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Episode 2 of TNN is finally complete. It took a long time to put together, but hey, I think it turned out alright.

If you're looking for the South Park of news, look no further!

Tonight's episode sure does cover a lot! We take a look at Islamophobia-phobia, also known as, the fear of criticizing Islam. It's shown most prominently among the completely neutered police force of the UK. After that, we take a look at some anti-capitalist sentiment that we found on Twitter. We discuss some of what we find with an alt-right figurehead, Ben Shapiro. Once we kick him off the show, we move on to talking about white guilt. We look at the literary masterpiece of a poll that a Vox contributor posted on Twitter. We then discuss what we can do, as evil white oppressors, with the black white supremacist Candace Owens.


The things I say as a certain character do not directly relate to what I actually believe. They are just that, characters. They are meant to be the most extreme representatives of both sides. If you find yourself offended by any of the jokes that I wrote in, that just means that I did my job.

This is the first episode of my new satirical news series, TNN, or Twitter News Network. I'll be taking some of the internet's hottest takes head on by doing the most ridiculous thing possible: agreeing with them!

Of course, the production quality isn't very high, but the amount of time spent writing the script, voicing the characters, and doing simple editing adds up over time. Every episode will slowly improve, especially once I reach a larger audience.

If you've been looking for the "South Park" of internet news, look no further!


The things I say as a certain character do not directly relate to what I actually believe. They are just that, characters. They are meant to be the most extreme representatives of both sides. If you find yourself offended by any of the jokes that I wrote in, that just means that I did my job.


Created 5 years, 9 months ago.

2 videos

Category Entertainment

Acceptable humor has devolved to a point where some jokes are not allowed simply because someone feels like they must be offended on another person's behalf. If not soon, eventually it will reach a point where harmless jokes like mine will be a jail-able offense. Even sooner than that will be the inevitable de-platforming of things that are considered wrong think. I want to make humor humorous again, but it can't be done alone.

Whether it is on here, or on YouTube, your support is greatly appreciated.