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More hints that China will invade Taiwan

This one blew my mind. (Mirrored)

Let it rip

US Citizens NEED to know this stuff. We have been LIED to on a MASSIVE scale

Shared from Crowhouse Telegram group
These 'people' HAVE to be removed

Links to the videos I talk about at the end of the presentation are all in the pinned comment on YT

This world is NOT what we think it is. We are living in a COPY of the original.

Pylons are not what we think they are.

How to get in touch with your Higher Self

Time to understand what 'Human' really means

The Mandela Effect was a Warning to Humanity

This one is insane!

Guys, it's ALL a lie and a deception. Links are over on the YT channel
(The Devil's Playground 2)

NOTHING is 'real'

Guys, it's ALL a script. It's ALL a lie. We are living in a mirrored image of the REAL realm. Don't be an 'ass' (Jesus RODE on an ass)

Too hot for YT (again)

Proof that we have been screwed since birth

Deep dive into time, the calendar fakery, and the fact that everyone who gets paid a monthly salary has been ripped-off big time!

Too hot for YT


Created 4 years ago.

94 videos

Category None