Thinking Allowed

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Thinking Allowed

Thinking Allowed


Throughout every empire, the snake has ruled over Man. Its symbolic influence can be seen everywhere, in government, in history, in medicine - from the Garden of Eden to the reptilian cortex of the brain. The prime human race, the originals, died long ago, and despite academia’s monopoly on the truth, human beings are not the creatures w’ve been led to believe. In fact we are a biological chimera, pieced together like Frankenstein’s monster. Anatomical anomalies, from the bovine appendix, to the clumsy configuration of the spine, reveals a rush job. Design flaws that place physical limitations on our biology and create long-term physical problems of every kind.

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The elites are desperate for war, because it gives them a perfect excuse to evict the masses from their private property. For one’s home is one’s castle, and offers a degree of legal protection for its occupants - at least in comparison to individual rights afforded by public property and land.

Following the recent hype regarding the fake Third World War, and the exposure of Western bio labs in the Ukraine, as far as the state is concerned, all be it unofficially, the pandemic is over. The New York Times, like much of the media, wants its readers to stick their heads in the sand. The recent article entitled, “We Will Forget Much of the Pandemic. That’s a Good Thing,” couldn’t be more blunt.

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The stars of the metaverse, the biggest names in content creation, are forced by corporate regulations to align with state agenda. They moderate the thoughts of their loyal fans, and proliferate social and political ignominy.

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Following the Chernobyl nuclear disaster of 1986, large amounts of radioactive materials spread across Europe and beyond. In Britain, the government mass slaughtered cattle and requested that the public stay indoors. But they never forced anyone to wear a mask or take medical treatment, because they knew they wouldn’t get away with it. Without the Internet and the worldwide compliance of uninformed citizens, coerced by international agencies and global media, they had no chance.

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If you can’t hear your own thoughts, then you probably think that the rest of us, which is the majority, are crazy. A husband of a friend has openly admitted that there’s no voice in his head, no self-awareness of his inner thinking, no conscience, nothing. But he’s not alone, according to research, at least twenty-five percent of people in the world have never experienced inner speech.

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The word entertainment comes from Tain, an old French term for tin or tinfoil, a material originally used to make mirrors. To enter the 'tain' is to enter the mirror, and believe the lie. Entertainment, like the mirror, is a false reflection, a twisted mimic of reality.

A black mirror takes the viewer on a far darker path. It is an occult device intended to entrance the observer, and at times can invoke visions of a highly disturbing nature. Some say the black mirror is a portal, a doorway to a negative dimension. But wherever it leads the human consciousness, those who practice it habitually, can soon fall under the spell of its malevolent effect. Imagine watching recordings of your own dreams and you’ll come close to the full effect.

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Considering the current political climate, and with so much public anger aimed at the government, a new world war would provide the perfect distraction. But not just any war, this one would have to be big. At least big enough to take people’s minds off the medical executions of the past few years.

Censorship comes in many forms, overtly applied by state and corporate policy, silencing political and cultural beliefs, and hiding inconvenient truths. Censorship is a political weapon, a show of brute force in an ideological war.

The ritual of the mask symbolises the silencing of the masses and their loyal servitude to their rulers. If your country has ended its mask mandate, then why are so many of your fellow citizens still wearing masks in open spaces?

It is time to break the spell and speak one’s mind.

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As the concept of failure slowly dawns upon the establishment, it knows it has lost the first battle in the transhuman war. But the elites have plenty of contingency plans up their sleeve, their favourite being the environment.

Despite the quasi-religious fervour of the green movement, military and corporate agencies have been darkening the skies with various metals and parasitical organisms for decades. They recently changed the recipe and added a few new ingredients to the toxic mix. Soon the air, the water, and the ground, will be saturated with synthetic proteins and invasive nanotechnology.

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According to the experts we are in the middle of a worldwide population explosion. Is it true or is the state simply gaming the system? Find out more at:

I can remember how slowly the Brits initially warmed to the idea of the internet. They loved to text and email, especially on their blackberries, but as for the rest, it took them a while to adjust. I guess looking back their suspicions were justified, but that was a different time and a different Britain.

Of course, it’s all changed now. Whole generations have been brought up to expect infinite entertainment, instant information, and a legion of friends from around the world. How the hell is the real world supposed to compete with that?

In fact, I think there’ll be a time when a whole generation will refuse to go outside. For the internet is world is a world within a world, brightly coloured and highly simplistic. Offering the social benefits of virtual community without the commitment of any true solidarity. The internet pushes a false paradigm, shifting mass opinion and easing gullible minds as the real world slowly dies.

If you’re a lucid dreamer, you’ll remember what you dreamt the next day. Sometimes a lucid dream can seem so real and can affect you so deeply, you might even experience deja vu. For when we recall what hasn’t happened yet, it’s because it already has, in our dreams.

Dreams come in various stages. The first stage recycles the memories of the waking day, filtering and compressing experiential data, and transferring the remainder to the subconscious. The next stage leads the dreamer through a stream of consciousness scenario or series of events. Most usually follow a narrative arc, developing character interaction and revealing background details to allay any doubts the dreamer might have.

In the final stage, the sleeper drifts deeper into a dreamless void, and will retain no memory of the event. It’s a safety mechanism of the mind to avoid the risk of an embolism. Dreams can kill the unprepared who wander too far, and so the brain protects itself by winding down the conscious mind. In the final stage, the sleeper drifts deeper into a dreamless void, and will retain no memory of the event. It’s a safety mechanism of the mind to avoid the risk of an embolism. Dreams can kill the unprepared who wander too far, and so the brain protects itself by winding down the conscious mind.

However, there is a rare breed of lucid dreamer who has pierced the veil of the black void. Some will take time to digest the information, others will gradually turn insane. The discovery of the true nature of fate can be so shocking for some, they may never return from their dreamless sleep. For what they have witnessed undermines all solid belief in this temporal reality.

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Every time the government screws up, or even deliberately betrays its people, the official narrative is filtered through the mainstream media and the internet. Every voice of sanity is gagged, and anything close to an uprising is quelled before it begins. The state employs a variety of underhanded legal technicalities and an overblown state bureaucracy to grind the people to a halt.

One can sense the very beginnings of a revolution in the air, but what will it achieve? Perhaps only to put new paymasters of the elite back in charge? How do we break the vicious cycle of state dependency and need? Shall we revolve and simply spin in circles, or shall we evolve and create our own free and creative society?

Our only obstacle is ourselves. For we as a race have been here before, and looking back at the past it seems we always repeat the same mistake. Choose no leader, empower yourself and your community, proclaim death to the new normal, and return to the human nature from whence we were all born.

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Colour is a hacking tool for the mind. It is also employed by the state to control human behaviour. Colours transmit at varying wavelengths and trigger a wide range of emotional responses. The subconscious reacts to colour on a primal level, whilst society manufactures cultural association and meaning. By utilising the language of colour, the state can use this contradiction to induce mass cognitive dissonance.

A lot of money has been spent on colour psychology, testing their effects on the public to enhance the control grid of the state. A sequence of contrasting tones, cycled through different combinations, can briefly disengage critical thinking. The pretty lights and colours of the technocracy dazzle our minds with subconscious triggers, like a rabbit in the headlights, society exists in a perpetual state of shock.

Red lights are intended to cause subconscious rage, especially on the road. Yet the colour remains a paradox, for it incites both love and hate. It’s the colour of the nuclear emergency code, def-con one, the sacred heart, every stop sign in the world, and it even marks an area for prostitution.

Colours contribute to the principle of divide and rule, and pervade every aspect of our society. The most powerful of all are black and white. Used by the state to create conflict and division, steer opinion, and skew argument. Black and white are the colours of the masonic checkerboard, and linguistically, are treated as a statement of fact. Yet when the two are blended together they turn grey. The colour of neutrality, monotony, conformity.

If we can’t break our colour coded programming and resist the hypnotic state, there may come a time when all colour is cancelled, and inside every mind, there’ll be nothing but grey.

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The summer will be hot and the people will be hungry. Food shortages and inflation may bring about mass starvation and perhaps far worse. The UN has been pushing the green agenda in some bizarre directions lately. Eating grubs and insects and laboratory grown meat is only the beginning.

The state dehumanisation of its citizens is meant to undermine all forms of emotional solidarity. In essence, to make us feel alone and put our faith into the system rather than each other. To look at ourselves as nothing more than the walking dead and to behave accordingly. For the establishment to push their agenda any further, they must be sure the human race are on their knees.

Mad Cow Disease, which decimated British herds during the 80s and 90s, was caused by cheap cattle feed. It contained, amongst other things, meat, and perhaps even beef. Cannibalism drove the herd insane, damaging their brain motor functions and heightening their aggression. Thousands of cows were slaughtered and burned in the aftermath.

I think we can all imagine what the state might do, should the general public contract something similar. Imagine a mutation, a mad human disease, caused by tainted rations at a time of mass starvation. I’m not saying there’s a zombie apocalypse around the corner, but if we’re not careful, we may just end up eating brains for breakfast.

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Why does daylight need saving anyway?

The Greenwich Royal Observatory introduced daylight saving (DST) to Britain almost 150 years ago, since then it has plunged British winters into eternal darkness. It used to be for train timetables, after all, every few miles you travelled you’d gain or lose a few minutes. However, nowadays the government uses agriculture as an excuse for inflicting S.A.D on the country every year.

For Britain, daylight savings time means that farmers up North can see what they were doing in the wee hours of the winter. That’s all very well, but the last time I checked less than half a million British workers are currently employed in the agricultural sector. Which means that almost 67 million of us miss out on months of winter sun. It’s practically a punishment, a taste of the Arctic Circle for the unruly mob. Yet, for some bizarre reason, misery prevails and everybody in the UK takes it like a champ.

There are some days, if you can call them that, more like a few hours, when the sun barely makes an appearance. Add a little weather modification into the mix and you’re guaranteed gloom and doom until Spring. A lack of daylight can cause seasonal affective disorder, or even severe depression. I wonder how much that costs the country every year in lost working days?

Daylight saving isn’t even green or environmental, but it does make plenty of cash for the energy markets. Darker evenings means more lights and heating, and less social life, with most people scurrying home after work. They could be spending their hard earned cash at local restaurants and bars, keeping the local economy alive after the New Year hangover. I guess farming comes first, no matter how much daylight savings cost the British economy.

If the corporate state honestly believes that technology is the solution to all our problems, then why are we still living in the dark? We, the people, should be able to decide when we’d like see the sun rise and fall. Not the royal wizards of the prime meridian.

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Is it possible to live and thrive as a community in a leaderless state? Should the political and economic system collapse, it is highly unlikely that the establishment will try to pick up the pieces.

The UN has been pushing an agenda of global depopulation and environmental protection for decades. If the government enforces martial law, there will be rebellion, triggering thousands of civil wars across the world. Without funding the security services and military would slowly fall apart, until the top brass find themselves alone.

After the chaos and destruction many will realise that they need to work together as a community for any chance of survival. Should the 4th Industrial Age fail to materialise, new ideas on society will replace the old.

Self-sufficiency is the key, learning skills old and new, growing food wherever nature reclaims the urban sprawl. Without fossil fuels and the grid transport will be more traditional. More sail boats and steam trains and canal boats - but new forms of technology and transport will be developed quickly. Have you ever heard of Stanley Meyer’s water fuel cell? He ran a Massey Ferguson tractor in the 1970s on nothing but tap water. How about Ed Leeskalnin? He built a 10,000 ton castle in Florida by himself using something he called a Perpetual Motion Holder which harnessed natural electromagnetic field energies. Imagine what might be locked away in the abandoned complexes of various secret government and military programs.

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Have you ever experienced recurring dreams? Most lucid dreamers will find themselves caught up in a recurring dream once in a blue moon. I’ve personally spent six months at a metaphysical airport, and it took me quite a while to realise where I actually was. The airport was situated in limbo, a meeting point between the dreams of life and visions of death.

Those I met there had no idea that they were dead, each eternally waiting for their flight to exotic destinations, or perhaps even home. The terminal was in pristine condition, but the architecture looked Modernist, almost brutalist in design. The flights were always delayed or cancelled, and it was permanently daytime through the hazy windows of the high vaulted ceilings.

The whole experience has changed me and ever since I've never quite been able to shake the feeling that waking life is just another dream. Albeit a far larger one, shared by billions of minds, all convinced that their world is real.

What does the queen, blackrock, and a Chinese ex-fintech company have in common? They’re all incredibly rich. However only one of them bears the responsibility for a sixth of the world’s lands and seas. Yet she must soon handover to the next in line. The queen’s son and heir remains largely unpopular since Diana’s untimely death. Yet, as the Queen reaches the end of her reign, hurried meetings are taking place behind closed doors.

The wealth of the nations is up against the new economic order of neo-capitalism. Blackrock and Vanguard are the most successful financial asset management companies in the world. Their portfolio has caused controversy - owning over 16000 major American firms between them. They also control 90% of the US media, with major investments in social media, Pharma. healthcare, food and much more.

With the onset of the 4th Industrial age and the collectivisation of the technological hive mind, there will be no place for history and tradition. Only the facade will remain, and it will be celebrated as a historic day for democracy and freedom. Yet more power and responsibility can be handed to the government, as the blue bloods cash in before the last post sounds across the world.

The environmental agenda will act as the cover for an enormous exchange in power and wealth. The elites want their kingdom, corporatised countries filled with patented bodies and remote controlled minds. All this for their leisure, for their pampered egos, for self-made gods who despise the supremacy of nature.

Business is a religion, and religion is a business.

The etymology of language, particularly in regards to English, reveals a dark underbelly of modern society. A twilight world of miscommunicated mind games and hidden meanings found in everyday words.

For instance - if you'd describe yourself as a professional, then like it or not, your life belongs to an order, a cult, a sect.

If you wanted to become a professional in the 12th Century, you’d profess a vow of loyalty to the church. It was near enough a blood oath, using your own life as security should you welch on the deal. |n return for your absolute obedience, you’d get a free education, food and a roof over your head. Obviously you’d need to stick to the dress code, which was probably sackcloth back then, but nowadays it’s far more likely to be a business suit and even a tie.

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The elites have put everything on the line. They’re gambling everything they’ve got - their money, their power, their reputation - all their chips are on the table. It’s a panic decision and they know it. So far, they’re winning the argument, at least in the propaganda war. The vast majority of the world have gladly taken the bait, hook, line and sinker.

But some of us aren’t buying it, and even the duped are having second thoughts. It’s hard not to notice the rapid dismantling of every aspect of democracy. Money is now officially debt, truth is hateful, travel is no longer a right, real choice is a luxury, and above all, the state and its scientific actors know best - with no questions asked.

This video is part of the Thinking Allowed Archive - where thinking IS allowed and original thought celebrated.

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Created 2 years, 7 months ago.

35 videos

Category News & Politics