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00:00 - Episode 953 - 11th Feburary 1970
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B&W originally uploaded by @belgiancorriefan8302

00:00 - Episode 867 - 14th April 1969
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B&W originally uploaded by @belgiancorriefan8302

00:00 - Episode 788 - 3rd July 1968
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B&W originally uploaded by @belgiancorriefan8302

00:00 - Episode 798 - 12th August 1968
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B&W originally uploaded by @belgiancorriefan8302

00:00 - Episode 742 - 24th January 1968
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B&W originally uploaded by @belgiancorriefan8302

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B&W originally uploaded by @belgiancorriefan8302

00:00 - Episode 618 - 14th November 1966
26:41 - Episode 619 - 16th November 1966
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B&W originally uploaded by @belgiancorriefan8302

Episode 541- 16th February 1966
This belongs to ITV

B&W originally uploaded by @belgiancorriefan8302

Episode 188 - 1st October 1962
This belongs to ITV

B&W originally uploaded by @belgiancorriefan8302

First Broadcast: 4th April 1966

Plot(From Corriepedia):
All departments of Dobson and Hawks are reporting increased sales figures with the exception of Leonard Swindley’s book section where his choice of new books are as dusty as the unsold volumes sat on the shelves. His Wednesday afternoon reading circle is made up of a group of old ladies who pretend to be shocked at the slightest hint of anything lewd in their books but also hanker for something racier. Walter Hunt, threatening to replace the section entirely with an ironmongery section, instead stocks it with lurid paperbacks including a large selection of "bodice-rippers" which Swindley’s old ladies lap up, much preferring the delights of "Love on a Camel" and "The Naked Breakfast" to that of "Knapsack through the Chilterns" by Hilda Hopwood. Someone else takes an interest – the local C.I.D. who arrest Swindley for stocking obscene material. At court his barrister, Sir Claude Wagstaffe, advises him to plead guilty, as no one could possibly believe his defence that he thought "The Scented Flowerbed" was about gardening. Swindley is saved though when he sees that one of his old ladies, Miss Bracewell, is chairman of the bench. Swindley is welcomed back with delight by his colleagues at Dobson and Hawks who were making plans to visit him in prison. Hunt is less delighted though to hear that Swindley, who borrowed his car to go to court, backed the vehicle into the Chief Constable’s limousine and the attending policeman noticed that the tax disc was out of date…

First broadcast: 28th March 1966

Plot(From Corripedia):
Bad news has reached the staff of Dobson and Hawks: a takeover bid is in progress for the company led by the eccentric, Germanic owner of the much more “with-it” firm of “Camp Gear”, Harvey Clawson. The twitching, bullying Mr Clawson himself is in Leonard Swindley’s branch looking over the store and asking questions of the staff about their product lines prior to a meeting with Sir Charles Dobson who is firmly opposed to the sale of the old family company. Swindley doesn’t recognise the entrepreneur and has him thrown out when he sees him seemingly acting strangely on the shop floor and his prospects under the future regime don’t look good. However Swindley and Hunt also don’t like his management style when they overhear him on the phone to his shops, setting difficult-to-achieve targets and firing staff for the smallest transgression. At mid-day the sale of the company reaches a crisis point - Clawson has achieved the purchase of 20,750 shares and has control however Sir Charles points out that his party also has precisely the same number of shares and the matter is deadlock until the owner of some ten missing shares can be traced and their opinion sought. By a major coincidence that owner is Swindley who was left the shares in the will of his Aunt Veronica some years before. Swindley is separately wined and dined by both Clawson and Dobson, making sure that Hunt shares in the spoils of good food, fine wines and cigars. He then reaches his decision and offers his shares to Sir Charles, keen to retain the old ways of working. His only request is one that he has been making for some time now - a new carpet for his office.

00:00 - Episode 97 - 15th November 1961
24:45 - Episode 98 - 20th November 1961
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B&W originally uploaded by @belgiancorriefan8302

Episode 30 - 27th March 1961
This belongs to ITV

B&W originally uploaded by @belgiancorriefan8302

Episode 28 - 20th March 1961
This belongs to ITV

B&W originally uploaded by @belgiancorriefan8302

First Broadcast : 7th March 1966
Alternate title: The Host With The Most

Plot : From Corriepedia
Wally Hunt's house is being decorated, his wife is staying with her mother (a combination which Hunt finds unbearable) and Miss Foster, his secretary, finds that the hotels are fully booked. Leonard Swindley jumps to the conclusion that Hunt has been thrown out by his wife and, as a sort of apology to his boss, offers to put him up for the night. Hunt reluctantly accepts. Swindley's new flat is underneath the flight path to the airport which necessitates the wearing of earmuffs during the night however he tries to make his guest feel welcome with an elaborate meal of Steak Diane but the preparation goes wrong and the meat is burned to a crisp in an explosion of alcohol. Things then get worse when Swindley twice accidentally locks his boss onto the flat's communal balcony in the night and on both occasions Hunt has no recourse but to disturb Swindley's elderly neighbour Miss Pledge, who thinks most men are only after her for one thing. Hunt endures scars from these encounters when Miss Pledge tells Swindley that she has an intruder - the first time Swindley attacks him and the second time a thrust from Miss Pledge's mop sends Hunt over the balcony and onto some greenhouses below. At 4.00am, Hunt gives up and goes back to spend the night in his office at Dobson and Hawks, only for the bed that Swindley makes up for him to collapse underneath him...

First Broadcast: 28th Feburary 1966

Plot (from Corriepedia)
Jacob Elijah Burgess, known to all as "Jeb", is in a police station cell with Leonard Swindley, the two arrested for being drunk and disorderly. Wally Hunt arrives from a golf club dinner to post bail but wants to hear the story of how his straight-laced assistant manager arrived in such a position...

The story begins the previous Thursday when Jeb arrived at Dobson and Hawks to see his old friend. Jeb is on the uppers for once, having become friends and engaged to a fairly well-off widow and invites Swindley round to see her. What he hasn't told Swindley is that Vera Bradshaw will only marry Jeb if he can find a husband for her spinster daughter. Jeb has proposed Swindley, telling the two women tall tales of his service in the Arctic Conoys and the RAF in the Second World War. Swindley is horrified to realise the predicament that his friend has placed him in and Jeb tells him he can't back out as he will be sued by Agnes for Breach of Promise but the lay-preacher is too honest to continue and tells the women the truth. Furious they throw the two men out, even making Jeb give back the handmade woollen suit he is wearing which belonged to Vera's late husband. Later, Jeb and Swindley sit in a cold bus stop in the cold night air. Jeb forces a large drink of Rum from a bottle he pinched from the Bradshaw's down Swindley's throat and then turns his kindly attentions to a cold woman who has just joined them, offering her his overcoat - underneath which he is clad only in his underwear to the woman's horror...

Having told Hunt the story of who the Police arrived and arrested them, Swindley begs his boss to get them out, unable to stand a night in the cells. Hunt however has not bought his wallet for the bail and he wishes the two men a good night as he leaves.

First broadcast: 21st Feburary 1966

Plot (from Corriepdia):
Leonard Swindley and Wally Hunt are in London for the purpose of exhibiting Dobson and Hawks dressware at a trade fair at Olympia. Mr Hunt has told his beloved wife that such visits are hard work and far too strenuous for her, meaning that he intends to enjoy himself in the capital. He orders Swindley to obtain two models for the clothes - by which he means plastic dummies - but Swindley assumes he means catwalk models and the willing porter of the hotel, used to helping with such requests, gives him the telephone number of a callgirl agency in Mayfair. Two girls, Dawn and Samantha, are sent along to Swindley and Hunt's hotel rooms. Things look bad but get even worse when Mrs Hunt turns up, concerned for the stress that her husband will be suffering over the trade fair. Hunt passes off the girls are Swindley's affair and the little man, somewhat out of pocket, is beleaguered by the girls for their fees...

First broadcast: 14th Febuary 1966

Plot (from Corriepedia):
Wally Hunt's wife has gone off on her annual winter holiday and he is desperate to find someone to tend to his cooking, washing, ironing and cleaning needs. Having been duped once before Miss Sinclair and Mrs Edgeley avoid the task but Leonard Swindley eagerly offers to fill the gap and stay with him for the weekend. Hunt though starts to have second thoughts when Swindley wakes him up at what he considers to be an ungodly early hour on Sunday morning having already cleaned up round the house and cooked his breakfast. Hunt's temper starts to fray when his best shirt is burnt under a left iron and his wristwatch is mangled in the waste disposal unit but events reach a climax when the bath taps are left running and the water overflows through the living room ceiling...

First Broadcast: 7th May 1966.

Plot (From Corriepedia):
Leonard Swindley keeps the entire store up all night doing the annual stocktaking. The next day he visits the travel agents to book the tickets for Mr. Hunt's annual vacation in Spain and then almost causes Mr. Hunt to crash his car when he steps into the road in front of him. His boss is not in a good mood as a result and even less so when Swindley appears to have lost the stocktaking results which he took home to collate and which Sir Charles Dobson is eagerly awaiting on the other end of the phone. Swindley goes back over in his own mind where he could have left them and realises that they may have been put out with the rubbish but a visit to the local tip results in him being covered in the latest delivery of household waste and in the binmen threatening a strike when they suspect him of being a council snooper. Hunt forces Swindley to ring Head Office in London and confess to the result when, at the last minute, the travel agents turn up at the store with the stocktake which he left at their shop. All would seem well but there is another more alarming puzzle - what has Swindley done with Hunt's holiday tickets...?

First broadcast: 31st January 1966

Plot (From Corriepedia):
Every time Mr Swindley goes to the bank he is taking his life in his hands. The answer, he decides, lies with judo. But when Mr Swindley makes trouble for everyone including the Rev. Lloyd who is visiting the store to collect donations and overhears Swindley and Mrs Edgeley attempting throws with one another in the storeroom and leaps to the wrong conclusion as to what all the talk of hands on waists and legs is about. Mr Swindley decides on professional coaching and enrolls with Gerry's Gym. He provokes Mr Hunt into joining him but a mistake in picking up a discarded black belt for his Judogi means that the students in the class think he is the real thing and attack him eagerly. Painfully sore the next day, Hunt is again visited by the vicar who reveals he is also a black belt. The reverend gentleman is aware of the mistake he made when he overheard Swindley and wishes to apologise. A vengeful Hunt sends him after Swindley who has just set off for the bank. The two men end up in hospital when Swindley mistakes the vicar's friendly tap on the shoulder as the prelude to an attack and defends himself thoroughly...

First broadcast: 24th January 1966

Plot (From Corriepedia)
Walter Hunt is visited by Chairman Brigadier Hawk who drops hints to Hunt as to the reason why he has not been invited to the next manager's meeting. Knowing from past experiences of his colleagues that this is a prelude to being fired, he writes an abusive resignation letter to Hawk letting him know in no uncertain terms what he thinks of him, Sir Charles Dobson and the firm itself. He is then shocked to hear from Miss Cavendish, Hawk's domineering secretary that the reason he has not been invited to the meeting is so that his colleagues can discuss what to get him to mark his twenty-five years with the firm. The problem is that Leonard Swindley has already taken the letter to be posted. Stopped in their attempts to retrieve the letter from a postbox by a passing policeman, Hunt and Swindley travel down overnight to London and attempt to get the letter from Hawk's desk before he arrives for work. Thinking they have the letter, Swindley rips it up and deposits the remains in a flowerpot, only to find that the real letter is still in his own pocket (and was never actually posted) and that the missive that he has destroyed is a cheque for the chairman for over four thousand pounds...

First Broadcast: 10th January 1966

Plot (From Corriepedia)
Brigadier Hawk, the Chairman of Dobson and Hawks, gives orders for a big economy drive. Leonard Swindley, Assistant Manager, throws himself into the task, switching off the heating (even though it's January) and closing some of the staff amenities such as the rest area. However when certain of his instructions are ignored he takes drastic action and pulls some of the fuses out of the switch box to force the issue, but one of the fuses is the wrong one and it stops the lift - trapping the Brigadier on his six-monthly tour of inspection inside it together with a livid Wally Hunt for several hours. The situation seemingly restored to normal, Swindley fetches the chairman a coffee but a problem with the new automatic vending machine results in him being doused in tomato soup. After a disastrous day, Swindley leaves the store for the night and pulls the main electricity switch to conserve energy, not knowing that he has again trapped Hawk and Hunt inside the lift, this time for the night...

First Broadcast: 17th January 1966

Plot (from Corriepedia)
Leonard Swindley gets himself involved with a married woman and her jealous husband at Dobson and Hawks' January sales. It all starts when Swindley sells Wally Hunt's wife's £75 fur coat (which he was taking to the furriers for shortening) for £4 19s 6d in the bargain basement. Swindley attempts to get it back. He finally traces the coat to one of the store's assistants, Miss Huxley, but unfortunately for Swindley she has a very large jealous husband who misunderstands what Swindley is after. After the encounter Swindley finds he has no permanent injury, just a lot of bruises. At the least the coat has been returned but Swindley's troubles are not over as Hunt discovers that his raincoat, left to dry on a storeroom radiator, has also been sold in the sale...

Plot: (From Corriepedia )
This IQ of the Dobson and Hawks' salesgirls leaves much to be desired. And the girls are just not interested in Mr Swindley's proposition of night school current affairs. But Swindley finds the answer - catch them before they leave school. Swindley tries to induce the Brookfield High School girls to join Dobson and Hawks when he attends their careers day (or "slave auction" as Headmistress Miss Buxton refers to it) but the attractions of the store cannot compete with the multinational companies also in attendance and Swindley only manages to bag one recruit - a bright girl called Mary. This however is one more than expected so Mr Parbold is well pleased with the result.


Created 2 years, 9 months ago.

40 videos

Category Anime & Animation