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This one has commentary in my own language meant for the few people of my country that will see this. It's news from my country about people getting sick from acute radiation syndrome, acute radiation poisoning (besides the "safe and effective" potion that amplifies the radiation). Ofcourse they don't know that. Most don't. Some do but few.

The first five minutes is a short news segment in my language. I compare the symptoms of this interviewed woman that actually works for the national news station to that of microwave illness, exposure to EMF aka acute radiation syndrome. The rest is proof that backs it up. I probably won't wake anyone up, people are just too stupid or hypnotized or mind controlled. Those in my country who know, know already. If someone on the TV does not tell them this, they don't believe it. It just serves as proof so that they can't deny it. Most of the proof is from my 'There is no spoon reloaded' video from 2021 (but that video is 2 hours long) and a few new added videos.



A part of me thinks why do I even bother. So many things happening everywhere, this will happen anyway. A few people in the know won't prevent it from happening. Others just close their eyes to everything. Just showing secondary causes.

There is a man, I believe his name is Jeff, from No bots allowed channel that I found here on Bitchute. Around half of the video is his recordings. He uses the f-word a lot, so if you are a believer, a man or woman of faith sensitive to profane language, you'll have to suffer a little through this. But you probably already know all this. This is meant more for the ignorant doomed people out there, but they will never see it because they're ignorantly on their way towards the edge of the cliff.

A short introduction part before Dr. Martin Pall's speech, fitting for the times, circumstances and experiences we live in.

Think of all the virtue signalers who talk about the extinction of the bees for example, like the movie actor Morgan Freeman and so on, who said he has bee hives on his property because of this problem but then they all still use mobile phones/Smartphones, wi-fi's and so on. Even a woman doctor, Dr. Devra Davis, who warns on youtube against the hazardous radiation this technology emits and is slowly poisoning people, destroys our dna and genes, which then shows itself as a disease we call Convid-19 or in the form of genetic disorders or flaws in the newborns (besides all the other cumulative toxins in the environment like poisonations, pesticides, forever chemicals, microplastics, chemtrails, heavy metals, specific 5G frequencies and so on). And she says that because of this, she now only has two Smartphones instead of three like before. So the title to this speech of Dr. Martin Pall should really be 'Smartphones: how stupid, addicted and hopeless are you?'

"Stupid people mingling with stupid people..."
- Charles Bukowski

In war, truth is the first casualty.
- Aeschylus



The resolution is bad at the beginning because I had to compress the file down from 5GB and 1080p resolution to 1.8GB to be able to upload but after that it's ok. It's not 1080p but it's ok, in some parts it's shit but still ok as a whole.

Most likely my final video of this kind...the way things are going now...that's why I didn't bother to cut it into parts as before for a better resolution. Just upload quickly and be done with it. Besides a few hundred people see it over time so in the end, it's really nothing.

"What has all this to do with the growing addiction and alcoholism in our own country? I have already mentioned the alarming increases in death from barbiturates. But I would like to emphasize even more the psychological and political consequences. Democracy and freedom end where slavery and submission to drugs and alcohol begin. Democracy involves free, self-chosen activity and understanding; it means mature self-control and independence. Any man who escapes from reality through the use of alcohol and drugs is no longer a free agent; he is no longer able to exert any voluntary control over his mind and his actions. He is no longer a self-responsible individual. Alcoholism and drug addiction prepare the pattern of mental submission so beloved by the totalitarian brainwasher. "
― Joost A.M. Meerloo, The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing

"It is extremely difficult to escape the mechanically repeated suggestions of everyday life. Even when our critical mind rejects them, they seduce us into doing what our intellect tell us is stupid.
The mechanization of modern life has already influenced man to become more passive and to adjust himself to ready-made conformity. No longer does man think in personal values, following his own conscience and ethical evaluations; he thinks more and more in the values brought
to him by mass media. Headlines in the morning paper give him his temporary political outlook, the radio blasts suggestions into his ears, television keeps him in continual awe and passive fixation. Consciously he may protest against these anonymous voices, but nevertheless
their suggestions ooze into his system. What is perhaps most shocking about these influences is
that many of them have developed not out of man’s destructiveness, but out of his hope to improve his world and to make life richer and deeper. The very institutions man has created to help himself, the very tools he has invented to enhance his life, the very progress he has made toward mastery of himself and his environment – all can become weapons of destruction.”
― Joost A.M. Meerloo, The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing

“Delusions, carefully implanted, are difficult to correct.”
― Joost A.M. Meerloo, The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing

The surrounding trees blocked the 5G signal, so his connection to the AI hive mind got scrambled for a moment. Got to cut all the trees down.

There's that, plus some other stuff.

A video about the conflict between the Jews/Israel and the Palestinians.

They say it like it's nothing. Just a number.

It is.

Word of the day: Happy.

Movies and shows of this type are different versions or a regurgitation of the same predictive programming.

"You, what do you own the world?
How do you own disorder?"

Observing the process and the transition into the Brave new world.

Disorder out of chaos.

It will be thus.

Rob them blind.


Arthur Firstenberg - 5G, Birds, Bees, and Humanity (2018)

MSM reporting truth. With Todd Calender and Alexis Bugnolo.

Proverbs 1:32 
For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them.


Una obsesión.

For the downvoting and garbage spewing shill(s) in the comments: No, I don't believe Star trek is literally real. But there are clear parallels. Diana even mentions neurons as a clue to all who see. If you don't see it, don't spew your ignorant and arrogant garbage in the comments. Just because you don't see it, it does not mean it isn't there. The world does not revolve around you. But I know you understand, you're just a shill, that's all.

The media is "their" oracle.

"Medea, in Greek mythology, an enchantress who helped Jason, leader of the Argonauts, to obtain the Golden Fleece from her father, King Aeëtes of Colchis. She was of divine descent and had the gift of prophecy.

The Greek historian Herodotus related that from Athens Medea went to the region of Asia subsequently called Media, whose inhabitants thereupon changed their name to Medes."

Conference of La Quinta Columna: The game is over

Dr. Charles Morgan on Psycho-Neurobiology and War, How to operate a human via remote control


ROAD to TRANSHUMANISM (LQC) Rafael Yuste (nanotech "vaccines" to monitor, read; insert thoughts..?)

The oracle of Hollywood strikes again. They accurately predicted what Dr. Charles Morgan was talking about and revealing in his scientific lecture 60 years later. Fascinating and scary at the same time. The Matrix.

The intro is from the movie The Imitation Game (2014) where Turing is asking himself can a machine (or AI) imitate a human, similar to how in the movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers the new life forms or the new transhumans (the plot line is aliens but aliens are just a cover-up story for their technology) imitate humans but are not really humans. Because they have no emotions they are really more like machines or AI which brings us to this day and the 4th industrial revolution where they are merging man and machine (computers and AI).


The propaganda and indoctrination of movies vs. reality and truth

The human experience


Created 3 years, 8 months ago.

79 videos

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