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Together In Truth


Congressman Matt Gates: "The reason why we are here at this field hearing chaired by Congresswoman Green instead of by one of our standing committees is because too many members are bought and paid for by Big Pharma. We must answer the 60 oversight requests laid out by Senator Johnson and follow up on them to ensure the American people get real answers."

Full Congressional Hearing:

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For the latest top stories on the COVID vaccines:

Interview with a covid vaccine victim that finally got a payout after years of hell (but not all of it yet.) She will also be suing the federal government. These stories are so important as Trudeau's and Tam's BS "No One Will Be Left Behind" fund could care less about Canadians and makes them jump hoops in their darkest hours. Carrie talks about the abuse.

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Dr. Brian Hooker: "There is a database that the CDC owns It's called the Vaccine Safety Data Link. I've actually been in I'm one of the few researchers that was led into the database for a very very short amount of time.

"And by my estimation there's at least 10,000 completely unvaccinated adults and children in that database. And that's plenty to do statistics on. And this is the type of study that we would want the government to do.

"And we've asked the government to do for many many years. And so that information is right there. But I think that the CDC um is very very afraid of what would happen if they do such a study."

Full interview:

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Yet another example of the shocking coercion tactics used behind mandatory vaccinations.

"Did you experience that kind of thing from higher above you people coming at you for not wanting to take the shot?"

"Yeah there were extreme amounts of coercion even before the mandate was in effect. So when I took command it was still two months before the shots were technically mandatory. And I can tell you that the battalion that I took command of was already at an 80% vaccinated rate And a lot of that because I would hear from the soldiers they would tell me that they had been under pressure was just coming from all sides."

For the latest top stories on the COVID vaccines:

Professor Murakami and Kevin McKernan claim to have identified SV40 in Pfizer vaccines. The presence of a potentially cancer-causing agent in vaccines raises concerns about potential harm and potential corruption within the pharmaceutical industry.

Studies have pointed to vaccine contamination dating back to the Merck Polio vaccine, which has been linked to Mesothelioma. Data also suggests that certain COVID-19 vaccine lot numbers may carry higher risks than others.

The evidence suggesting that pharmaceutical companies may have knowingly contributed to the development of cancers and serious diseases, while concealing adverse effects data, implies a level of awareness regarding the potential consequences of their actions.

Full video:


Created 2 years ago.

5 videos

Category Health & Medical

Together In Truth is dedicated to sharing, with a vast global gathering of independent-minded individuals, the latest news, videos, opinions, anecdotal articles, and podcasts discussing vaccines and most particularly in our times, the Covid-19 vaccines.

We believe that knowledge of what we put in our bodies is empowering toward the protection of our health and the protection of our constitutional rights. We serve the global public interested in factual knowledge and informed opinions on the vaccine choices we face, and who understand the importance of broadcasting these stories.

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