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The system operates based on the "presumption of law." Clifford gives a lot of interesting advice on learning how to operate within it and outside of it. Getting out depends on your ability to understand and demonstrate that such a presumption is unfounded.

The Jewish apartheid state of Israel attempted to draw the United States into The 6-Day-War by attacking the USS Liberty on 8 June 1967. The attack was ultimately covered up by the Lyndon Johnson administration and his Jewish handlers.

Of note, similar Jewish interests worked to assassinate John Kennedy (1963 - Johnson was his VP) and Robert Kennedy (1968 - It was presumed that Robert would have reopened the investigation into his brother's assassination upon winning the Whitehouse). He was murdered shortly after winning the CA Democratic Primary which made him a strong favorite for the office). For a good and quick summary of the Kennedy assassinations read "The Unspoken Kennedy Truth" by Laurent Guyenot.

This is an outstanding two-part speech that summarizes the stupidity of the germ theory and in turn debunks (in part 2) a number of other fallacies (ribosomes and their often incorrectly cited MRNA function, endoplasmic reticulum, autoimmunity etc). In this two-part series Tom presents an alternative and much more accurate description of how the body actually does work and what really does make us sick etc. It makes the crap you were taught in school look laughable.

This is an outstanding two-part speech that summarizes the stupidity of the germ theory and in turn debunks (in part 2) a number of other fallacies (ribosomes and their often incorrectly cited MRNA function, endoplasmic reticulum, autoimmunity etc). In this two-part series Tom presents an alternative and much more accurate description of how the body actually does work and what really does make us sick etc. It makes the crap you were taught in school look laughable.

This is a good summary of how the soon to be updated Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) system "can" (read: "will") be abused to manipulate and control individuals to a much larger degree than even the large extent that is already done by the central banking cabal.

Great video that exposes the complete nonsense undergirding the "medical" industrial complex and how it does virtually nothing to help you get well and a great deal to harm you. This has been going on for a long time. Now would be a great time to learn that how you eat, drink, live, treat others, handle stress etc is what drives your health. The present medical establishment is full of crap.

Ernst Zundel is known for his two trials in Canada (1985 and 1988) in which he completely debunked the holocaust ("the hoax of the 20th century"). He is interviewed here in 1996 by an Israeli journalist.

Poornima Wagh has a PhD in Virology, another PhD in Immunology, and an MBA. What makes her unique is that she's smart enough to realize that everything she was taught in medical school is complete BS and honest enough to admit it. Her slide at the end where she recommends which doctors to listen to (Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Stefan Lanka, Dr. Samantha and Mark Bailey) and which are peddling BS (Dr. Mercola, Dr. Mikowitz, Dr. Malone, Dr. McCullough) is perhaps the most important one in the whole presentation.

"There is no SARS-Cov-2 hence there is no coronavirus" etc etc. Get out of the matrix.

This is a major piece of the puzzle. Of note, David Straight’s process (as far as I can tell) does not completely release you from this scam (it still subjects you to the Queen of England). The gal to listen to is Anna von Reitz.

The BAR Association is a global organization that is headquartered at the Vatican (one of three city-states along with Washington D.C. and the City of London that runs the Babylonian slavery system that in turn controls the earth). BAR membership is a secret title of nobility through which a private (for profit corporation) has been masquerading as our government (and many other governments) for quite some time (150 years or more in The United States).

This is how it generally works: when you are born and your parent creates a "Birth Certificate" they are unknowingly creating a corporate entity that shares your given name. In The United States that corporation is based (has an address) in Washington D.C.. The same is true of Baptismal Certificates etc. To understand this watch the video and take a look at Black's Law Dictionary which is the source document for legal definitions (currently on the 11th edition).

As of this recording there were approximately 40,000 "American Nationals" (a much different status than "US Citizen," which is a corporate entity) left in the country.
American Nationals are people who understand this system and have gone through the process to opt out. The gal to listen to on how to do this is named Anna von Reitz. I will post a few of her videos soon.

Ghislaine Maxwell (and the whole Maxwell family) were/are Israeli Mossad operatives. Their job with the Epstein Island saga was to compromise American businessmen, politicians, actors, etc so they could be controlled on behalf of Jewish interests. In case you haven't noticed, the Jews absolutely own the United States.

This video is incredible. Wake up to the real world.

On the death and rebirth cycle of human society and the return of "God Consciousness"

This is a very nice summary of what we are seeing unfold on planet earth.

What an incredible hero this gentleman was. This video speaks for itself.

Brandy Vaughan, who in all likelihood was murdered for speaking out against the pharmaceutical industry, tells you the truth about vaccines. Her children were perfectly healthy without vaccines. My children are perfectly healthy without vaccines. Why? Because they are a scam. They do not provide immunity from anything. That is not how the body works. The body has a septic system, not an immune system. You take good stuff and bad stuff in and the body filters out the bad stuff and keeps the good stuff as best as it can. Injecting bad stuff into your body (bypassing the primary filtration systems of the skin and the stomach) has VERY DETRIMENTAL effects. Doctors who believe the nonsense about vaccines conferring some type of immunity from tiny particles (viruses), the whole theory behind which has been proven fallacious by Stefan Lanka and others, are nothing more than brainwashed mercenaries for Rockefeller (and thus Rothschild his financier) allopathic "medicine." These folks have had a world domination agenda for several centuries and vaccines are a key cog in the wheel that also includes Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and Digital IDs. Please follow Dr. Tom Cowan for an honest take on how the body actually works and help us continue to dispel this criminal BS. Save your children and categorically refuse to inject them with ANY vaccines. Do not take fake PCR tests -which test for nothing. You are participating in your own slavery. Stand up tall, look these idiots in the eye, and say "no" over and over again.

This is pure gold. Why? Well in case you don't realize it yet the holocaust narrative is a bunch of bs. 6 million Jews were NOT killed and the "homocidal gas chambers" did NOT even exist. The Leuchter Report and a massive trove of evidence available at proves this beyond a doubt. The narrative that exists (and that needs to be destroyed) is a total inversion of history (real history that is) - history in which the Bolsheviks (an 85% Jewish communist regime that slaughtered its own people over the course of 70 years in power) basically blamed the Germans for all of their own crimes and then invented the rest with the help of the Jewish American press and their fiat money bankers at the end of WW2. The real story of WW2 is the genocide and subsequent repression of the German people. If you're not sure what I'm talking about I highly recommend you start with the book "The Myth of German Villainy" and then start studying the evil Federal Reserve system and the Holocaust Handbooks. Then you'll start to understand who is running the show and how badly you're being lied to. Of course we now know much of the truth about the fake holocaust, thanks in much part to the work of Ernst Zundel, who destroyed these lies in his free speech trial in the Canadian Supreme Court. In short, the Jewish Holocaust of 6 million Jews is completely FAKE NEWS.

These criminal pieces of shit pushed their fake virus bs so they could experiment on everyone with their poison vaccines all with the intent to require everyone to have this vaxx pass in order to participate in society. How long before they combine this "live in society pass" with your bank account? How do you like being a slave? It is long past time to tar, feather, and drag these criminals to a trial with the gallows in the background so they can be hanged for their genocidal mania and the mass-murder, and fiat money theft of countless innocent people.

There are a lot of tells in this short clip that show fairly obviously that this dude is full of shit.

The whole purpose of staging shooting events with crisis actors and other fake crap is to strip Americans of their guns. They did it in Australia and look at what kind of hell the people are going through down under at the moment.

Don't put up with that crap or any of this fake bs to sway public opinion against individual freedom.

The central cancer eating everything good and decent in the world is central banking. If you take away the ability to counterfeit (and thus steal) from the population then society will gravitate towards freedom and prosperity from the bottom up. If not, it will devolve into total slavery and massive inequality between the super rich (those who own and/or are connected to the banking system) and the rest of society. We are at a cross roads. We need 7 billion of this young lady.

This song is sweet. An anarchist voluntaryist tune against coercion ironically sung to the national anthem of the Soviet Union (the best example of a total state in history).

Truth is treason in the empire of lies.

James Traficant was a member of the US House of Representatives. He was known for blowing up a holohoax trial in Israel and for speaking out against Israeli control of the United States government. For speaking out against Jewish power he was framed for b.s. crimes, put in prison for seven years, and I believe he was ultimately killed out on his farm in Ohio (only a few months after this video).


Created 3 years, 2 months ago.

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