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Very funny Brandon. The Soviet movement was meant to subjugate citizenry, to genocide goyim (THIS INCLUDES RUSSIANS). so I’m sorry to burst your bubble because this fantasy on the Soviet movement ever being Russian is full of shit. Communism is completely Jewish (founded by Jews and derived from Judaism), the soviet movement is 100 percent communist which means its 100 percent Jewish and pro-Israel. Soviets MADE ANTISEMITISM ILLEGAL FFS 🤣.
I’m gonna have to disagree with both of you on this one though, I lean more towards Adams views on this conflict.. that being both America and Russia are equally retarded, zio puppet states headed towards a mutual destruction. I’m not sure about nuclear but I definitely can confirm there is Jewish hands on both sides, this isn’t just recent either. So, For bishai to come to the conclusion that Russia is no longer in the hands of Jewish supremacists looking to genocide Amalek and rule the world through enslavement is ridiculous.

Idi Amin Dada Oumee was a Ugandan military officer and politician who served as the third president of Uganda from 1971 to 1979.
- Wikipedia

"Once they get vaccinated the U.S. military will collapse".
"Those who were vaccinated are Sentenced to DEATH".

Alex Jones has nothing to hide? then why is infowars jumping out of their chairs when someone mentions jews have power? so info wars is scared they will come after them? mmmm i dont know if this is more gatekeeping or genuine fear of their masters.
I dont know what Infowars gains out of saying something like this. very poor choice of words, as they presented INFOWARS as FRAUDULENT by doing so ahahaha.

Watch Part 1
This is Part 2 to The Name Of Zion Docuseries

Dislike my content? all i did was post evidence that China is Involving themselves with the Ukraine/Russia conflict. They are mobilizing their troops for the Eurasian conquest. this is evidence. proof. why is it worth a dislike from you retards? if i am wrong about something notify me so i can make changes and do more research on the matter. Disliking somebody who only strives to share the truth is counter productive. i have millions of things i pay attention to and research daily! it is not easy to hold all this information, stored perfectly in my brain, hence why i like to write things down.

Moloch/Molech was the calf-headed idol that Aaron (the first high priest of the Israelites) made while Moses was on Mount Sinai receiving the Ten Commandments. To his ever-lasting shame Solomon built a temple to Moloch in the Valley of Gehenna. Ritual child-sacrice and cannibalism was performed there accompanied by wild drumming to drown out their screams. There was ritual male prostitution with the euncuh priests (disguised as women) and flagellations and necrophilia.

you can download the video right from the article. it sends you to the page source for the Mp4, all you have to do is right click and "save video as" to whatever folder you want.

Look into Marcus Aurelius' Work. One of the MOST profound men to have ever walked the earth and the greatest Philosopher by a long shot. Xianity destroys, Stoicism Heals.


Created 2 years ago.

55 videos

Category Education

We read from various sources that approximately 50,000 years ago a certain planetary body in our own solar system was mysteriously destroyed. This body has been called Tiamat, Phaeton, Lucifer, Marduk, Maldek, Rahab, and even Luna (not connected to the name later given to the moon). It was believed to have existed between Mars and Jupiter and was referred to as the “second sun” and may have been mistaken as such, because its atmosphere was resplendent with reflections of the actual sun...

Around the time of this event, the solar system, and later the Earth, was colonized by extra-terrestrial beings who were either attracted to this solar system by that conflagration or upon coming here caused the calamity themselves. Whether the disaster was natural or not, the result was that mankind on Earth experienced total and long lasting chaos and confusion. The surface of the planet Tiamat consisted mostly of great oceans. Upon its destruction, these vast saline waters entered into the Earth’s atmosphere causing the first of two massive prehistoric deluges and tribulations that mankind would experience. It is thought that the alien invaders took full advantage of this predicament and moved in to bring about colonization. They met no resistance from the disoriented and weakened inhabitants of the Earth who believed their visitors were powerful gods.

-Michael Tsarion Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation

Jew World Order

The New World Order is the Jew World Order!

New world order pledged to Jews 80 years ago

thanks to MediaGiant:

BIG THANKS TO ---- SALTSHAKER channel ----

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if you follow Christ at least watch the video before you dislike and spew nonsense. You make yourself look pretty bad. also just because someone has a different opinion than you doesn't mean you have to dislike them completely. for example with Adam Green, just because i believe in national socialism and he doesn't isn't good enough reason to dislike his videos and talk shit in the comments. nor is it good enough reason for a Christian to talk shit and dislike the video because someone doesn't agree with their ideology. it is within your right to do so but it makes you look stupid as all fuck.