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A Must Watch from Nick Hudson from Panda: the Pandemics - Data & Analysis organization

Prepare for what, and how?
Here at least is step 1

Not to be underestimated and something to be aware of and counterbalanced if you can with the children in your world

I invite you to experience the uncertainty as excitement as you figure out how to move forward and thrive through 2021

Keep digging deeper

Best we create a distinction and know what we want to move toward

For most of 2020 most of us have been shaking our heads, baffled by government mandates and restrictions as none of it makes sense. However, it only takes 1 small shift for clarity

Censorship took a Big Leap in the Last Couple of Days as Big Tech Continues to Grow as Big Brother


Had a great night skating at Bowness Park
This is one of the ways I love to get outside, move and enjoy Nature

The storming of the capital building in Jan 6th is a great example of a psyop and political theatre to influence public perception to carry out an agenda.

It is shocking to me to witness the two completely different narratives going on right now that has been created by the media, the result of which is divisive. I use the current election debacle as an example with a suggestion of how you can bridge that for yourself.

First video after a good long break over the holidays disconnecting from all forms of media.
Looking forward to what the New Year & beyond holds...

2 relevant stats to share with those still fearful and sanitizing
Plus an invitation to witness and confront media bias

Talking about the waste our response to the pandemic has created, the backwards and unscientific thinking and polices created by the very people we shouldn’t be listening to, censorship on YOuTube and new terms for Instagram
Rant over...
For now

This was the response I received from a health inspector when I asked for any data and studies used to support their suggested protocols and restrictions

An observation of the times... A shift from West to East and one empire to another.
Again, this one felt a little heavy so I created a 3rd video to add on to this observation with more thoughts for you to hear in Part 3

The old systems failing and falling away can be a scary experience. There is so much uncertainty. And yet, can you neutrally observe these events and even hold space with hope and optimism for the creating new?
A more beautiful world your heart knows is possible

This will be one of the (intended/unintended?) consequences of our governments response to the v’rus
Seems a little dark and heavy so I had to add on to this observation with more thoughts in Part 3

Came across these words by @petajean_ and wanted to riff on my own interpretation of them and how I see that the revolution/evolution of the world needs to be done first internally, then externally
Both are required and the internal change this speaks to, needs to happen first
Let me know what you think

How many times have you heard of said the phrase: This makes no sense!
I share a little tool, a theoretical filter you can run what you’re perplexed by to help create some clarity
Let me know what you think

Do not buy into the narrative that the pandemic and the insane restrictions and mandated are not only continuing, but increasing because of your neighbor. Regardless of whether someone is pro mask, pro lockdown or anti mask, anti lockdown - it is not their fault.
The politicians and health authorities seem to have an agenda they are moving ahead with regardless of your opinion and obedience or lack there of.
Time to realize what is happening and stop creating division amongst each other.


Created 3 years, 4 months ago.

24 videos

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