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Fonte: "O Integralismo em Marcha", Gustavo Barroso, 1933

Original lyrics:

Oh, I'm a good ol' nationalist
Now thats just what I am
for the European Union
I do no give a damn.

I will fight against 'er
until she's up in smoke
and every filthy banker
Is hanging from a rope

I hates this occupation
And everything they do
they took our sovereign nations
And independence too

I hates this commie union
'Tis dripping with our blood
I hates the starred blue banner
I'd burn it if I could

I rode with Erwin Rommel
For six years till we lost
Got backstabbed by the allies
and their hooknosed Jewish boss

I lost a dozen brothers
in theee Norwegian snow
But I killed a chance of commies
And I'd like to kill some more.

Fourteen million allies
Are stiff in German dust
We got to fourteen million
Before they conquered us

They died of German fever
And German steel and shot
elites turned our White brothers
into puppets for their plot

Now I'll take up my rifle
And fight 'em down some more
This time the world will see their lies
Now that is certain sure

And I don't want no muslims
on my forefathers' land
I won't be genocided
And I do not give a damn

Oh, I'm a good ol' nationalist
Now that's just what I am
for the European Union
I do no give a damn

I will fight against 'er
until she's up in smoke
and every zionist banker
Is hanging from a rope

and every freemason
Is hanging from a rope

and every politician
Is hanging from a rope

and every goddamn traitor
Is hanging from a rope

and every invader
Is hanging from a rope

The boy in the thumbnail is Gustavo Barroso as a kid
The children in most of the video are "plinianos", the integralist organized youth, whose name praises Plinio Salgado, AIB's National Chief
The piece of newspaper in the speech is from "A Offensiva", an integralist journal, and it shows the H. Youth

[Verse 1]
First day of the rest of my life
Although I’m just a little piece in this perpetual fight
I know I’m part of something greater so I gotta make it count
That’s what put us at the top, that’s why we are still around
Lotta years gone to waste searching for my place
Cause they don’t teach you the importance of your nation and race
In fact, theeey try hard to suffocate that spark
Our whole education is aimed at keeping us in the dark
But that only fuelled our quest for a purpose
And soon you’ll see our true nature shoot back to the surface
And we are very aware about who did what
Who tried to taint our souls, contaminated our blood
Replaced all our role models with degenerate idols
Filled our history books with slanderous libel
So we’d no longer care about our peoples’ survival
But the bonds are too strong we’ll forever be tribal

We are, we are (we are) the youth of the nation
We are, we are (we are) youth of the nation
We are, we are (we are) the youth of the nation
We are, we are (we are) youth of the nation

[Verse 2]
Little Susie, she was only twelve
But for a long time now she’s been going through hell
Her childhood’s lost cause mummy and daddy divorced
After years of fighting, yelling, slamming doors
Mom’s with a new man, dad’s hooked to the bottle
So she turned to older kids for a positive model
This group at her school was always handing out flyers
They would clean the community, hike and camp around fires
They said the country’s run by traitors and liars
Who wanna genocide our race because they despise us
But our generation ain’t falling for yolo
Ressurrecting our folkways, heroes and logos
So she vowed to join us and oppose the system
Cause she could see her future in those old traditions
They can shoot us, kill us, have us thrown in prison
But they’ll never stop National Socialism
(It’s in our blood!)

We are, we are (we are) the youth of the nation
We are, we are (we are) youth of the nation
We are, we are (we are) the youth of the nation
We are, we are (we are) youth of the nation

[Verse 3]
We get framed for the wars, bloodshed and pain
Between the people, who’s the evil that is really to blame
Who loots us while we toil, moves with all the spoil
isn’t rooted in the soil, say his name and he recoils
Through us flows the most divine blood of man
So they wanna drag us down into the mud with them
But you won’t turn us all into whores and faggots
In fact the more you push us we grow more fanatic

We are, we are, the youth of the nation
We are, we are, youth of the nation
We are, we are (we are, we are) the youth of the nation
We are, we are (we are, we are) youth of the nation

Music by Mr Bond.
A tribute to Gustavo Barroso.

(Letra em Português)

Aonde você foi?
Você faz tanta falta...
Parece que faz uma eternidade
Que você foi embora.

Olhe ao seu redor, nosso país está uma merda!
Às vezes, eu quero desistir, ou simplesmente ser um "normie" por um tempo.
E parte o meu coração ver o quão forte você já foi.
Agora, parece que não sobrou nada do seu espírito!
E eu me vejo assistindo a vídeos antigos dos anos de ouro
No YouTube, tentando não conter as lágrimas!
Um homem movido por um amor ardente pelo seu Volk
Que via os olhos do povo brilhando de exaltação e esperança!
E eu quero que você saiba que eu jamais desistirei
Mesmo preso aqui, esperando, cercado por inimigos,
Confiando que você ressurgirá dentre as ruínas
Junto a meus companheiros, que continuam leais! (Aonde você foi?)

[REFRÃO] (2x)

Por favor, volte para casa!

Você ainda se lembra do lugar em que nós vivíamos.
Onde caminhávamos com a vovó e as crianças
Onde víamos a vila inteira, no campo de futebol, aos domingos
Ou dançávamos ao redor do oitizeiro, das crianças aos adultos.
Hoje, nós estamos atomizados, alienados
E todo senso de comunidade e confiança desapareceu.
Só encontrei ódio e zombaria quando tentei despertá-los
E isso dói, pois eu me importo tanto que morreria por eles
Mas eu quero que você saiba que eu jamais desistirei
Mesmo preso aqui, esperando, cercado por inimigos,
Confiando que você ressurgirá dentre as ruínas
Junto a meus companheiros, que continuam leais! (Aonde você foi?)

[REFRÃO] (2x)

Por favor, volte para casa!

Eu quero que você saiba que eu jamais desistirei
Mesmo preso aqui, esperando, cercado por inimigos
Que vieram para apagar todo traço da nossa existência
O que eles nos fizeram acreditar que merecemos, "então não resista"!
Porém, enquanto eu viver, alimentarei a faísca
Que poderá reacender a chama no coração do meu povo
E talvez, um dia, você reassurja dentre as ruínas
Para se juntar às nossas fileiras! (Vai!)

[REFRÃO] (2x)

Por favor, volte para casa! (5x)

Infancia de Gustavo Barroso


Created 2 years, 2 months ago.

6 videos

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