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Yet another part to my Atlyss progress, there's some new gear and neat stuff in the game with this new version update. Sorry for all of my sniffling, I have some bad allergies as usual.

Part three of my Atlyss stream / playthrough, they added a few new things to the game in version 0.8.0a.

In part two I farm for crowns, farm bosses, try the multiplayer, and discover some secrets and easter eggs in Atlyss.

In this part I reach level 10, defeat the Slime Diva boss, and obtain the hidden bunhost armor in Atlyss.

Back to doing no death speedruns in Dark Souls 2 SotFS. Completed in 3:17:30.

I'm still making sl1 characters all of these years later, it's fun.

They are so silly.

RuneScape iceberg, mysteries, oddities, rumors, trivia, theories, and secrets, this is part one. There may be more parts of this soon. This also counts as an OSRS iceberg even though it's mostly early RS2 / RSC. RuneScape is owned by Jagex, I am not affiliated with Jagex or RuneScape, this video falls under fair use.

You can find my blog which is what this video is based on here; https://www.timelierg.com/showthread.php?tid=319

Part fifteen of my Undertale Yellow blind playthrough, this is the final part to the true pacifist ending. I finished this a while ago but just got done uploading it now.

Part fourteen of my Undertale Yellow blind playthrough.

Part thirteen of my Undertale Yellow blind playthrough.

Part twelve of my Undertale Yellow blind playthrough.

Part eleven of my Undertale Yellow blind playthrough.

Part ten of my Undertale Yellow blind playthrough.

Part nine of my Undertale Yellow blind playthrough.

Part eight of my Undertale Yellow blind playthrough.

Part seven of my Undertale Yellow blind playthrough.

Part six of my Undertale Yellow blind playthrough, let me know if you want Wolfie to be in any more of these.

Part five of my Undertale Yellow blind playthrough, thank you for watching it!

Part four of my Undertale Yellow blind playthrough, I have a feeling this is going to take a lot more parts.

Part three of my Undertale Yellow blind playthrough. I'll try to release a new video every day when it comes to this series.

My playthrough of Undertale Yellow blind, this is part two.

My playthrough of Undertale Yellow blind, this is the first part. I have a few parts done so far and I'm really enjoying the coziness and aesthetic of the game. Sorry for my allergies also, I sniffle a lot.

I found a botter on the OSRS Trailblazer Reloaded League and decided to do something about it.

My OSRS Leagues 4 IV progress, this is part two. Enjoy the nostalgic video quality.


Created 5 years, 8 months ago.

95 videos

Category Gaming

My name is Logan "TimeLierG" Eberly, I'm a furry purple fox deer and spiritual Therian that likes to create videos and games, draw art, stream older games, love my eternally with me husband Wolfie, and binge read old internet stuff (I love early 2000s internet). If you'd like to know more about my interests check my other stuff!

TimeLierG Website/Archive: https://www.timelierg.com/

My Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/TimeLierG/

My Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TimeLierG

My Newgrounds Profile: https://timelierg.newgrounds.com/

My Furiffic Profile: https://www.furiffic.com/TimeLierG

My Twitter: https://twitter.com/TimeLierG

Can't post my e6 profile here, but I'm TimeLierG on there as well.

My 2nd Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8-d5kqYibtAgWLVMhkdnQQ

I archive all of my stuff on internet archives, feel free to archive stuff yourself if you want.

My favorite games include RuneScape 2 (2005-2006), Sonic Adventure (Dreamcast), Nights into Dreams, Sonic Gems / Mega Collection, Dark Souls, Team Fortress 2.

Disclaimer, this channel and links contain mature content and strong language, every video on here contains adult content and should not be viewable by anyone under the age of 18. If you are the age of eighteen or above then make sure you set your profile to see NSFW content or you will be missing all of my videos and won't be able to see them.