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Amercia's Frontline Doctors respond to MSM censorship surrounding Hydroxychloroquine treatment, to help cure COVID-19

Next-day followup to American Doctors Address hold a press conference to address COVlD-19 Misinformation.

HydroxyChloroquine has been known by the NIH to be a safe Coronavirus treatment, and a known, effective inhibitor of SARS CoV2 since August 2005!

source:National Institute of Health, PubMed Article, PMID: 16115318
Title: Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread Link:

American Doctors Address hold a press conference to address COVlD-19 Misinformation.

HydroxyChloroquine has been known by the NIH to be a safe Coronavirus treatment, and a known, effective inhibitor of SARS CoV2 since August 2005!

source:National Institute of Health, PubMed Article, PMID: 16115318
Title: Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread Link:

American Doctors Address hold a press conference to address COVlD-19 Misinformation.

HydroxyChloroquine has been known by the NIH to be a safe Coronavirus treatment, and a known, effective inhibitor of SARS CoV2 since August 2005!

source:National Institute of Health, PubMed Article, PMID: 16115318
Title: Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread Link:

They did not like our incriminating articles on our blog: They kept us hostages without communication even with each other. They released one of us after he declared going for dry fast after 5 days, and kept the other one indefinitely, just transferred her to a health department with a guard, she is going die there. Even our own bodies do not belong to us, all government controlled.

We are fasting to death. This is a manifestation that human spirit – God’s spirit in us – is stronger then government control.

Treatment of POW Negros, and African Americnas / Native Amercan decendants in the United States Corporation during the early 20th centrury, through the Civil Rights Movement.... This is a non-commercial work, presented for educational, and news purposes, is subject to Fair use exemptions under U.S. copyright law.


Created 3 years, 12 months ago.

5 videos

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