers. This video exposes that christmas is nothing more than a pagan satanic celebration called the winter solstice to celebrate the sun god (satan).

This very evil tradition that has been spun by the church fathers so it is easily digestible for christian consumption does not honor Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, it only honors satan. Drunkenness, rape, murder, pedophilia, licentiousness, human sacrifice, all manner of debauchery is for satan, not Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, and the the christians of that time did seek relief from this evil and fled, however this evil did follow them.

We thank the Most High Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` for freeing us, bringing us out of the darkness of evil and into His Light.
Disclaimer: We do not promote the use of false names and titles for Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` nor any uninspired scriptures.
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(serious scriptural inquiries or Copyright issues only!)
The Way144K Productions™
The Way of Yahweh Yahuwshua
[email protected]
Firstfruits' Purer Scriptures - FPS *FREE* Download link▼
Original: The Unwrapping of Christmas: Its History, Myths, and Pagan Traditions
Published on YouTube by The Time Of The End 12/17/2013

(el video se ve mejor en pantalla completa)

¡Este video es un llamado a Sus escogidos!

Estén atentosy prestando mucha atención al contenido de este video; hagan pausas y/o retroceda si es necesario, ya que la información de este video es vital para su salvación.

[2 Moshéh ("Éxodo") 20:7]
7. (3) Ja-sâţâ´n no [es] Quién tú aceptarás de Mí, no perteneciendo a aquellos (m.) [es] el joven [~ialdabosheth (progenie de vergüenza)] [siendo] “ha-shëm” (el nombre (n.)). De Iâjuéh Iâjuwshúa` no [son] aquellos [~demonios] del poderoso de ajarón (portador de luz/lucifer) trabajando a aquellos (n.) de ti [~no en Reposo] – sobre uno venciendo al demonio (llisrâ’ë´l) afuera que [está] pertinente a la vanidad (n.) [~Jével] – ¡porque sâţâ´n [es] el “Iâjuéh” cual no [existe], por si a través del padre del soberano (’avadówn) limpiaría él de Mí! Iâjuéh Iâjuwshúa` no [es] de aquel (m.) [~unos (m.) falsificados (Revelación 19: 20)] [siendo] unos (n.) [~masas paganas (n.)] aceptando no pertenecer a aquellos, [siendo] el joven [~ialdabosheth (progenie de vergüenza)] [siendo] “ja-shëm” (el nombre (n.)) del Mismo del Hijo [~Iâjuéh Iâjuwshúa`] – sobre uno venciendo al demonio (llisrâ’ë´l) afuera que [está] pertinente a la vanidad [~Jével (Libro Secreto de Iâjuwxânâ´n)].

... ¡que Él te favorezca para que entiendas!

La página de nombre vinculada en el video se está migrando actualmente según sea necesario y de acuerdo con las escrituras decodificadas actuales en nuestro nuevo sitio web de nombre dual:

"Examinadlo todo..." - 1 Tesalonicenses 5:21

Descargo de responsabilidad: No promovemos el uso de nombres y títulos falsos para Iâjuéh Iâjuwshúa` ni ninguna escritura no inspirada.
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(Consultas bíblicas serias o problemas de derechos de autor solamente:)
The Way144K Productions™
El Camino de Iâjuéh Iâjuwshúa`
[email protected]

Escrituras Purificadas para las Primicias [EPP]:GRATIS: Link de descarga ▼:

Humildemente compartido en Amor Afectuoso por el Camino de Iâjuéh Iâjuwshúa`

Nota: los créditos de las fotografías y las sintonías se proporcionan al final del video.

The lie has so very many names creating an immense confusion to keep you from the Truth that can save you.

There is a decision that each one is going to have to make, it is written. His name identifies Him, thus, Yâhuwchânâ´n ("john" for the KJV impaired) was inspired to write:


18. he, who without regard [is] one (m.) trusting, among My one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l) [being] The same One [being] the Son, [is] not [of] sâţâ´n, who [is] being separated apart; but he who [is] without regard of Yâ-hwéh [is] not [of] the father of the sovereign (’avadówn) the one (m.) [is] believing in. Already he has been separated apart [1 Moshéh 1: 7, 2: 16-17], because this one [~Yehuwthâ´h (impostor)] not [being] the father of the sovereign (’avadówn) [~Yehuwthâ´h’s envoy, sâţâ´n] he has believed. Among My one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l) not belonging to the ones (m.), [is] the youth [~yaldabosheth (spawn of shame)], [being] “ha-shëm” (the name), not [being] the ones (m.) of the only Kin, of the Son with regard, [being] the ones not of the mighty one of ’aharón (light-carrier/lucifer).
19. Moreover, the same one (f.) [~unpaired néphesh (f.)] [is] the Son of Yâ-hwéh, Who exists [~permanently], not she which [is] the separation/selection (f.), that this one [~Yehuwthâ´h] [might be] with the ones (m.) not [being] The Light (n.) [~definition of the day (Yowm): separated middle one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l) (1 Moshéh 1: 5)]. It [~the Light] has come among My one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l) of The One (n./m.) not [being] the cosmos [~material universe of sâţâ´n], and of one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l), they affectionately loved not the ones (m.), the sons of the dirt-man (’âthâ´m), more readily belonging to the ones (n.) not [being] the darkness [~Láylâh (night, darkening turn) definition (1 Moshéh 1: 5)], than belonging to the ones (n.) not [being] the Light [~Yowm (day, heat) definition (1 Moshéh 1: 5)]. Which is why she kept being erring about Yâ-hwéh, harmful things of the same ones (m.) of the Son – belonging to the one (f.) [~unpaired néphesh (f.)] [are] not the works of Yâhuwshúa`,
20. which is why everyone (m.) of Yâ-hwéh that [is] he who [is] without regard [~Yehuwthâ´h], foul things the one (m.) [is] practicing, who hates belonging to the ones (n./m.) not [being] the Light [~Yowm (day, heat) definition (1 Moshéh 1: 5)] of one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l), and [is] of you which do not come towards all one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l) belonging to the ones (n./m.) not [being] the Light [~Yowm (day, heat) definition (1 Moshéh 1: 5)], in order that not the father of the sovereign (’avadówn) might not be reproved – not belonging to the one (f.) [~unpaired néphesh (f.)] [are] the works (n.) of Yâhuwshúa`, of the same one (m.) of the Son;
21. Moreover, he [~Yehuwthâ´h] who [is] without regard of Yâ-hwéh, [is] the one (m.) making become not of the one (f.) [~unpaired néphesh (f.)] the Truth (f.), Which does come towards all one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l) pertaining to the ones (n./m.) not [being] the Light [~Yowm (day, heat) definition (1 Moshéh 1: 5)], in order that It [~the Truth] might be made plainly shown, of The same One (m.), of the Son – not belonging to the one (f.) [~sister] [are] the works of Yâhuwshúa`, because this one [~Yehuwthâ´h] [is] within, among the ones (m.) of one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l) pertaining to the mighty one of ’aharón (light-carrier/lucifer) who becomes the ones (n.) having been worked!” [~entering into the Marriage Chamber of middle one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l) of the cross, possessing them [YirmYâ´huw 11: 15, Ychezqë´’l 8: 3-5, Dâ´niyyë´’l 7: 22, 11: 41, Mal’âkhíy 2: 11-12, MattithYâ´huw 24: 15, 2 Thessaloníkeans 2: 3-6]

It is predicated that the Many [middle Day - Christianity] shall proffer the lies, following the tree/cross, a tool of satan, but reject the Fruit, the Truth that was hung on it...

...what will your decision be? Accept His invitation now, or upon resurrecting?

To know more about the Truth, please do visit us at:
Disclaimer: We do not promote the use of false names and titles for Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` nor any uninspired scriptures.
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(serious scriptural inquiries or Copyright issues only!)
The Way144K Productions™
The Way of Yahweh Yahuwshua
[email protected]
Firstfruits' Purer Scriptures - FPS *FREE* Download link▼

LXX Decoded: the Morphologically analyzed Septuagint Greek translation

This video reveals a scriptural event kept hidden from you by the so called experts and scholars called the Last Call, an event provided by our Savior to ensure that everyone is granted an opportunity to make a decision. This video also describes, scripturally, the decision which all shall soon have to make.

If you would like more information about the Truth, please do visit us at

May Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` favor you to see and understand.
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(serious scriptural inquiries or Copyright issues only!)
The Way144K Productions™
The Way of Yahweh Yahuwshua
[email protected]
Firstfruits' Purer Scriptures - FPS *FREE* Download link▼

Humbly shared in His Affectionate Love.

Narration by our dear brother Andréas Phílippos Garai.

His Sayings, Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, at the closing of the video by our dear brother Yâhuwçëph Ha-jose V-Yâhwéh and our dear sister Yâhuwaiyd Winged-Creature.

This video reveals a scriptural event kept hidden from you by the so called experts and scholars called the Last Call, an event provided by our Sovereign to ensure that everyone is granted an opportunity to make a decision.

This video also describes, scripturally, the decision which all shall soon have to make.

May Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` favor you to see and understand.

You may download your free copy of the Purer Scriptures for the Remnant here:

Humbly shared in His Affectionate Love.

Note: Best viewed in full screen or theater mode.

(video best viewed in full screen)

This video is a call to His chosen!

May you be attentive, paying close attention to the content of this video; pause, rewind if need be, as the information in this video is vital to your salvation.

7. (3) Ha-sâţâ´n [is] not Whom you will accept of Me, not belonging to the ones (m.) [is] the youth [~yaldabosheth (spawn of shame)] [being] “ha-shëm” (the name (n.)). Of Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` [are] not the ones (m.) [~demons (m.)] of the mighty one of ’aharón (light-bearer/lucifer) working the ones (n.) of you [~not in Repose] – concerning one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l) outside that [is] pertaining to the vanity (n.) [~Hével] – because sâţâ´n [is] the “Yâ-hwéh” which [exists] not, lest through the father of the sovereign (’avadówn) he might cleanse of Me! Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` [is] not of the one (m.) [~counterfeit ones (m.), false preilluminator (Disclosure 19: 20)] [being] ones (n.) [~heathen masses (n.)] accepting not belonging to the ones (m.), [being] the youth [~yaldabosheth (spawn of shame)] [being] “ha-shëm” (the name (n.)) of the same One (m.) of the Son [~Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`] – concerning one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l) outside that [is] pertaining to the vanity (uselessness) [~Hével (Secret Book of Yâhuwchânâ´n)]. [2 Moshéh 20:7]

...may He favor you to understand!

The Name Page linked in the video is currently being migrated as necessary and according to current decoded scriptures at our new dual-name website:

"Prove all things..." - 1 Thess 5:21
Disclaimer: We do not promote the use of false names and titles for Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` nor any uninspired scriptures.
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(serious scriptural inquiries or Copyright issues only!)
The Way144K Productions™
The Way of Yahweh Yahuwshua
[email protected]
Firstfruits' Purer Scriptures - FPS *FREE* Download link▼
Humbly shared in the Love of the Anointed, Yâhuwshúa`

Note: photograph and tune credits provided at the end of the video

Most believers are stuck on defending their faith in [God] without stopping to consider whether the term [God] is correct to use for Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` as a translation for the Hebrew term [’elohíym]. This video clearly and entertainingly explains what the term [God] really means, so even children can easily understand it. People who know they shouldn’t trust the authorities of this world and their establishment have far too much trust in the translations of scriptures approved by that very same establishment. Free your mind, believe in the Truth, and find out how to be pleasing in His sight!
Firstfruits' Purer Scriptures - FPS *FREE* Download link▼
About this channel: We do not promote violence or hate speech/messages against any religion, race, or any established organization(s) of this world. Our spiritual warfare is not against flesh and blood. Our aim is to: Awaken His chosen people from deep sleep to help them realize they need to change their mind, and come out of confusion.

Choose Life: Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`!

In order to grow spiritually and not remain spiritually stagnant, one must embrace what is True and have no fear of those enforcing the Lie. Every lie is from the father of the lies, sâţâ´n, and he has sent forth his preachers of lies way before we arrived, who have jaded listeners to not listen to us.
For more information about the Truth, please visit us at
- your brothers in ► Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`
♫Music Provided by: credited in the end scroll
The Editing Team: The Way14k Productions™
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(serious scriptural inquiries or Copyright issues only!)
The Way144K Productions™
The Way of Yahweh Yahuwshua
[email protected]

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Firstfruits' Purer Scriptures - FPS *FREE* Download link▼
About this channel: We do not promote violence or hate speech/messages against any religion, race, or any established organization(s) of this world. Our spiritual warfare is not against flesh and blood. Our aim is to: Awaken His chosen people from deep sleep to help them realize they need to change their mind, and come out of confusion.

Choose Life: Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`!

In order to grow spiritually and not remain spiritually stagnant, one must embrace what is True and have no fear of those enforcing the Lie. Every lie is from the father of the lies, sâţâ´n, and he has sent forth his preachers of the lies way before we arrived, who have jaded listeners to not listen to us.
For more information: About the Truth, please visit us at
- your brothers in ► Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`
♫Music Provided - credited in the end scroll
The Editing Team: The Way14k Productions™
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(serious scriptural inquiries or Copyright issues only!)
The Way144K Productions™
The Way of Yahweh Yahuwshua
[email protected]

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Free Scriptures
Firstfruits' Purer Scriptures - FPS *FREE* Download link▼
About this channel:
We do not promote violence or hate speech/messages against any religion, race, or any established organization(s) of this world. Our spiritual warfare is not against flesh and blood. Our aim is to: Awaken His chosen people from deep sleep to help them realize they need to change their mind, and come out of confusion.

Choose Life: Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`!

In order to grow spiritually and not remain spiritually stagnant, one must embrace what is True and have no fear of those enforcing the Lie. Every lie is from the father of the lies, sâţâ´n, and he has sent forth his preachers of lies way before we arrived, who have jaded listeners to not listen to us. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
For more information: About the Truth, please visit us at

- your brothers in ► Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`
♫Music Provided by: credited in the end scroll
The Editing Team: The Way144k Productions™
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(serious scriptural inquiries or Copyright issues only!)
The Way144K Productions™
The Way of Yahweh Yahuwshua
[email protected]

[May be best viewed in full screen]

What is the true name of the Deliverer?

This video shares some very critical information exposing the many names used by and for the Lie. sâţâ´n has not been idle the past 2000 years. The Many [middle Day - Christianity] have been deceived and have been prepared to accept an impostor upon its soon coming arrival. They have been taught that getting the name of the Most High right, purely accurate, isn't as important as what's in their hearts. Well, Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` firmly disagrees, thus scripture also absolutely disagrees, and so do we.

View the complete video to see the evidence, pausing/rewinding/reviewing if necessary.

Therefore, this video has been prepared for those who thirst for the Truth and are humble to accept His Truth to begin truly growing by It.

Disclaimer: We do not promote the use of false names and titles for Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` nor any uninspired scriptures.
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(serious scriptural inquiries or Copyright issues only!)
The Way144K Productions™
The Way of Yahweh Yahuwshua
[email protected]
Firstfruits' Purer Scriptures - FPS *FREE* Download link▼

Our prior website is currently being migrated over to our new dual-name website, , topics as necessary, updated and in agreement with current decoded scriptures.

May you be favored by Him to see, understand, to proclaim His Pure names and cleansing yourself of the lies of satan!

Note: photo and song credits are provided at the end of the video


Created 5 years, 7 months ago.

18 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

The First Letter of Páulus to Thessaloníkeans
("Thessalonians" for the KJV impaired)
Chapter 5

21. Prove all things, hold fast to the virtuous One,
22. And keep yourself away from every image of the Wickedness [ZkharYâ´hu 5:3-11 ].

Visit the website link provided below and may Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` favor you!