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Original video by: "From The Branches Of A Windswept Evergreen"

Made by Xurious & Mark Brahmin

In 1938 Heinrich Himmler sponsored an unprecedented expedition into Tibet, led by Ernst Schรคfer and other SS scientists. The scientists studied the flora and fauna of the region, measured the earth's magnetic field, and searches for traces of lost Aryan history.

A tough but necessary pill to swallow for many of us. Original video source: https://worldtruthvideos.org/watch/you-re-worth-more-than-what-you-settle-for_o3Sh2huIoYTrSbV.html

#self improvement #ironpill #get gud

A video by Erik The Heathen about fighter ace pilot Heinrich Ehrler, a Norse Pagan who served in the Luftwaffe in WW2. His life was full of misfortune, however he managed to find solace in the Germanic beliefs of his ancestors.
His Bitchute account: https://www.bitchute.com/eriktheheathen/

A resounding vindication of the martial spirit in us all, and a critique of modern rootless man.
By the brilliant Mimir's Brunnr: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngHMj-MjPXg&t=304s

A stirring rendition of Evola by Augustus Sol Invictus:

A call to action for those men of Faustian spirit and Hyperborean blood.
By the youtuber Oswald Spengler: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXbodjwAqTM

Historian David Irving deflates the narrative of genocidal gas chambers and evil German nazis in record time!

A video calling into question the validity of the victor's holocaust claims. Banned and censored around the world of course.
Original video can be found here: http://holocausthandbooks.com/index.php?page_id=1006&play=108#watch

I noticed this fashy video was removed from Bitchute, so I decided to re-upload for your viewing pleasure. There might be more from me to come so stay tuned.


Created 4ย years ago.

13 videos

Category None

I'm a simple heathen and aspiring propagandist who only wants whats best for my kinsfolk. I re-upload content from other creators but hope to soon begin publishing original content of my own with the singular purpose of awakening my race and inspiring those already awake. Although it is a small part I play for now, I am pleased to live out my duty to my people in any way I'm able.
-Venerate your ancestors and do your duty to you're progeny. 14/88