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Gabriel Stone


100 million. Lord have mercy. Praise God.

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A look at the situation of Israel vs Palestine, the Afghanistan situation, and what me and my guest Jacob think would be ideal for America on the world stage.

A quick show on my thoughts on the homelessness in Portland and other stuff without corporate backing. Enjoy!
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My view on third position economics from Fascism to Democratic third position economics. Enjoy!

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Huey Long (Born August 30, 1893) was a true American Populist of the American South. Surprisingly, his egalitarian views did not make him a Socialist! He was instead a Distributist. Today I will explain his accomplishments leading up to his death in 1935. Enjoy!


Created 3 years, 4 months ago.

6 videos

Category None

A podcast delivering the best commentary from a populist view of the world. Also speaking about things in the world good and bad.