The Darkcel Podcast

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The Darkcel Podcast



Like the title implies, at some point or another, you lose interest in things that once gave you some sort of comfort and reason.

#losinginterest #nostalgia #darkcel

A request video [thank you Chadlight Rutherford] based on the topic of "Face vs. Height" and which is more important in the long run. Most of you can already guess, but it's still an interesting topic nevertheless. I just wanted to give my thoughts on the subject despite it being brought up many times before and by better men than myself.

#looksmatch #inceldom #darkcel

The second and last part to a small but long-enough two parter about the rise of degeneracy in our society and how it's become worse over time.

#darkcel #degeneracy #society

Like the title suggests, the rise of our degenerate society and the downfall spiral that we ourselves allowed to happen. We've neglected and disavowed what our past lectured us on and now we're feeling the pain per say.

#darkcel #degeneracy #society

Just a quick and simple introduction video to promote and give this channel a little more insight as well as some engagement as opposed to my regular videos of just a logo and voice over. I'm not sure if this will be a regular or rare occasion, but... I felt the need to show myself at least once before moving on with this project.

#darkcel #introduction #blackpill

This episode, I talk a little about the differences, the controversy and overall back and forth between the incels, MGTOWers and the PUAs.

#incel #mgtow #pua

Pretty much just a video describing and rambling about the process in which certain things / events happen in one's life that eventually get them to where we are now... darkceldom.

#causeandeffect #darkcel #incel

Genetics determine everything... .that's it. Check fucking mate!

More slander and misdirected bull spread by media (articles and podcasts alike) that virtue signal the same ol' crap that everyone in the incel community as well as the rising darkcel community has probably heard time and time again. The amount of defaming is hilariously ironic knowing that inceldom & darkceldom alike will continue to arise and give the flying finger back to these ignorant ideologues. Just remember, the same people who hate and degrade incels are the same people who love killing babies and support ISIS. This is the ultimate hypocrisy.

Episode #23: Social Hierarchy & Popularity... just my thoughts and personal experiences of witnessing the event(s) with my own eyes.

Getting into a specific area of, what I'd consider a mental block that is unhealthy and only destroys you from the inside and out, this is also known as: Nostalgia.

The so-called "Darkcel Gaming" community page on Facebook that I wasn't aware of until recent.

The Darkcel Podcast | Episode #20: The "You Miss 100% of the Shots You Don't Take" Fallacy

Just getting more into the character traits that are usually associated with the almighty Black Pill and how to deal with them in a real life setting. It's harder than you think, but still... social competence matters, guys. *drinks beer*

A topic I just have to rant and get my fellow man to understand. What's the topic you may ask? Read the title.

The Darkcel Podcast | Episode #17: False Friends & Disposable Acquaintances

The Darkcel Podcast | Episode #16: There's No Escaping Inceldom As It Only Gets Worse...

The Darkcel Podcast | Episode #15: The Blackest Pill, The Devil's Pill...

The Darkcel Podcast | Episode #14: The Blue Pill vs. The Red Pill vs. The Black Pill

The Darkcel Podcast | Episode #13: The Cringe of Dark Phoenix & Other SJW-Propaganda in Media

The Darkcel Podcast | Episode #12: What It's Like To Be Outed & What It Means

The Darkcel Podcast | Episode #11: Karma Doesn't Exist & You'll Always Be On The Bottom

Just a rant and my opinion on how crappy the Avengers: Endgame and all of the MCU really is with its SJW-tactics such as feminism and anti-white male hatred.

Like the title suggests: Life is rigged against you and women don't like you... accept it.

Coming back from a slight hiatus from this channel, but thankfully back to uploading another episode to this ongoing podcast (not dead yet, even to my haters so far. lol) :)


Created 4 years, 11 months ago.

33 videos

Category None

The Darkcel Podcast is a series of videos uploaded every other day of the week to talk about and explore the dark depths of reality. Taking the black pill phenomenon and autistically indulging into its very being. I am not only a voice for fellow incels, but for men alike, as well as those that are open-minded enough to take a venture into the world of... darkceldom.

What you hear is what you get..