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It sure would be a shame if all of your media was controlled by your racial enemies...

I mean if you see the word 'war', you already know our usual hooknosed suspects are behind it...

I'm not saying it's always the jews, but it's always the jews...

Date White. Marry White. Kill (((White)))

It seems like everyone hates them just for existing. Maybe it would be better for everyone if they just ceased existing. Too bad no one ever thought of a Final Solution... Oh wait :)

Hebrews don't belong on White land. And since they won't leave willingly...

Each one of you is a superhero. Now go out there and tell everyone the Truth about jews.

It seems like absolutely every single civilization on Earth got fed up with this tribe. Must be anti-Semitism. After all, it's never the jews fault.

Man, this blue tribe is really subversive, isn't it...

Make them pay this year. Make them fear for their lives for ones. They made our lives living hell, it is time for us to give them a taste of their own medicine. Violence is always the solution. You know this, White man.

Rise up, White man!

The lyrics speak for themselves. Cure the disease, and the symptoms will be easier to deal with. And the cure is a 9mm administered orally.

Imaging being part of this ethno-religious group and having the chutzpah to accuse others of supremacy and bigotry. I think its about time Whites wised up and showed these hooknosed parasites just how intolerant we can be (by shoving them into the ovens where they belong).

He tried to save you. You stopped him. Now you live in a jewish world. These next few years are your last hope to change things. Rise up, White man!

I wonder who it could possibly be, always subverting dumb goyim like me...

'Let me tell you a story all about how my nation was flipped from white to brown...' It wasn't just a coincidence, White man. Now what are you going to do about it?

Look at all these Democrats trying to impeach Trump!

Name them online. Name them in real life. Never stop naming them. Save this, share it. Don't stop until everyone knows their true nature.

Just another compilation of everyone's chosen people.

Since they hate Christmas so much, let them choke on it.

We need to stop those pesky Russians from meddling in US elections.

A tribute to The Noticer, exposing the nose since 2019.

Just another compilation of jews being jews.

A compilation of fellow whites showing how much they love whites


Created 4 years, 5 months ago.

24 videos

Category None

A channel for angry White males. We don't have much time if we want to stop the world from becoming a matriarchal brown hellhole controlled by a certain tribe. Here you will find videos on all aspects of the Truth, whether it is jews, non-whites, women, immigration, degeneracy or any other aspects of the cesspool we call modern society. Learn the Truth. Get in shape. Train with weapons. Make friends and teach them the Truth. We are going to need all the manpower we can gather if we are going to take Europe and the USA back from the kikes and shitskins. Hail Victory!